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Do you have any shiny pokemon from the older games?

Had a shiny Paras on Gold that I evolved into Parasect, and I SAW a shiny Electabuzz in the Battle Pyramid on Emerald. And to this day I feel mocked by that. Cruel, cruel fate.
I have neither caught nor seen a shiny besides the Red Gyarados.

At all. T_T

I have a shiny Geodude on Emerald and another one on LeafGreen. Caught a shiny Shuppet on my first saved game on Sapphire but a friend of mine deleted the file... >_> As for Silver and Crystal, I have a Jigglypuff and of course the Red Gyarados. And using the old trick of getting a shiny Ditto from Pokémon Red, I used it to get a shiny Eevee, Togepi, Pichu, Psyduck and others I forget now. ^^;
The boring Red Gyarados, Ursaring, Crobat and Pidgeot in my Gold game, that's all folks!
I used to have a shiny Ditto from the trick as well, but I never got any more shinies from breeding it. I only had legitimately caught shiny Ledyba, Onix, and I think a Rattata. That data from Silver is now lost as I have restarted it from pure boredom. I only have two shinies in Fire Red, originally caught in Ruby from restarting it several times to get all the pokes. A Makuhita and Illumise.
Heh i've got one gold Poochyena in Emerald just close by LittleRoot Town..and that was at the beginning of the game-now so that is what i could call it luck.
I have a deep blue horsea on fire red, I saw a shiny zubat on a silver rom many years ago before the games where released in the US and thought it was a bug ^^
I have the red Gyarados (of course) and a blue Yanma on my Silver Version.
And on my LeafGreen I have a shiny Paras, and Diglett. In Emerald, I have a Flygon, Spinda, Poochyena, and a Chinchou.
Ironically, I have the least amount of hours on Emerald.
For the 3rd Genereation I have a shiny Zigzagoon which was a promo in the US awhile back.

In the 2nd Generation: I have a Shiny Wigglytuff and Gyarados.
You guys are lucky, the only shiny I've ever encountered and caught was the Red Gyarados.

But I have run into a shiny, orange Latias during a Battle Tower battle and a shiny, blue-green Milotic in the Battle Pike, but of course I couldn't capture them. -_-;;
Other than the sharked ones and the red Gyarados on G/S/C, nothing. I've run into a shiny Seaking in the Trainer Tower in FR/LG. How it mocked me. ;_;
Please note: The thread is from 12 years ago.
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