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DP evolution data: revealed for real!

Zhen Lin

May 2, 2003
Reaction score
Evolution chart

Admittedly there are gaps - I have no clue what methods 16 - 26 are. The tag those are most likely the required item, but I can't be sure.

Also... this pretty much confirms that the item index numbers of DP are different from RSE/FRLG.
I hate blank bulbapedia pages with just charts can you add at least a paragraph or a graphic picture?
These are not articles, these are my user subpages.
Item 80=Sun Stone
Item 81=Moon Stone
Item 82=Fire Stone
Item 83=Thunder Stone
Item 84=Water Stone
Item 85=Leaf Stone
Item 221=King's Rock
Item 223=Metal Coat
Item 226=Deepseatooth
Item 227=Deepseascale
Item 235=Dragon Scale
Item 252=Upgrade

Yeah, a lot of gaps. :p
That's just laziness on my part. Alarm bells started ringing when I saw, Pikachu evolves into Raichu by using Super Repel. Obviously they've changed around the index numbers.
Item 110 is the 50% held-item of Pinpuku, Chansey and Blissey. As it happens, Pinpuku evolves into Chansey by method 18, tag 110... so it's possibly something like "evolves by happiness if holding (item)".
Evolved Pokemon retain their happiness level, no?

If that's true, then evolving Chansey to Blissey would easy now... hmmm.
Well. The other possibility is something like "level up while holding (item)" but only Pinpuku uses method 18.
Method 23 looks like it could be "female gender requirement" since Minomucchi --> Minomadam and Mitsuhoney --> Beequeen both have it

Method 22 is, then, probably "male gender requirement"
According to Coronis, the following items that are likely for evolution exist.

Eerie Incense: powers up psychic moves
Mysterious Plate: increases psychic moves power
Circular Stone: to evolve certain pokemon
Fist Plate: increases fighting moves power
Spirit Plate: increase ghost moves power

I think Circular Stone would be for Togejet and Roserade.
And in case some of you didn't notice, once again...

No Manaphy evolutions.
I'm thinking Manaphy had a rejected party sprite that they neglected to remove from the game's data.
There is also another stats entry with the same basic data as Manaphy only with 80 stats all-round right before Manaphy.

I'd find it unlikely they'd remake Manaphy instead of tweaking it.
There is some incomplete data for a handful of unused Pokemon, though, I don't find it that unlikely.
At the end are two empty spaces, followed by three Deoxys forms, and two Bug-types that I believe are alternate forms for one of the new Pokemon.

- Trip
Actually, the Sea Slug thing and evo are either Pink or Blue depending on location, as is the same for Minomuchi'e female evo and pre-evo.
Heh. They were Unown'd on a much smaller scale.

Speaking of evolution methods
using item 107: Light Stone
using item 108: Dark Stone
The bagworms are pretty cool. In real-life, female bagworms remain in a pupa-like wingless state and male bagworms metamorphose into moths, just like Minomutchi. ^^ I wonder where the three variations of Minomutchi are? It looks like Garmeil remains the same no matter what sort of Minomutchi it evolves from.
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