These eight Poké Lids will feature Chansey, as Fukushima Prefecture’s appointed Ambassador, in scenes with other Pokémon. Chansey was chosen as Fukushima Prefecture’s Ambassador Pokémon since its Japanese name, Lucky, can translate to “fuku.” When installation of these new Poké Lids is complete, there will be over 370 of them across Japan.
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Poké Lids | Pokémon Local Acts
Event highlights, goods, artistic utility hole covers and other features related to collaborative projects designed to promote Japan’s localities involving “Ambassadorial Pokémon,” whose characteristics match those of their respective localities.local.pokemon.jpFukushima×Chansey|Pokémon Local Acts
Event highlights, goods, artistic utility hole covers and other features related to collaborative projects designed to promote Japan’s localities involving “Ambassadorial Pokémon,” whose characteristics match those of their respective