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Eldershippers... any discussion? anyone?

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Revolutionary Girl

Manga Sam Fangirl
Dec 30, 2002
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Dear Eldershippers/ Parentshippers/ Adultshippers/ however the hell you style the people in that ship,

Are any of you still out there?

Have I missed anything new?

Where do we stand?

Is there anything we can talk about?

Or do those of you passing through the forum just want to go "WTF what is wrong with you?" (I'll probably tune you out, though.)

She who has been missing the ship as of late
Um..whats these ships about? Old people who like eachother, or something? o.o
No, Delia and Prof. Oak.

Elder is still one of my favourite ships. So I'm here!

There's nothing much to discuss about it, though, as we barely see them. Well, except Oak doing the infamous lectures at the end of each episode in Japan. ^^;
They were in the last AG ep recently. Aside from not much interaction, next time we'll see them together is 4 years from now.
Hi, Latonya! I'm still here but I confess that I haven't thought much about the ship of late.
I used to think about it all the time, but as of late I haven't.
It's so cute! I should do that 1Sentence challenge for them sometime. Although I'd probably wind up hinting at past Diamondshipping too, knowing me.

And yay, Latonya's back!
I disagree. From what we saw in the hosos, Delia seems to make regular visits to the lab. Plus, Tracey looking after the lab means that Professor Oak can go off somewhere with Delia occasionally, like at the Silver Conference.

EDIT: Um, I have no idea how this got up here. It got posted after Mistress Puff's second post below.
It's a fun little ship, I'm not a huge fan but I've seen it written well in fanfics every now and then.
I think any chances of Eldershipping died when Tracey came into Prof Oak's life. ^^;
Yay! The old heads are still around!

As if the universe were laughingly pushing me back toward the ship, here's a timely article that was featured on MSN's homepage this morning:


What do you think? Would it apply to our own silver fox? Have we seen any of this surreptiously in the series (or any equivalent Japanese cultural outlook on it)? Money, position as guiding factors? Any hints of good parenting (not necessarily in an Ash-as-his-kid context, though you can go there if you want)?

< / poor attempt at discourse >

PS--Haha, Apprenticeshipping represent. Who says he can't have his cake and eat it too? :>
PS--Haha, Apprenticeshipping represent. Who says he can't have his cake and eat it too? :>
>D Heck ya. Lol

Hmm.. But Prof Oak to me wouldn't seem that way. He would want to be in a stable relationship. ^^;
Delia used to hang around so often, but since Tracey came into the scene, they have rarely been shown alone together. If Delia is there around Oak, Tracey is there too.
Well, the fact that Oak is one of the world's most respected Pokemon professors would argue for his position, but I don't think that's why Delia likes him. I'm unsure about the wealth part, but he does have a large farm/laboratory. I think Delia's attracted to him for his intelligence and his character.
ElderShipping was probable when the series first started. It's not anymore.

Delia has Mr. Mime, who she obviously wants.

Tracey has diminished basically all ElderShipping hints, especially in Chronicles. Delia visited, yes, but if Oak and her were really as close as some people suspect, she wouldn't have to act like she was doing them a favor by coming over and offering food or even ring the doorbell in the first place.
Excuse me, but I thought this was a thread for Eldershippers to talk about the ship, not for other people coming and trying to debate.

If you want to start an Elder vs Apprentice debate, go ahead and post a new thread.
but if Oak and her were really as close as some people suspect, she wouldn't have to act like she was doing them a favor by coming over and offering food or even ring the doorbell in the first place.

So you can't do something nice for someone you like?

And what's wrong with ringing the bell? That doesn't prove or disprove anything.
Excuse me, but I thought this was a thread for Eldershippers to talk about the ship, not for other people coming and trying to debate.

If you want to start an Elder vs Apprentice debate, go ahead and post a new thread.
Is there anything we can talk about?

Or do those of you passing through the forum just want to go "WTF what is wrong with you?" (I'll probably tune you out, though.)
So you can't do something nice for someone you like?

You sure can do something nice for you someone you like. And that's all it was on Delia's part.

And what's wrong with ringing the bell? That doesn't prove or disprove anything.

It does to me. It disproves the eternal love that Delia and Oak share in which they've created their glorious bastard child, Ash, and have the strongest love affair in the history of love affairs but it must stay hidden in the depths of their hometown, Pallet, the only place they can be themselves~!11 But, no, seriously, my point here is just that if Oak and Delia were really in laaahv she wouldn't have to get permission to come into his house and that's just *me* being anal about the situation. Like I really doubt that's some big prove/disprove thing that the writers insure to include so they can add subtext. Besides, to be fair, she randomly allowed herself in once as seen in the third movie. I chose to pick out a detail that is picky and anal, but it's a detail nonetheless.

Still, there's nothing going on with these two. They are friends, good friends at that, but nothing more. Someone mentioned earlier Delia would be attracted to his intelligence, but I'm gonna say neeh on that one since in "Hatch Me If You Can" she expressed 100% boredom in Elm and Oak's nerdy conversation. She wasn't sitting there beaming with an overwhelming desire to pounce on the man. Delia is sadly portrayed as being not that bright of a woman, admittedly, and yeah, she's got intelligence somewhere, but Oak/Delia = not compatible in having things in common.
It does to me. It disproves the eternal love that Delia and Oak share in which they've created their glorious bastard child, Ash, and have the strongest love affair in the history of love affairs but it must stay hidden in the depths of their hometown, Pallet, the only place they can be themselves~!11

Wow. I'm guilty of bringing this stereotype into existence. I take full responsibility; in my defense, I did it for the lulz.

Actually, it looks like we're now in debate territory, and the old heads know: this is not how I roll with this ship. While I do enjoy knowing how they interacted in XYZ episode/ movie/ commercial/ whatever, it's not how I live and move and have my being. So I respectfully hear these assessments and appreciate them as "devil's advocate" words/ well-researched and thought out arguments, etc. But be warned: most of the people who are here and care will probably go, "Oh. Huh. Okay, whatever," and go back to what's really important: the writing of porn.
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