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Doppelgangers- Good Morning, New York (Non-Pokemon RP)

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Demonic Bass Player
Dec 28, 2010
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You are a Duplicate, on the run from the authorities. A Duplicate is a clone of a real person, with all their memories and characteristics. These Duplicates were created in a flawed experiment by the military, and led to the Duplicates and their counterparts being held without trial by the military.
However, during a transport of the Duplicates and the originals from one prison to another, via New York, the Duplicates were able to escape. Now on the run from the authorities, these Duplicates must attempt to rescue what is essentially themselves.

Keep things PG-13, for violence and romance.
The Duplicates aren't robots, or superheroes, they're perfectly destructible. Keep that in mind.
Feel free to have a few characters. So long as you can control them, I don't mind.

Name: (Can be the same as the Clonee, or different)
Age: (...The age of the person they're cloned from.. the Duplicates are actually 2.)
Relationship with Clonee: (Why do they want to rescue them?)
RP Sample: (A paragraph or two, covering the Duplicate first waking up, and their first conversation with the Clonee)

Um... In case you're wondering, I'm using Clonee as the word for someone who's been cloned. I have no idea if that's right or not.
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