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DP Super Music Collection


Registered User
Oct 17, 2005
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DP Music Rips

Hey, I managed to rip some tunes. First time doing it, tell me how they came out. Right click and save as, Quicktime seemed to skip a few beats when I played it in the browser rather than save as.

http://home.earthlink.net/~dreadsilver/DPMusic/vsGymLeader.mp3 - Gym Leader Battle
http://home.earthlink.net/~dreadsilver/DPMusic/vsChampion.mp3 - Champion Battle

If they turned out all right, I might rip some more. It works fine in Winamp and MediaPlayer for me, but for some reason it messes in Quicktime. Help on that?
Are those really rips or did you hook up your DS to your line in and recorded it?
They come from the ROM of Pokemon Pearl. They seem to be cut off, but that's actually where they're supposed to loop.

http://home.earthlink.net/~dreadsilver/DPMusic/bgmLake.mp3 - Music for the lakes
http://home.earthlink.net/~dreadsilver/DPMusic/vsPokemon.mp3 - Standard Pokemon Battle
http://home.earthlink.net/~dreadsilver/DPMusic/vsTrainer.mp3 - Standard Trainer Battle
http://home.earthlink.net/~dreadsilver/DPMusic/vsRival.mp3 - Rival Battle

Earthlink only gives 10mb for its free website service. So I'll have to find some other site to upload to.

I tried to use Putfile. Can't seem to play it in my browser, tell me if it works for you: http://media.putfile.com/vsPokemon1
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What tools did you use to rip them?

Oh, and the song on Putfile works. Though you should elaborate the song is(like when you hear it)
You're using VGMTrans, right? To make it loop there's only two option: Either manually edit the midi file to make it loop twice or when you finish recording, loop that recording twice (much more difficult).

Actually there's a third option: Wait for VGMTrans to add loop in it's program. XP
I'm not that far in the game, but from what I've seen, every route, town, and special event has its own theme music. So you've got a lot ahead of you.. I will say that the music is very good though!
Actually, it's a combo of VGMTrans for playing them, VanRecord to turn them to .ogg and FreeRip to make them MP3. I'm not making this into some kind of project though XP I just wanted to rip the battle songs 'cuz I like them. I'll try to loop them. Until I get the actual game on DS (It'll arrive next week hopefully) I'll have to guess at where they intended to loop to.
I downloaded Wavepad to do the cutting and pasting for making it loop. I had to guess where the loop was intended, so I'll probably go back once I get the game from yesasia and edit again.
http://home.earthlink.net/~thjax/Music/vsGymleaderLOOP.mp3 - Attempt at looping the Gym battle theme.
http://home.earthlink.net/~thjax/Music/vsChampionLOOP.mp3 - I had trouble determining where the Champion battle looped. So I looped it to the orchestra hit, but it doesn't seem right.
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Thanks a lot for ripping these! I really like the Gym Leader battle music (especiall your looped version, thanks for doing that) but I'm not too hot on the rest so far.
IMO, the battle music in D/P are nice, but they aren't as good as the ones in previous games. For example, I knew they couldn't beat the awesome gym battle theme from R/S/E. However, I have to admit that wild pokemon and normal trainer themes are cool (which is a good thing since you have to hear them a lot of times).
I heard some of these music in the DP Episodes, and they were pretty good. It's kind of a gothic sounding if you ask me.
You ROCK. And if it's not too much trouble, think you could find these too?


wubu :*

But seriously, Sunain's dump is just an automatic conversion to MIDI, which apparently resulted in a MAJOR loss of data and really hurt the music. I'm glad it's apparently a lot better than I thought.
There is no loss of data, per se, but the instrumentation be wrong.
Actually, VGMTrans does the main work of isolating the songs from the game. All I really do is capture the sound and make it mp3, then upload it. Thanks though, hehehe XD
The more I listen to the gym leader theme the more it makes me think of Star Fox than Pokemon. Though, that's far from a bad thing.
oh my god, thats so Magnificent!
Someone who has all this music done, I have the roms and cant get them to work sadly, oh well. Thanks so much for contributing these here for us. Thanks again, the music is so amazing and so original to the pokemon sounds! ^__^ definatly a classic, thanks again
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