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Contest Eelektross versus Galvantula


I want shiny zekrm
Apr 9, 2011
Reaction score
So who do you think is better the physical monster eel EELECTROSS:XD2: or the little spider named galvantula.:mad:. I dont hate i just wouldn't use it in a team.

Who has the better design?

Who would win in a battle?
Im pretty sure EELECTROSS can learn flame charge if not still EELECTROSS

Who would you choose for your team and why.
i chose EELECTROSS iv always been amazed by eels so this season i loved it.:XD2:
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Re: ELECTROSS versus galvantula

I don't see what the comparison it, but I voted for Eelektross.

Who has the better design?


Who would win in a battle?

Hard to say. I think they could be evenly matched.

Who would you choose for your team and why?

Eelektross, mostly because I like it better, but it can be strong, too.

Edit: I put emphasis on Eelektross because it was spelled wrong. :|
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Re: ELECTROSS versus galvantula

Who has the better design?

Who would win in a battle?
I don't know

Who would you choose for your team and why?
Galvantula, because it's cuter and I always use my favorites

So, the cute electric spider wins this one.
Re: ELECTROSS versus galvantula

I don't see what the comparison it, but I voted for Eelektross.

I'm in the same boat as the OP - I keep thinking it should really be "Electross", and that the extra E at the beginning is a really strange combination.

Regardless - I prefer Galvantula. It's much cuter :)3) and has Compoundeyes + Thunder.
Re: ELECTROSS versus galvantula

I'm in the same boat as the OP - I keep thinking it should really be "Electross", and that the extra E at the beginning is a really strange combination.

Regardless - I prefer Galvantula. It's much cuter :)3) and has Compoundeyes + Thunder.

The double "E" comes from "eel"

I like Eelektross.
Re: EELECTROSS versus galvantula

thats a hard one
i love joltik more than any other electric type due to its fuzzy cuteness
but ill have to go with eelectross because it looks like a parramatta eel with claws
Re: EELECTROSS versus galvantula

You should never make polls that are a bias themselves.

I voted Galvantula, it would own Eelektross with it's physical bug type attacks, and it's boosted accuracy via it's ability. It's also much cooler looking, it's a massive electric spider.

Eelektross is.....an Eel.
Re: EELECTROSS versus galvantula

Galvantula all the way. Electross might be slightly more useful in battle, but its design is WAY too off-putting for me to use it at all, let alone let it have my vote. Besides, Galvantula is great at capturing and was a staple of my first Black team.
Re: EELECTROSS versus galvantula

HOW could you choose Galvantula!? It's, well, it's just... A spider! And I don't like spiders...

Besides, look at the nifty little dance Eelektross does in battle: so adorable!:kawaii:
Re: EELECTROSS versus galvantula

EELECTROSS!!! -^.^- I love that Pokemon...it's not cute or anything but it's one of my trusted Pokemon that helped me get through...(I really like Tynamo) *reads post above* ROFL yes it does dance X3
Re: EELECTROSS versus galvantula

I choose Eelectross because it has no weaknesses!
Re: EELECTROSS versus galvantula

How can you not like Galvantula?!

Galvantula is not just a spider.Galvantula is The King Of Spiders.

1st:Galvantula is one of the most powerful bug-type Pokemon probably losing only to Volcarona.

2nd:Galvantula has the perfect design.Has anyone else noticed the simmilarity between Galvantula and a Quick ball?

3rd:Galvantula also does a dance and it doesn't look like a complete goof doing it.

4th:Galvantula pulled me trough a lot in Japanese Black and now when I transfered it to English version,it makes a valuable team member.

5th:I should really stop starting my sentences with Galvantula.

6th:You have by now probably concluded that Galvantula is my favorite Gen.V Pokemon.
Re: EELECTROSS versus galvantula

Galvantula. It's a spider! And an electric type! And it's a bug type that doesn't suck! How novel!
Re: EELECTROSS versus galvantula

Eelektross for me because its whole evolution line is full of derp(especially Eelektrik). Galvantula loses its derp after it evolves from Joltik.
Re: EELECTROSS versus galvantula

My vote goes for the spider. It served me well in demolishing Grimsley and Caitlin.
Re: EELECTROSS versus galvantula

Yeah, Eelektross has no weaknesses. But did you guys think about this? Galvantula, GASTRO ACID. EARTHQUAKE. Eelektross down the drain. Galvantula is definitly one of my favorite Gen V Pokemon, it's a good Bug-type, making use of STAB Bug Buzz, and Compound-Eyes Thunder!!! How much better can you get?
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Re: EELECTROSS versus galvantula

Yeah, Eelektross has no weaknesses. But did you guys think about this? Galvantula, GASTRO ACID. EARTHQUAKE. Eelektross down the drain. Galvantula is definitly one of my favorite Gen V Pokemon, it's a good Bug-type, making use of STAB Bug Buzz, and Compound-Eyes Thunder!!! How much better can you get?

very cuz eelectross has no weakness
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