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Review DP013: Mukkuru Perseveres! ・ DP014: Leave It to Takeshi!


Jun 11, 2004
Reaction score
Okay, from what I've heard about the preview...

Bonsly and Mukkuru are....glowing....0.o

Bonsly shoots something from it's head (or so I heard)

Meowth dresses up as Shiftry

Greggle hits Seviper.

Pikachu rides on a Pidgeot while followed by Mukkuru.

Begin Pidgeot returning, and Bonsly/Mukkuru evo speculation, now.
heh the word shinka was used in the preview and while they were glowing they were growing too, next week is gonna be SWEET!
It's bizarre, but if we do have Mukkubird already, a Mukkuhawk is alot more likely....
Really? Bonsly was growing too? I'll have to look up the preview when I'm back on my computer in my dorm...

I'll be disappointed if Bonsly's evolving already, to be quite honest. D/P's barely begun, and we really haven't seen that much of it overall, particularly compared to its counterpart, Mime Jr. And it's not a happiness evolution, so as far as Brock's Pokémon go, this evolution's coming out of the blue...

Mukkuru evolution would be cool, if also really early. Pidgeot returning would be a fan dream come true.
Technically, Bonsly evolves when it knows Mimic, which have we seen it use it? Maybe the beam attack in the preview is it?
... when I think Mimic, I don't usually think "beam"...
It hasn't used Mimic before now.

It is too early for Sudowoodo. Maybe in a couple of years but we have enough Johto Pokémon at the moment with the yet-to-be-evolved Aipom, Misdreavus and Murkrow.
Well, it looked like Psybeam I heard leading some to believe it is copying Dustox's Psybeam.
It sure looks like Bonsly is evolving to me. I never thought it would happen, especially since it'll lose its advertisement status and go back to a G/S Pokemon.

And Ash's flying types always evolve to their final stage, so Mukkuru evolving this early would be understandable if they want to evolve it a second time by middle Shinou.

The writers always trick us with random Pidgeot's, it's very doubtful its anything but a wild one from the forest.

Question: Are there any attacks which both Bonsly and Nuzleaf learn? Through any means? Would look it up on Bulbapedia, but I'm leaving work in about fifteen minutes; it occured to me as possible, since no one's mentioned how Nuzleaf seems to fit into all this, and I recall Bonsly learning some Dark attacks...

If there is, maybe Bonsly will be taught an attack by its Nuzleaf friend? That would make sense and be interesting...
The Pidgeot probably belongs too the COTD, who I belive is a Bird Researcher.

Greggle and Sudowoodo....god...just great...
Bonsly is problably learning Copy and copying someone else's attack. I doubt it would evolve so soon. Copy IS the thing's trademark attack, next to Fake Tears, and now that it's DP, they can finally start having it learn Gen 4 moves.
It's been almost 50 episodes since Takeshi captured Usohachi. I predict it will evolve.
If you watch closely when Mukkuru glows, it begins to grow into a Mukubird shape.

When Usohachi began glowing the narrator said something like, "It's evolution!"

Debate really isn't necessary in either case...
No offense...

But, will anyone miss Bosnly much? I won't.
Well, now that I can see said preview - yeah, definite evolution, that.

... this really is turning out to be a strange episode, though. Bonsly evolving, Nuzleaf playing a major role? Hoping for the best, as always, and not seeing any reason for it to be bad - but... hmm. It still seems odd.

Habunake: *I* will. Bonsly defines cute. !_!
I just remember the love for Bonsly being not too high....

You know...are we sure it is Ash's Mukkuru? 0.o
Before the whole "It's evolution!" line, you can pretty clearly hear 'em mention "Satoshi no Mukkuru" and "Takeshi no Usohachi".
The Pidgeot does have my hopes up even though I know it'll probably be a filler character's. Both evolutions seem fairly obvious I think. As Agry said Mukkuru is already growing in the preview. Also even though Bonsly still acts like a baby it could evolve since it atleast in the games it learns mimic at level 17 and I think that seeing how Brock has had Bonsly for quite a while it wouldn't be too out there for Bonsly to be learning the attack. I realize the psybeam could verywell be Imitate there's almost just as good of a chance that it's mimic.

No offense...

But, will anyone miss Bosnly much? I won't.

I was ready for it to evolve in that Golden Sudowoodo ep. I'm pretty much glad that thing's leaving, but if it's a whinney Sudowoodo too that'll just be as annoying.
A Sudowoodo with Brock will be a hell of a lot more entertaining than Bonsly.

Bonsly's crying and Brock feeding him got boring a long time ago. It had a few nice moments in BF but what more can you do with it? Let it evolve or else it'll turn into another Togepi.

This gives Brock licking that Sudowoodo from Johto a whole new meaning. They'll also have to redraw the opening and take Bonsly out of Brock's arms and put Sudowoodo next to him.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
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