A Hunger Games RP
Welcome to Panem, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the 92nd Hunger Games.
I'd advise you to sit down; prepare yourself. After all, not everyone has a chance at winning the fame and glory that the champion of the Hunger Games does, eh? I'm sure you're incredibly excited.
The death? A minor difficulty. You'll warm up to the idea, I assure you. So let's get you filled in on the details.
Oh - and if you don't make it back, don't worry. Your family will be watching, so they'll know you're dead!
District 13 was actually destroyed, kiddos. Katniss and Peeta? Never happened. In essence - the Hunger Games lives on, as though no-one had ever rebelled. None of the original characters shall be returning (there's even a new president, so you'll have to say bye to old Snowy); it's basically a whole new story, just in the same universe.
24 tributes, a boy and a girl from each district, and it's just your lucky day - you can join in on the fun.
Basically it's just an RP of one of the Hunger Games tournament-thingies. You can make up to two characters (one male one female) from two seperate districts, and then we RP through the tournament. Who dies and who kills them is decided through an RNG, so no arguing about killing each other off. I shall PM you when your character is chosen to kill someone, and when you're character has been chosen to die.
It's all fun and games - enjoy yourselves, okay?
i) No arguing about having your character die etc.
ii) Swearing and gore is allowed (this is the Hunger Games).
iii) No godmodding, even when killing someone's character - agree how the fight will pan out over PM first.
iv) Tennis cannot go on for more than 1 page.
v) This is a semi-serious RP - no magical abilities or anything, stick to what could happen in canon.
vi) You do not have to have read the books to join in; if you need clarification about anything just PM me or check the wiki.
vii) GMs word is final.
viii) These rules can be changed or altered whenever it is required.
Sign-up Form
Example Sign-ups
Terra Nova
Possibly Terra's most obvious trait is the sheer whiteness of her hair. Probably the second most obvious thing is how completely unnatural it is. Terra was by no means born with white hair, especially not the the light blue streaks that run partially upwards from the tips of aforementioned hair. She is eccentric, and such a trait shines through in her appearance. Her eyes are a light, powdery blue colour, and her skin is incredibly pale; the whiteness of her hair giving her what would be a sickly appearance, if it wasn't offset by the determination permanently engraved on her features.
Her hair is cut fairly short, just a little longer than shoulder length, and choppy, with a side fringe covering her right eye. It tends to flare out a little at the back, so it looks almost charged with static.
She is of average height, perhaps a little small, but is lither and agile for it. She is weak in strength, but in sheer speed she far outclasses most ordinary people. This is partially to do with her weight - or lack of it, but is probably also the fault of her older siblings, and their constant picking on her. One learns to run quickly enough to avoid such teasing, when they can't fight back.
There is always a spring in her step, and her head is always held high - she never slouches, and there is always a kind of electricity about her, as though her finger has been stuck in a socket for half her life. The way her hair spikes up slightly does nothing but augment such an impression.
Terra is always cheery; a bright, jovial bundle of almost hysterical excitement. She lights up a room with her presence, despite how most of her jokes are merely sarcastic remarks or perverted comments. She isn't a pessimist or an optimist, but a realist. She tends to take quite a laid-back approach towards life, neither rushing nor taking things slowly, but just floating through. She is always moving, whether twitching her leg or physically jumping up and down in glee.
She is also eccentric, and rather over-the-top. If she is going to do something she will do it to the very best of her ability, no questions asked. If it wasn't obvious enough she is also incredibly determined, and will stop at nothing to succeed in whatever she is trying to do, no matter how minor or seemingly unimportant her task may be.
While Terra is not particularly bright she has street-smarts. She knows how things work, how to plan ahead, to form strategies on her feet. She is quick-witted because she feels that is all she needs to get by - knowledge is for those who can be bothered to put the effort into learning.
Despite how active Terra is she is also lazy. This may seem contradictory, but Terra won't do anything unless she feels she has to. She will not put effort into doing something at all unless she feels she must - it is hard to convince her to do anything she doesn't want to.
Vanity can occasionally get the better of her. She will undoubtably stare for hours at her reflection if she ever comes across a mirror, and this narcissism also makes her rather condescending. She truly believes herself to be superior to everyone else, and will therefore rather go with her own ideas than another's, even if the other's is vastly more intelligent.
+ incredibly fast
+ street-smart
+ good with technology
+ not afraid to get down and dirty
+ good with weaponry
+ good stamina
- bad defensively
- 'dumb'
- bad with hand-to-hand combat
- often chooses to fight rather than flee
- vain/conceited
- bad with other people
Caine Kinspice
Caine is fairly tall, and rather pale-skinned. He's rather thin and quite frankly frail, but he's incredibly agile even if he isn't gifted with incredible strength. Caine has a lithe figure, and his bones are rather prominent - mostly his cheekbones - and it gives him an almost aristocratic appearance, if he weren't so often covered in mud and dust.
His hair is a light blonde colour that's just a bit shorter than shoulder-length, and fairly neat, although it has a habit of becoming quite ruffled when he has to move quickly or he becomes stressed. He doesn't have a visible fringe, though his hair doesn't fall in his eyes or some other such nonsense.
Said eyes are a cool grey, and are probably his most memorable feature. They're fairly large, but he often prefers to keep them lidded so as not to draw unwanted attention to himself.
His body is all sharp edges - he doesn't have any visible fat nor muscles. If one were to draw him it's unlikely there'd be any curved lines used whatsoever. It reflects his personality, to an extent.
He literally cannot stoop - his head is always held high, and he looks down on people no matter who they are. His back is always straight, and his posture always has to be perfect.
His mouth is nearly always curved down slightly in a grimace, a flat line on his face or a slight smirk - he doesn't show emotions easily, and even when he does they're still hard to distinguish.
He is a rather good actor, after all. He knows how to wear a mask and act the part.
Caine is cunning and quick-witted, having realised at a young age that if he wasn't exactly athletic he better become intelligent, lest he be trodden on.
He comes off as cold, and quite often cruel to people, mocking them for no apparent reason. His parents taught him how to convince people to do as he said, a skill that, when coupled with his surprising intellect, made him a force to be reckoned with.
Caine doesen't really think of others as sentient beings - just toys - and treats them as such. He doesn't mind if people get hurt by his actions, so long as it means he can have his way.
He is incredibly good at strategising, but rather stubborn, and insistent upon being overly cautious, refusing to act recklessly even if he is in grave danger.
He doesn't trust people full stop, and people often dislike him for the way he ignores most everyone.
He is a quick-thinker, but most everything he does relies on logic or fact. While he can be imaginative when forced he is not naturally creative, and it can be difficult to force him to think 'outside the box' if it seems illogial to.
He's fast at nearly everything - quick on his feet, quick witted and quick to stereotype and make decisions about people. Most everything he feels about others is based on his first impressions of them as a person, and it's nigh impossible to change his views after he has decided them.
He does not lose his temper easily, one should be pleased to note, and has a knack for staying calm in the most dangerous of situations. That being says he has a habit of immediately resorting to violence - he feels that the best way to get rid of a threat is to completely eradicate it.
Caine is also untrustworthy. While he is an incredibly gifted actor he is compltely disloyal, and not at all adverse to stabbing people in the back if they give him reason to.
He's also conceited - arrogant and full of himself. It makes him foolish - he readily believes that his ideas are the best, the most suitable, no matter the circumstances.
Caine's completely self-reliant, independent to a fault. He has nothing to fall back on if everything goes wrong, but he somehow manages to convince himself he doesn't need others.
He is darkly cynical, and almost everything he says is followed by a sarcastic remark or degrading insult.
+ intelligent
+ strategic
+ good at reading people
+ good at manipulating people
+ quick
+ stealthy
- poor at fighting
- untrusting
- will almost always run rather than fight
- if a strategy doesn't go well often becomes confused
- over-thinks things
- irritates people
District 1 [Career] Tributes
District 2 [Career] Tributes
District 3 Tributes
Terra Nova (Corruption)
District 4 [Career] Tributes
Adriane Vix (kirashimu)
District 5 Tributes
Caine Kinspice (Corruption)
District 6 Tributes
Vincent "Viper" Blight (kirashimu)
District 7 Tributes
District 8 Tributes
Tara Willis (Crona)
District 9 Tributes
Holden Smith (mewstone)
District 10 Tributes
District 11 Tributes
Alice Marsh (mewstone)
District 12 Tributes
Cole Jacobson (-Gray-)
Things to Note
I tried a Hunger Games RP a while ago, but it gained little interest last time round. Throw me a bone this time, kay?
A Hunger Games RP
Welcome to Panem, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the 92nd Hunger Games.
I'd advise you to sit down; prepare yourself. After all, not everyone has a chance at winning the fame and glory that the champion of the Hunger Games does, eh? I'm sure you're incredibly excited.
The death? A minor difficulty. You'll warm up to the idea, I assure you. So let's get you filled in on the details.
Oh - and if you don't make it back, don't worry. Your family will be watching, so they'll know you're dead!
District 13 was actually destroyed, kiddos. Katniss and Peeta? Never happened. In essence - the Hunger Games lives on, as though no-one had ever rebelled. None of the original characters shall be returning (there's even a new president, so you'll have to say bye to old Snowy); it's basically a whole new story, just in the same universe.
24 tributes, a boy and a girl from each district, and it's just your lucky day - you can join in on the fun.
Basically it's just an RP of one of the Hunger Games tournament-thingies. You can make up to two characters (one male one female) from two seperate districts, and then we RP through the tournament. Who dies and who kills them is decided through an RNG, so no arguing about killing each other off. I shall PM you when your character is chosen to kill someone, and when you're character has been chosen to die.
It's all fun and games - enjoy yourselves, okay?
i) No arguing about having your character die etc.
ii) Swearing and gore is allowed (this is the Hunger Games).
iii) No godmodding, even when killing someone's character - agree how the fight will pan out over PM first.
iv) Tennis cannot go on for more than 1 page.
v) This is a semi-serious RP - no magical abilities or anything, stick to what could happen in canon.
vi) You do not have to have read the books to join in; if you need clarification about anything just PM me or check the wiki.
vii) GMs word is final.
viii) These rules can be changed or altered whenever it is required.
Sign-up Form
Example Sign-ups
Terra Nova
Possibly Terra's most obvious trait is the sheer whiteness of her hair. Probably the second most obvious thing is how completely unnatural it is. Terra was by no means born with white hair, especially not the the light blue streaks that run partially upwards from the tips of aforementioned hair. She is eccentric, and such a trait shines through in her appearance. Her eyes are a light, powdery blue colour, and her skin is incredibly pale; the whiteness of her hair giving her what would be a sickly appearance, if it wasn't offset by the determination permanently engraved on her features.
Her hair is cut fairly short, just a little longer than shoulder length, and choppy, with a side fringe covering her right eye. It tends to flare out a little at the back, so it looks almost charged with static.
She is of average height, perhaps a little small, but is lither and agile for it. She is weak in strength, but in sheer speed she far outclasses most ordinary people. This is partially to do with her weight - or lack of it, but is probably also the fault of her older siblings, and their constant picking on her. One learns to run quickly enough to avoid such teasing, when they can't fight back.
There is always a spring in her step, and her head is always held high - she never slouches, and there is always a kind of electricity about her, as though her finger has been stuck in a socket for half her life. The way her hair spikes up slightly does nothing but augment such an impression.
Terra is always cheery; a bright, jovial bundle of almost hysterical excitement. She lights up a room with her presence, despite how most of her jokes are merely sarcastic remarks or perverted comments. She isn't a pessimist or an optimist, but a realist. She tends to take quite a laid-back approach towards life, neither rushing nor taking things slowly, but just floating through. She is always moving, whether twitching her leg or physically jumping up and down in glee.
She is also eccentric, and rather over-the-top. If she is going to do something she will do it to the very best of her ability, no questions asked. If it wasn't obvious enough she is also incredibly determined, and will stop at nothing to succeed in whatever she is trying to do, no matter how minor or seemingly unimportant her task may be.
While Terra is not particularly bright she has street-smarts. She knows how things work, how to plan ahead, to form strategies on her feet. She is quick-witted because she feels that is all she needs to get by - knowledge is for those who can be bothered to put the effort into learning.
Despite how active Terra is she is also lazy. This may seem contradictory, but Terra won't do anything unless she feels she has to. She will not put effort into doing something at all unless she feels she must - it is hard to convince her to do anything she doesn't want to.
Vanity can occasionally get the better of her. She will undoubtably stare for hours at her reflection if she ever comes across a mirror, and this narcissism also makes her rather condescending. She truly believes herself to be superior to everyone else, and will therefore rather go with her own ideas than another's, even if the other's is vastly more intelligent.
+ incredibly fast
+ street-smart
+ good with technology
+ not afraid to get down and dirty
+ good with weaponry
+ good stamina
- bad defensively
- 'dumb'
- bad with hand-to-hand combat
- often chooses to fight rather than flee
- vain/conceited
- bad with other people
Caine Kinspice
Caine is fairly tall, and rather pale-skinned. He's rather thin and quite frankly frail, but he's incredibly agile even if he isn't gifted with incredible strength. Caine has a lithe figure, and his bones are rather prominent - mostly his cheekbones - and it gives him an almost aristocratic appearance, if he weren't so often covered in mud and dust.
His hair is a light blonde colour that's just a bit shorter than shoulder-length, and fairly neat, although it has a habit of becoming quite ruffled when he has to move quickly or he becomes stressed. He doesn't have a visible fringe, though his hair doesn't fall in his eyes or some other such nonsense.
Said eyes are a cool grey, and are probably his most memorable feature. They're fairly large, but he often prefers to keep them lidded so as not to draw unwanted attention to himself.
His body is all sharp edges - he doesn't have any visible fat nor muscles. If one were to draw him it's unlikely there'd be any curved lines used whatsoever. It reflects his personality, to an extent.
He literally cannot stoop - his head is always held high, and he looks down on people no matter who they are. His back is always straight, and his posture always has to be perfect.
His mouth is nearly always curved down slightly in a grimace, a flat line on his face or a slight smirk - he doesn't show emotions easily, and even when he does they're still hard to distinguish.
He is a rather good actor, after all. He knows how to wear a mask and act the part.
Caine is cunning and quick-witted, having realised at a young age that if he wasn't exactly athletic he better become intelligent, lest he be trodden on.
He comes off as cold, and quite often cruel to people, mocking them for no apparent reason. His parents taught him how to convince people to do as he said, a skill that, when coupled with his surprising intellect, made him a force to be reckoned with.
Caine doesen't really think of others as sentient beings - just toys - and treats them as such. He doesn't mind if people get hurt by his actions, so long as it means he can have his way.
He is incredibly good at strategising, but rather stubborn, and insistent upon being overly cautious, refusing to act recklessly even if he is in grave danger.
He doesn't trust people full stop, and people often dislike him for the way he ignores most everyone.
He is a quick-thinker, but most everything he does relies on logic or fact. While he can be imaginative when forced he is not naturally creative, and it can be difficult to force him to think 'outside the box' if it seems illogial to.
He's fast at nearly everything - quick on his feet, quick witted and quick to stereotype and make decisions about people. Most everything he feels about others is based on his first impressions of them as a person, and it's nigh impossible to change his views after he has decided them.
He does not lose his temper easily, one should be pleased to note, and has a knack for staying calm in the most dangerous of situations. That being says he has a habit of immediately resorting to violence - he feels that the best way to get rid of a threat is to completely eradicate it.
Caine is also untrustworthy. While he is an incredibly gifted actor he is compltely disloyal, and not at all adverse to stabbing people in the back if they give him reason to.
He's also conceited - arrogant and full of himself. It makes him foolish - he readily believes that his ideas are the best, the most suitable, no matter the circumstances.
Caine's completely self-reliant, independent to a fault. He has nothing to fall back on if everything goes wrong, but he somehow manages to convince himself he doesn't need others.
He is darkly cynical, and almost everything he says is followed by a sarcastic remark or degrading insult.
+ intelligent
+ strategic
+ good at reading people
+ good at manipulating people
+ quick
+ stealthy
- poor at fighting
- untrusting
- will almost always run rather than fight
- if a strategy doesn't go well often becomes confused
- over-thinks things
- irritates people
District 1 [Career] Tributes
District 2 [Career] Tributes
District 3 Tributes
Terra Nova (Corruption)
District 4 [Career] Tributes
Adriane Vix (kirashimu)
District 5 Tributes
Caine Kinspice (Corruption)
District 6 Tributes
Vincent "Viper" Blight (kirashimu)
District 7 Tributes
District 8 Tributes
Tara Willis (Crona)
District 9 Tributes
Holden Smith (mewstone)
District 10 Tributes
District 11 Tributes
Alice Marsh (mewstone)
District 12 Tributes
Cole Jacobson (-Gray-)
Things to Note
I tried a Hunger Games RP a while ago, but it gained little interest last time round. Throw me a bone this time, kay?
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