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DW Gligar IV Breeding Leftovers


New Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
All the Gligars have the Immunity DW ability and are UT, but some may not be Lv. 1 b/c I put some in the daycare. (Assume that all of them are Lv. 1 unless otherwise noted.) However, all of them have 0 EVs in everything. The egg moves are nothing special, just Poison Sting, U-Turn, and X-Scissor, all of which Gligar can learn on his own anyway. For all Gligars, I'll list nature, gender, and IV spread.

Lv. 6, Naughty, Female, 1/25/1/9/21/24
Jolly, Male, 6/31/25/28/31/12
Bold, Male, 24/31/31/15/22/31
Jolly, Male, 7/25/31/8/31/18
Mild, Male, 12/6/31/19/31/31
Mild, Female, 6/21/19/1/20/31
Lv. 17, Calm, Female, 6/25/19/9/18/31
Hardy, Female, 6/31/28/5/20/31
Adamant, Male, 26/0/31/8/18/31
Lv. 20, Serious, Female, 3/31/10/15/31/31
Quiet, Female, 3/23/31/15/10/25
Lonely, Male, 19/31/18/10/31/31
Naive, Male, 14/23/31/4/31/31
Careful, Male, 8/31/17/14/19/31
Bold, Female, 15/4/31/8/29/31
Impish, Male, 6/6/31/28/31/8
Gentle, Female, 12/31/17/14/31/18
Bold, Male, 31/31/31/2/2/27
Lv. 20, Naughty, Female, 6/31/17/5/31/31
Serious, Male, 31/31/17/21/20/19
Serious, Male, 29/31/31/15/27/0
Naughty, Male, 3/31/31/8/11/0
Naive, Male, 31/20/31/8/21/14
Quirky, Male, 1/31/31/11/21/4
Adamant, Male, 3/31/31/13/24/31
Adamant, Female, 5/31/31/16/31/14
[TAKEN]Adamant, Female, 31/21/31/29/28/31
Adamant, Female, 3/31/31/8/17/10
Impish, Female, 8/31/31/8/15/6
Brave, Female, 4/25/31/11/27/31
Adamant, Female, 17/0/31/14/31/31
Adamant, Male, 5/14/31/11/31/3
Adamant, Male, 23/31/31/8/1/17
Bold, Male, 11/31/31/11/25/21
Careful, Female, 30/31/31/8/6/22
Lax, Male, 3/12/31/11/1/20
Naive, Female, 6/3/31/4/31/31

Plus, I'll give away five clones of the best ones that I bred:
5x of Lv. 25 Gentle, Female, 3/31/31/11/31/31
1x of Lv. 1 Adamant, Female, 3/31/31/5/28/30 [FOUR TAKEN]
(I was breeding for 31s in Atk, Def, Sp. Def, & Spd if you couldn't tell.)

As for what I WANT, I'm looking for:
Other DW Females (Except Gligar, Dratini, Shinx, Poochyena, Poliwag, Anorith, Exeggcute, Nidoran♀, Darmanitan/Darumaka, & Munna/Musharna)
Shinies (if you're feeling generous)
White Forest Pokes (Except Porygon, Togepi, & Abra)
Legendaries (again, if you're feeling generous)
Egg move Pokes (Except Dark Pulse Deino)
Or Gen I-IV Pokes NOT obtainable in B/W

Lastly, I also kept some good IV Gligars without the Immunity ability. If you'd like me to list some of those, I'll gladly do it. (I didn't list them here b/c I assumed people would be more interested in the DW ones.)

Thanks for reading and apologies for the disorganization. :spin:
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Id like the Bold, Male, 24/31/31/15/22/31. i have a lvl 1 skorupi with the egg moves x-scisor, slash and night slash. I also have several shinies. lvl 50 shiny ariados, lvl 35 shiny altaria, lvl 40 shiny tentacool, and a few more.
Can I have the "Adamant, Female, 31/21/31/29/28/31" Gligar? I can offer both DW Nidoran female and Smeargle for it.. I can also offer Nasty Plot Togepi or Outrage Gible.. :)
can i get Lv. 1 Adamant, Female, 3/31/31/5/28/30 i offer shiny beldum
I can offer a DW exeggcute, DW bidoof (even though its ability is banned), DW stantler, DW lickitung, smeargle, and lots of others. If you are interested I'd like one of the clone of the adamant female please :D.
Can I get a adamant female clone? I have a dratini female I can trade
Id like the Bold, Male, 24/31/31/15/22/31. i have a lvl 1 skorupi with the egg moves x-scisor, slash and night slash. I also have several shinies. lvl 50 shiny ariados, lvl 35 shiny altaria, lvl 40 shiny tentacool, and a few more.

Oooh. I'll take shiny Tentacool if you're cool with that.

Can I have the "Adamant, Female, 31/21/31/29/28/31" Gligar? I can offer both DW Nidoran female and Smeargle for it.. I can also offer Nasty Plot Togepi or Outrage Gible.. :)

Deal for the DW Nidoran female and Smeargle. I can get you for both trades.

can i get Lv. 1 Adamant, Female, 3/31/31/5/28/30 i offer shiny beldum

Sorry. Already have that shiny Beldum lol. Or I think it's the same one...

I can offer a DW exeggcute, DW bidoof (even though its ability is banned), DW stantler, DW lickitung, smeargle, and lots of others. If you are interested I'd like one of the clone of the adamant female please :D.

Deal for DW Exeggcute.

Can I get a adamant female clone? I have a dratini female I can trade

Sorry. Already have Dratini. Actually, DW Dratini bred with Extremespeed Dratini is my next breeding project. But, anyway, got anything else?
Ok sweet, i can trade now if you want?? Also would you like the DW exeggcute to be in an egg or already hatched??
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Ok sweet, i can trade now if you want?? Also would you like the DW exeggcute to be in an egg or already hatched??

Whichever is easiest. But if it's hatched, I'd like it UT. And yeah, I can trade in 5-10 mins. My Black FC is in my sig.
Dude I could give you a male dratini with extremespeed if that would help you with your project, because the only other DW pokemon I have are vulpix surskit and bellsprout
Dude I could give you a male dratini with extremespeed if that would help you with your project, because the only other DW pokemon I have are vulpix surskit and bellsprout

I'll do it for DW Vulpix. Which Gligar do you want?

EDIT: Scratch that question. You wanted the Adamant Female Clone...
Can you trade now?
Could I have one of the adamant female clones? I can trade you a female dream world Poliwag for it.
Unfortunatly ive already traded the tentacool...sorry. would u like a shiny tepig or a shiny altaria?
Unfortunatly ive already traded the tentacool...sorry. would u like a shiny tepig or a shiny altaria?

Shiny Tepig would be awesome. I'll catch you whenever I see you online.....or if that doesn't work, just tell me when you're available.
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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