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Dw Female Magby! (Closed)


Patron Saint of Nightmares
Aug 4, 2011
Reaction score
My Dw collections complete! <3 So I'm done with this thread.
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Re: Dw Females

Don't worry about it. ^^;;

Hm...Do you have a Bagon, Machop, Rhyhorn, and Staryu? :3

Edit: I think I have Yanma too. ^^

Yes to the first 3. And unfortunately I don't have genderless Dw pokes. :p Unless I can find one in the dw tonight, but otherwise anything else you could want? :eek:
Re: Dw Females

I just meant a normal Staryu. It doesn't have to be DW. I just want it to train it for a Wi-Fi battle I'm supposed to have tonight or tomorrow. XD

But I will breed Taillow, Yanma, Stantler, Horsea, and Numel. ^^
Re: Dw Females

I just meant a normal Staryu. It doesn't have to be DW. I just want it to train it for a Wi-Fi battle I'm supposed to have tonight or tomorrow. XD

But I will breed Taillow, Yanma, Stantler, Horsea, and Numel. ^^

Ohh then ya I do. xD And one more then! I want it to be fair on both parts. o.o;;
Re: Dw Females

Hmm...I don't know what else I'd want, tbh. Female DW Rhyhorn?

Haha Okay I'm breeding you rhyhorn, bagon, machop, and staryu for numel, horsea, yanma, stantler, and taillow? so we need one more. :p how bout a dw pichu or something?? idk. x3
Re: Dw Females

Okay. I didn't know you could get DW Pichu though. I learned something new. XD

But I'll be working on your Pokemon. :3
Re: Dw Females

I'll offer a Female DW Makuhita for a Female DW Absol.

Deal! :D I'll breed you one asap! :]

Edit: Sorry I ended up finding one in the Dw today. So I won't be needing the one you offered.
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Re: Dw Females

hello, i can offer a fdw Clamperl do you have a fdw Chinchou ?
Re: Dw Females

I'm looking for the following DW females and I'm willing to offer my own DW females in return, I have pretty much every thing else that's not listed obviously. :p And if there's anything else you want egg-moved pokemon or whatever feel free to ask.

Windswept Sky:

Sparkling Sea:

Rugged Mountain:

Pending Orders:

I'll need to double check when I get home in a few hours, but I should have Buizel and Mantine DW females that I could breed. In exchange, could I get a female DW Absol and Cacnea?
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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