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Do U believe that N or Hilbert/Hilda are more suited for being Ash's main Rival

Do u believe N or Hilbert/Hilda more suited for being Ash's main rival ?

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Hurricane Kishore

Sep 9, 2011
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Today, I read Junichi Masuda's imformation about N
Then it hit me, What if Both N & Hilbert/Hilda was Ash's main rival
It would be lot better then seeing Ash getting his butt kick by some Rocky Paul wannbe Trip
I have no interest in what kind of Team Rocket Ark there are planing
What the best can they do ? They probably gonna give a Genesect in control of Giovanni & Ash probably gonna pair up with Mewtwo in order to stop them
Nope, I have no interest Ash battling a middle age man to save the world
N is so much better. He is young, good looking, strong, increditboly Smart , Kind, gentle & sort of a Antihero
I am much interest in Ash battling him to save the world then Giovanni
I can imagine it now
Ash & co Meeting N. N became interested at Ash after he save & befriended a rough Pokemon & they kind a bonded with each other. Ash thought N as a guy who loves pokemon only to find letter that N want's to separate both human & pokemon. After finding that out Ash think N as a Friend & became determain to stop him because N is his friend.
Ash & co reach a town & Ash rush off to Battle club while Iris & clian meet Bianca who reveal that her childhood friend is in this city who happen to be Hildert/Hilda. Ash & Hilbert/Hilda met one another & they form a rivalry .They often argue about who will become a champion.
Hilbert/Hilda reveal that he/she know about N and his plan. He/she told Ash about his/her confortation against N & how he/she want to stop him
Ash and Hilbert/Hilda both meet N who told them that they have to be stronger just like he is trying to get strong. He also reveal that he already won the Pokemon League conference & has the authority to challenge the champion league which he will do after achiving a important tool
Knowing that Ash & Hilbert/Hilda became even determine to win the Unova league. Ash & Hilbert/Hilda also tried to stop N in Dragonspiral tower but both of them were Defected as N flew away with Reshiram. Letter Hilbert/Hilda was given the Dark stone by Drayden
Ash & Hilbert/Hilda decide to face N again. But they have to win the League conference first since there could be only one winner.
Ash Face Hilbert/Hilda in final & both of them want to win in order face N. After a hard battle Ash became Victorious. But there wasn't any time for celebration As N already Challenge the Champion League
N defect the Elite 4 without Reshiram help. As Alder prepare himself to Face N , Ash start Battling other E4 trainer to make himself ready
He manage to beat other E4 & manage to reach just in time to see Alder defect against N
Then N summon his castle. Ash & Hilbert/Hilda run toward N only to get stop by Seven Sage
But the Gym leader came to help as Ash & Hilbert/Hilda head toward N. Inside the Castle they met 2 girl who told them about N's past
Then Ash & Hilbert/Hilda both battle Against N but they were no match for Reshiram.
As N Speak about his truth, Ash stand up saying his ideal causing the dark stone to glow & Zekrom appear before Ash. Hilbert/hilda throw the Dark stone toward Ash & told him Zekrom has chosen him as his trainer
Ash then Battle N & his Reshiram. Both were evenly match untill Ash find a way to defect N
After his defect, N start to doubt his truth. Ghetsis appear in front of him angry & Disspointed
He reveal his truth plan of being only trainer with pokemon to Dominate the world & angrily attack Ash. Fortunatly N save Ash by taking the Attack on himself & got seriously wounded
As Ghetsis say N useless, Ash get angry at Ghetsis for manipulating N & Decide to defect him without Zekrom help
He manage to defect all Ghetsis's pokemon & give him the taste of Pikachu's thunder volt
After that Ghetsis was taken to custody. N apologize & release Reshirem. As he leave, Ash feel sorry for him & told him he like to have a REAL BATTLE against him someday
N say's It's a promise as he left
Then Hilbert/Hilba Went to help looker to arrest the 7 sage & Ash head toward Kento
Now that how Best wish story should be like
I want N & Hilbert/Hilda as Ash's rival not some Paul wannabe
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I think it is reasonable to expect, even at this point, that N will be introduced into the anime, though N is likely to be presented as more of a villain than a 'rival', due to his Team Plasma connection and Ash's simple good/evil complex.

Further to that, N doesn't make sense to be challenging the Pokemon League, he isn't a normal trainer, he is someone with a complex back story that needs to be well explored. Ash's association with him needn't be to try and defeat him, quite the opposite, Ash's goal would be to demonstrate the good nature people can have towards Pokemon and especially his true friendship with Pikachu, the problem here being that Ash's rotation policy means he can't exactly do that too much beyond perhaps Oshawott.

My tip for the link between them - Snivy was N's. N won't be able to understand why a Pokemon who would choose to leave him as a trainer (backing up his view that Pokemon see themselves as captive to trainers and want to be set free) would then be happy to be with another trainer - and will see Ash as a bad person for capturing a Pokemon that wanted to be free. Ash will probably say something along the lines that he'd let any Pokemon of his free if that's what they wanted (if this wasn't BW with its fear of mentioning the past, a montage of his releases would fit well) and make the argument it is wrong to force anyone to do that.

As for Hilbert/Hilda (I hate those names), well Ash is* Hilbert - they have the same clothes for a reason. Hilda on the other hand is no doubt going to be neglected because of the usual bias against females who can battle - she'd be in Iris' place doing Contests if they still existed^- I expect a COTD appearance at best.

She probably deserves more, but I don't expect it. There's also no reason she'd make a particularly interesting rival - a better looking one, yes - but otherwise she'd have the same poor writing that ruined Trip. Bianca fills the role of the game-derived female rival and is at least fun, something they probably couldn't work in with Hilda.

* Yes, not literally, but it is certainly not a coincidence and establishes a link to the in game character for kids who are starting off with BW.
^ That said, the fan art of Dawn as Hilda looks perfect, so I'd certainly have rathered Dawn go to Unova with new clothes than introducing a Hilda derived coordinator
No, I like how the anime differs from the games. N, just doesn't seem like the type that Ash would obtain a rivalry against, especially not a Main Rival. Nor does Hilda/Hilbert- well, it depends on how the writers characterise them. However, I didn't pick the "No" option, as just because I don't feel they suit, doesn't mean I feel Trip suits.
I think it is reasonable to expect, even at this point, that N will be introduced into the anime, though N is likely to be presented as more of a villain than a 'rival', due to his Team Plasma connection and Ash's simple good/evil complex.

Further to that, N doesn't make sense to be challenging the Pokemon League, he isn't a normal trainer, he is someone with a complex back story that needs to be well explored. Ash's association with him needn't be to try and defeat him, quite the opposite, Ash's goal would be to demonstrate the good nature people can have towards Pokemon and especially his true friendship with Pikachu, the problem here being that Ash's rotation policy means he can't exactly do that too much beyond perhaps Oshawott.

My tip for the link between them - Snivy was N's. N won't be able to understand why a Pokemon who would choose to leave him as a trainer (backing up his view that Pokemon see themselves as captive to trainers and want to be set free) would then be happy to be with another trainer - and will see Ash as a bad person for capturing a Pokemon that wanted to be free. Ash will probably say something along the lines that he'd let any Pokemon of his free if that's what they wanted (if this wasn't BW with its fear of mentioning the past, a montage of his releases would fit well) and make the argument it is wrong to force anyone to do that.

As for Hilbert/Hilda (I hate those names), well Ash is* Hilbert - they have the same clothes for a reason. Hilda on the other hand is no doubt going to be neglected because of the usual bias against females who can battle - she'd be in Iris' place doing Contests if they still existed^- I expect a COTD appearance at best.

She probably deserves more, but I don't expect it. There's also no reason she'd make a particularly interesting rival - a better looking one, yes - but otherwise she'd have the same poor writing that ruined Trip. Bianca fills the role of the game-derived female rival and is at least fun, something they probably couldn't work in with Hilda.

* Yes, not literally, but it is certainly not a coincidence and establishes a link to the in game character for kids who are starting off with BW.
^ That said, the fan art of Dawn as Hilda looks perfect, so I'd certainly have rathered Dawn go to Unova with new clothes than introducing a Hilda derived coordinator
Well said
But u see, The main problem of making N a main rival is the Difference between Game & Anime
In game, In order to Challenge Elite 4 & Champion ,The player only has to collect 8 Gym Badge
Which is why N could be both villain & Rival
But In Anime,Getting 8 gym badge isn't enough to enter the Champion league. A trainer also must win the League conference in order to challenge Elite 4 & Champion
This what make N & Ash rivalry Diffiault .
So The only way It can be Possible if N already a League conference victor from the start But he postpone his Challenge to the Champion League in order to get Zekrem/Reshirem.
Which why Ash has train harder & win the league conference to stop N
Writer could have the cilmax at the league conference but it not a right place
The Right place is where N can face of the strongest Unova trainer Alder
By the way, Just because Ash wear Hilbert's outfit doesn't make him Hilbert. Just like wearing Lucas's outfit didn't make Ash Lucas. He was shown in the 2nd Dp movie
Ash is Ash.
Defecting N was mainly Hilbert/Hilda destiny. The reason Ash face off Team Magma, Aqua & Galatic cause May & Dawn was with Him
But if Hilbert/Hilda became rival then Ash might face N. I want Hilda specialy if she at the same age as Ash
Cause they might turn out to be better couple . But shipping has nothing to do with this thread
It isn't exactly established in the games that N collects Gym badges (I think it runs counter to his views, why should Pokemon fight to earn him shiny bits of metal) - it's a formality you can bypass when you have your own evil team and a conveniently located castle. So unless Team Plasma build up to disrupting the Pokemon League to force everyone there to release their Pokemon, I think the storyline would be resolved by then and certainly not result in either of them getting Zekrom/Reshiram or a champion battle - there's no need or precedent for following the storyline of the games that closely.

That said, there is the shadowing of Ash's Zekrom connection in the first episode, so I do expect N to appear with Reshiram at some point, but I'd expect that to be resolved with Kyurem intervening.

By the way, Just because Ash wear Hilbert's outfit doesn't make him Hilbert. Just like wearing Lucas's outfit didn't make Ash Lucas. He was shown in the 2nd Dp movie
Ash is Ash.
But (I don't want to go in to this too much), as you'll note with the movie usage, the use of the same clothes is there to show a connection or parallel between characters, in that case across time, in this case across canon. I think Ash looking identical to Hilbert rules out a Hilbert derived character.
Yes, N should definitely have been Ash's rival along with Cheren. Ash basically is Hilbert and were unlikely to ever see him outside of a movie cameo. I'm not saying they're the same person, but he's simply taken Hilbert's place in the anime. The same way he took Ethan's, Brendan's, and Lucas's. I'm interested to see where Hilda's gonna show up, because she really should've been the one traveling with Ash instead of Iris.

Ash and N have 2 completely different views on pokemon. Ash is basically living proof that N's wrong about people and pokemon. However when I played the game and listened to N I was able to understand where he was coming from. Guy made a lot of sense and I think that's something that would carry over to the anime nicely. He could cause Ash to question his own beliefs and second guess himself. Eventually Ash would overcome it and emerge stronger than ever, not just in terms of his bond with his pokemon but as a stronger person overall.
U believes N is not a rival-kind person, but N could be an antagonist like Hunter J.
U believes N is not a rival-kind person, but N could be an antagonist like Hunter J.

Who is this U person anyway? And why do so many people care what he thinks? :p

As others have mentioned, Ash has pretty much become Hilbert the same way Trip has become Cheren for the purposes of the series. The anime has it's own way of setting up rivalries, which doesn't really suit N's story. Nope, if the Plasma plot is handled well, I can see N being more of an "anti-villian" than a rival, with Ghetsis remaining the main villain like in the games.
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Definitely N. He's going to be one of the best rivals ever portrayed if they do introduce him as one.

Maybe Hilda or Hilbert could be good rivals of Ash... if they appear older than ten, seriously.
I don't think either Hilbert or Hilda would be more suited to being Ash's main rival because as non-talking player characters, I don't think I'd be particularly excited or anticipate their debut in the anime. They're essentially a blank canvas and with Trip taking aspects of Cheren, I think that Herbert or Hilda would too if Trip wasn't there.
Man, I should have another option in the poll
Just N & Hilda not Hilbert
Does anyone want Hilda as a rival
By the way, does anyone read my completete fan fiction
It about how Ash & Hilda face off N
In my opinion Hilda&Hilbert look and are too much like Ash to be his rivals... They would kind of steal the show and that wouldn't be good.

I can't see N as a main rival because Satoshi's rivals are always into catching, battling and training Pokémon. And while N's way of thinking would be something new, it wouldn't work as a main rivarly... As an antagonist, yes, but not as a league rival.
It really doesn't matter if Bianca or Hilda was to be Ash's rival. Both are game characters in all. But N is a different story. But for Hilbert, it doesn't make sense because Ash is wearing the exact outfit he is supposed to be. But I'm not going to get into that.
I think Cheren would be a better rival for Ash than Trip is, Hilbert is basically the same person as Ash, the only difference is that Hilbert is a few years older, 10x smarter, and a far better trainer than Ash is.

On the subject of N, we won't be sure until (or at this point, IF) Team Plasma appears, but I have the horrible feeling that if N appears, he will have everything of his character related to Team Plasma completely stripped from him, and simply reduced to a Tobias expy (like Trip is a Paul expy) who defeats Ash in the Unova League by using a team consisting only of Legendaries, fans will refer to this N as "U" (Unnatural Harmonia Gropius), or "N name only" to prove fans that the N in the anime is not the same N as the one in the games we know and love.
I think N could bring the necessary drama that the show needs, but not in the form of Satoshi's rival. N is on a completely different level than Satoshi is on- in goals; and feelings about pokemon. Rivals do need a similar goal in order for their rivalry to work, and N is just not that character.

. And while N's way of thinking would be something new, it wouldn't work as a main rivarly... As an antagonist, yes, but not as a league rival.

Yes, I agree; I would describe N as more as an antagonist, rather than a rival. Although Satoshi and N's interactions would be interesting and unique, it would never manifest itself into a rivalry.

Also, Hilda and Hilbert are not needed at this point. We already have other people that could fill their shoes easily.
Adding to what Paperhorse and Meron have said, N would do a good job of challenging Ash's views on how people treat Pokémon; however, this wouldn't relate to Ash's goal of becoming a Pokémon Master. That isn't N's goal.

So while he wouldn't be the best rival, he would certainly be a good antagonist who might bring a greater level of depth to the show.

I don't think Hilbert and Hilda would fulfill the the roles of rivals, either. Since they're the playable characters, they don't have much personality to start with, and like others have said, they might have been too much like Ash.
^^ I agree about Hilda/Hilbert being player characters, thus not having a defined personality. And Hilbert's outfit is a little too similar to Ash's anyway.

I don't think N would be a good rival, but if it FINALLY gave him an appearance in the anime, then I'd be all for it. I really want N to have multiple appearances in the anime...
I think Hilbert would make a good rival. Well, I guess they'd have to change his outfit a little, due to Ash. I don't like Hilde, so.... yeah. I could go without seeing her. :sweatlol:

Now N, however, is not suited for a rival. He is way too great to be a rival. Rivals (except Paul) are all too shallow and goofy. That would not work for someone of N's caliber. He has depth and mystery. Not to mention he looks so handsome:awww:. I guess Barry, Paul, and Trip's looks aren't bad.... They're all OKAY.

By the way, Trip's alright at being a rival. I think we're all just disappointed because he isn't like Paul. Paul actually has character development, something we have yet to see with Trip. All we know it that he loves that camera of his and takes unnecessary pictures.:eh:
I feel as though that since Hilbert/Hilda are blank slates, the writers have a unique opportunity, if they wish to take it, to create very unique characters. Because of what everyone else posted about Hilbert being taken up by Ash, I could see that, maybe a better character to utilize would be Hilda. I'm not suggesting a regular occuring rival, as we have our hands full with them right now in the Battle Tournament, but for Hilda to make an appearance, let's say in an arc (like Lyra), we could have the opportunity to see a well-defined older female trainer that could help the group out in a certain way by slapping Iris in the face like helping with training or just joining the group temporarily.

I'm imagining Hilda's character as being spunky but serious when it comes to battling. Maybe something of a Cynthiaesque character that could be a mature strong force to the group for a while, just so we could at least get an appearance.

As for N, I really hope that when he does make an appearance, his character isn't squandered by bad-writting, or a bad VA. He has so much potential in making B/W very interesting. I really can't see N being Ash's rival as that seems under him. He doesn't battle to just battle, the only reason he battles in Black and White is when he confronts the player-character and they start their debate on the philosophy of pokemon. If he meets up with Ash and starts doing that then maybe we'll get a battle out of them in which Ash will get curb-stomped, but I don't think they'll ever have a rivalry like any of Ash's other rivals.
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I agree with you SOOO much Torterra Traniner!!! I simply CANNOT have them mess up N's personality. N fights with a reason, unlike Ash who does it just to do it.

But I also think that the interaction between Ash and N would be interesting. N as a minor antagonist, though. Not a rival. I say "minor", Cause, I mean, N isn't really evil. He has good intentions and let's be honest, if he were evil, he would be prying Pikachu out of Ash's hands right now. :blush:

Let's just say that N better make an appearance and fast. He's the only thing that can save Black & White right now!!! I'm waiting, Pokemon. I'm waiting.:eek:hdear:
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