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Dex Fillers


Politoed Lover
Sep 5, 2010
Reaction score
I'm looking for these Pokemon to help fill up my dex:


I'd appreciate any and all help! I haven't got anything fancy to offer since I'm not asking for anything fancy either, but I've got plenty of breedable Pokemon, including every starter, so just ask and I'll see what I can do. :)

Thanks for looking!
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Re: Dex Fillers (Primarily Sinnoh)

Do you happen to have Spoink? I can get you a Snorunt for it.. :)
Re: Dex Fillers (Primarily Sinnoh)

Sure. :D Just let me breed it down~
Re: Dex Fillers (Primarily Sinnoh)

Since I am on it, I might as well breed you a Starly and Burmy, so prepare 2 fillers as well.. ;)
Re: Dex Fillers (Primarily Sinnoh)

That would be great! But are you sure there's nothing else in particular I can give you? :eek: Also, would you prefer the Spoink in egg form or hatched? :)
Re: Dex Fillers (Primarily Sinnoh)

Nope, cause I only need Spoink for my non-legend dex.. :) If possible hatched would be better.. :)
Re: Dex Fillers (Primarily Sinnoh)

I can offer these for free. Just give me time to breed buneary, and pachirisu. ^^

Re: Dex Fillers (Primarily Sinnoh)

Nope, cause I only need Spoink for my non-legend dex.. :) If possible hatched would be better.. :)

Sure, that's fine. :D Thank you so much!

I can offer these for free. Just give me time to breed buneary, and pachirisu. ^^


Thank you a ton! Are you sure there's nothing specific I could get for you in return?
Re: Dex Fillers (Primarily Sinnoh)

Nah that's ok. :) I can poke transfer old pokemon at anytime, so I really don't need anything. Do you care if the pachirisu, and buneary are still in eggs, or do you want me to hatch them?
Re: Dex Fillers (Primarily Sinnoh)

I don't mind if they're still eggs. :D Thank you so much, I really appreciate the help!
Re: Dex Fillers (Primarily Sinnoh)

it's np, I really don't mind helping out others that need dex filling. ^^ I hatched the pachirisu so I might as well hatch the buneary too. I'll meet you in the wifi room in a few minutes. :)
Re: Dex Fillers (Primarily Sinnoh)

Sure thing, I'll meet you there! ^_^
Re: 3 Dex Fillers

Still need 3 more fillers, if anyone can help! Feel free to ask about any Pokemon I may have; I've got quite a lot from other gens.
Re: 3 Dex Fillers

I ran into a teddiursa lately that you can have.
Re: 3 Dex Fillers

Sorry for the wait! That would be awesome. :D Is there anything I could help you get in return?
Re: 3 Dex Fillers

Sure, I can do that. :D I'll breed it soon.

Edit: I've got it ready for when you are. :)
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