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Fanfic ideas

Roses Ablaze

Avatar by Ayumeg
Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
What fanfiction ideas have you had but never written (and might never write)? Me:

Sailor Moon (manga)
Thicker than Water – Mamoru goes to college, where he discovers a few surprises – including a plane crash and a roommate that looks exactly like Kunzite (it’s more complicated than that, but I can’t really say how without giving spoilers away and I might actually write this one eventually).

Title pending – Mamoru accidentally ingests a magical sex-changing potion and is now able to transform into Sailor Earth (I have no idea where this idea came from).

Title pending II – A Sailor Moon doujinshi (sp?) artist writes stories about Kunzite and Endymion. However, her stories may not be as much about everyone’s two favorite bishounen as much as they are about her own dark past.

Pokémon (anime)
Caught in the Undertow (song-inspired fic [“Numb” by Linkin Park]) – The Shitennou are meant to be the four best examples of pokémon masters. Takako is elected to become one of the Shitennou under some unusual circumstances, but unfortunately she isn’t nearly as skilled as her three colleagues nor is she as mature and noble as the ideal pokémon master. To complicate things, her surrogate father Wataru was once leader of the Shitennou and did fit that image, so now she feels as if she’s living in his – and every other past Shitennou’s – shadow.

Title pending. Again – Takako’s gotten over her personal problems, but now she faces a new challenge – she’s stumbled into a world where pokémon are evil and pokémon trainers are feared and hated. Her pokémon have all been sealed inside crystals, so now it’s up to her alone to survive this strange world and find some way to free her pokémon.
Well, I have one idea I'm kicking around...basically, Bashou's want of power leads him to rebel against the Boss, which pits him against his own partner in a battle for the future of the team...
I started and then stopped writing a Pokémon fanfiction about Samuel Oak having Alzheimer's disease. Naturally, it was Eldershippy.
Say, I'm wondering. Can you post fanfic ideas you have, but you really haven't started writing them yet, but you don't want to give up on them?
Sure, that's what I did for one of them. Just be careful not to give any spoilers away.
Righty-o then.

Unloading time. Be forewarned that these ideas of mine are neither a) written yet, b) planned out yet, c) experimented with briefly with teaser intros, and d) may never see the light of day for years to come.

Anyhoo, braindump time.

Spirit Splice
The year is 2083. The massive consumption of unrenewable fossil fuels has driven the world into a terrible depression, but the one place on Earth that has been hit the hardest is a small island nation. With the global economy and world community collapsing into an irreversable downward spiral, selfishness and greed run rampant through the corrupted government ranks, with every politician trying to steal what they can before they vanish like thieves. Mercenaries roam around, selling themselves to the highest bidders. One group of mercenaries, however, have been plotting an overthrow for years now, but first they need to find the one person whom their chief claims is vital to ending the misery plaguing the nation. Serenity appears to be your average teenage girl, until the band of mercs attempt to "extract" her from her hometown- and poor Serenity ends up getting shot through the throat, bleeding to death very quickly.

Serenity inexplicably wakes up nine years into the future (2091), in a matured and battle-worn body. The island nation lies in absolute waste, and she finds herself as the leader of a different band of mercenaries, struggling to defend themselves and a handful of scattered civillian survivors against a rising military regime, fixated on "cleansing the island of the leftovers of the old power." After being knocked out, Serenity reawakens in 2083 again, surrounded by the mercs who abducted her in the first place.

With Serenity lost for answers, their commander Alex claims that he too has had a brief experience with Serenity's paranormal ability to jump across time when either killed or unconcious. With no other choice than to join Alex's guerilla (seeing as though she commands one in the future), Serenity's strange gift proves invaluable for both sides of the time spectrum- To bring information in the future and results of the past back to 2083, and dig up information destroyed in the past over to 2091. With the past fighting for a future and the future fighting to survive, the fate of the island and maybe even the world rests on Serenity's shoulders...

More later. Mewfour tired. Night all. zzzzzz
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yergh. m4, can you change your avatar please. I"m an epileptic, that fucked with me for a minute or so. I've got my images disabled at the moment. I normally wouldn't say anything, but I seriously haven't had an attack in over three years, and nwo this. I'm somewhat pissed. I was supposed to get my license back after 3 years without seizures. and that just induced one. So, I'd appreciate it if you took it down.

This is a request at the moment.
I've tossed around ideas, it's mainly from what I normally watch which normally seems to be random sport ideas. And since I seem to have some knack for doing identical groups of multiples and how they live their lives, it sort of tosses around a bit.

I thought about doing one on Gary and his studies, particularly in an unknown region, but I've mainly thought about sport and stuff. I'm doing three fics on IGN that I'll probably bring over.
- Identical triplets starting a journey with their parents dead, and Team Rocket cutting their gym leader plans.
- An army lieutenant, battling Pokemon Morphs in search of a better future for Sootopolis City, only to fail and try to live, let alone save..
- A gym leader's apprentice at Sootopolis, tries to help his gym leader but loses, and finds his way to Olivine City to produce a certain mage.
Pokemon: Memory

The ship was coming apart around her. The Clefa were trying their best, but even the Golden Dream, greatest ship ever created by the Hope Confederation, could not survive the buffeting of so many C-Streams. Celeb closed her eyes. There was no choice. She forced herself to look at white cloud swirls of the sapphire blue planet she had laid in a course for. "Maker forgive me", she whispered. Then: "Initiate MEW and SOUL"

"Authenticate," Luquia requested.

"Authentication Celeb Zero Four Nine Eight Six Five.”

A quantum ripple creased the patch of space-time known to its inhabitants as the Sol System. The universe heaved.
The concept of this piece is that Earth developed up until the year 2020 untouched... Then on January 1, 2021 (Gregorian calendar) the Hope Confederation ship "Golden Dream", equipped with an experimental Gravatic Distortion Drive experienced drive failure while passing through the sol system. The ship carried the refugees of the Hope confederation, fleeing the supernova that had wiped out their home worlds. Aside from the Clefa crew, and a few select officers of other races, all the refugees were in a suspended animation state. The Drive failure was catastrophic, and Celeb, the captain of the ship, realizing that it’s destruction was imminent, sailed her vessel into the atmosphere of a blue-white planet know to it’s inhabitants as Earth. The vessel’s fusion core detonated in high atmosphere, destroying most of the ship. However, Celeb had initiated several emergency programs to preserve the passengers of the ship. Alas, only MEW worked as planned. The detonation of a fusion core liked to a Gravatic distortion matrix caused unforeseeable mayhem. The very fabric of existence around Earth was distorted. The life energies of the refugee races merged with non-sentient earth life forms, creating the creatures known as pokemon. Sparrows imbues with the life force of the Furasai became Spearows. The time-stream of the planet warped, incorporating the pokemon into it’s past history. Furthermore, more species of pokemon arose from ship components that had become imbued with life. The semi-biological skin of the ship became the dittos, it’s power transformers the Magnemite, and its computer cores the legendary pokemon. Its’ captain, at the center of the time stream distortion, became Celebi, the time travel pokemon.
But this distortion was not only unforeseen, but also imperfect, although all history had changes around them, many humans retained memories of the original time-stream that did not include pokemon. It took only 3 generations for most people to forget the aberrant memories of a world without pokemon. But some remembered, chronicled, and preserved these alternate histories. Several organizations arose from such efforts. Perhaps the best know now, in 2137, is Team Rocket.


Thsi will probably never be written. But it was an interesting idea.....
Pokemon 1/2 is a fanfic that will be published!!!

Alrighty,here I go.This is a fic that tells the story of Ranma 1/2 Pokemon style!

Pokemon 1/2


Ranma Kun - Tate(Mossdeep City)
Ranma Chan - Liza (Mossdeep City)
Genma Saotome - Chuck(Cianwood City)
Nodoka Saotome -Lorelei(Indigo Plateau)
Soun Tendo - Koga (Fuchsia City)
Akane Tendo - Janine (Fuchsia City)
Nabiki Tendo - Flannery (Lavaridge Town)
Kasumi Tendo - Jasmine (Olivine City)
Ukyo Kuonji - Blue (The thief from PokeSpecial)
Tsubasa Kuranei - Bugsy(Azalea town)
Ryoga Hibiki - Morty (Ecruteak City)
Cologne - Agatha (Indigo Plateau)
Shampoo - Sabrina(Saffron City)
Mousse - Giovanni (Viridian City)
Mikado Sanzenin - Falkner (Violet City)
Azusa Shiratori - Whitney(Goldenrod City)
Mariko - Winona (Fortree City)
Tatewaki Kuno - Lt.Surge(Vermillion City)
Kodachi Kuno-Karen(Mt.Silver)
Sasuke - Will (Mt.Silver)
Happosai - Blaine (Cinnabar Island)
LinLin and RanRan - Lance and Clair (Indigo Pateau & Backthorn City)
Dr.Tofu - Pro.Birch (Littleroot Town)
Hinako - Roxanne (Rustboro City)
Mr.Kuno - Wallace (Sootopolis City)
Daisuke & Hiroshi - Brock and Brawly (Pewter City & Dwford Town)
Akari - Erika(Celadon City)

Here's the first part:

Season 1 Opening :Jajauma Ni Sasenaide(Don't make me a shrew like you)

The Fuchsia Gym is a run of the mill gym which leads a normal life,an old ninja father Koga,his oblivious and happy daughter Jasmine,his money loving daughter Flannery,and finally his tomboyish,boy hating daughter Janine.Koga had told them that one of them to be betrothed to his friend Chuck's son Tate,a psychic boy.Jasmine and Flannery don't have to think twice as they have selected Janine for bridal duty,for she hates boys.But little does this little family know the secret about Chuck and Tate...

During exploration in Johto,the great Chuck and Tate fell into the Lake of Rage,a cursed lake that turns the plunger into whatever Pokemon had last fallen in.Training on bamboo poles,Chuck was an unlucky dunky to fall after a Snorlax drowned(very sad story).Tate had taken a fall as well,but for him,he turned into a feminine version of himself,called Liza,if splashed with cold water.arriving in the Fuchsia City gym,the Snorlax and Liza introduce themselves as Chuck and Tate.Koga faints and Flannery tells him doesn't he know the diffrence between a boy and a girl.The father says that when they were training,he said that he had a son.Liza then decides to take a bath.janine does too,so she says it's okay becase the are both bishojos.Well since the effect only lasts until poured with hot water,Janine caught Liza on her weak spot-turning back into a boy.Janine screams and explains that there is a pervert in the bathroom,and it is then that the family learns Chuck and Tate's secret-transformation.

Not bad, right?
Ranma 1/2? Interesting...

I have a few ideas for fanfics and I will occasionally write a bit concerning one of them when I feel in the mood... that is, these aren't ideas I won't do, just ideas I haven't do that I'm not actively working on...

-(Part 0 of a story) Young man who lived in a remote mountain village in Kanto his entire life is prompted by a ghost-type Pokemon to question his identity
-(Part 1 of same story) Young man takes a magnet train which is hijacked by Rockets, a situation which resolves very unconventionally
-(More miscellaneous plotlines that I have not yet ordered surrounding that story)

-Another young man who just underwent an emotionally turbulent series of events is sent to deliver a letter to Violet City's gym leader, and learns something from Falkner that allows both he and his Pokemon to progress / move on
Here's one I've been kicking around for a while.

Crossed Destinies (Um, Diamondshippy. But you *really* can't get around that with my fics.)

It's two years after Ash decides to take a short break from his journey. He's enjoying his time back home, and nothing seems it can go wrong. But something is about to go very wrong. Professor Sebastian has discovered a rare blood compound called Particle 28 that when concentrated creates a powerful serum that dramatically increases Pokemon attack power. The chances of having P28 are about one in one million, and the compound is carried only on the Y chromosome, with the concentration of it doubling with every generation. Tyson is found to posess P28 and this leads to a plan being hatched to bring in Gary so that he can be harvested. Professor Oak gets kidnapped, the ransom being the Master Ball (of which Oak has one of the last remaining ones since their use was outlawed one year ago). The intention is that Gary will bring the MB, thus allowing TR to force him to join. Gary receives a ransom note, but wimps out and sticks it in Ash's mailbox instead. Ash shows up, prompting a surreally touching father/son reunion (coughDiamondshippingcough). (On the downside, Giovanni is rather pissed off to find his son is a total dork, which brings another storyline into the story) Gary gets kidnapped, and all hell breaks loose eventually. It's complex, to the point I couldn't post all the particulars here, but I have everything worked out, and there's a surprise ending, so yays. Oh, and it's Diamondshippy. And God knows there's a lack of Diamondshipping fanfiction out there.
Is this thread still alive too?

I keep on forgetting to post this little thing that's been in my head for a long time.
HOLY CRAP!! I've got so many storise up in my dead and not enought time to wright them down. Is it cool to show you the summery on some of them. Because if I don't I think my brain is gonna go :boom:!
Marowak Wakback said:
HOLY CRAP!! I've got so many storise up in my dead and not enought time to wright them down. Is it cool to show you the summery on some of them. Because if I don't I think my brain is gonna go :boom:!
And I'm still waiting to see them!!!
out of my ideas for doujinshi series thus far, there is one that I ultimately ended up dropping. Basically, it takes place in Tokyo... the real world Tokyo... one day, discs of the latest Pocket Monsters video game started transforming into portals at random, and releasing Pokemon into the real world. It's nothing major, though... only weak Pokemon managed to slip through, Koiking being the first amongst them. There was publicity of the event, of course, but with the Pokemon hardly being a threat, everyone was able to go about their lives. One day, though, a Koiking evolves into a Gyarados and wreaks havoc. Around the same time, one boy's Pocket Monsters game opens up a small portal, and on the other side of Professor Ookido. He opens a link to send Monster Balls into the boy's world, and through finding some way to weaken the Gyarados without battling, the boy manages to contain it in the ball. I didn't exactly plan the order of events, but this boy ends up being really attached to a Poppo (which eventually evolves to Pigeot). Apparently, the boy finds the capturing of Pokemon to be one of his favorite aspects of the games (he's a bit like Crys), and ever since the Red and Green versions, he's been attached to the Pigeot line as being the first Pokemon he caught.

Ookido explains that in their world, Pokemon are actually territorial savages that try to take over human civilization, which is the main reason they use capturing devices with some slight brain-washing capabilities. The portals are actually a scheme conducted by the Pokemon to take over the boy's world. I made up some law involving alternate dimensions, in which when some medium, such as a video game, highly resembles a world, it is capable of turning into a gate leading to such a dimension. For years, psychic Pokemon (whom are kinda the leaders amongst the wild Pokemon) have managed to break the dimensional barriers, and sometime after the early computers began to sprout in that world (the Pocket Monsters dimensional already having computers, therefor the psychics know of their capabilities), these Pokemon began to put ideas into the head of one particular boy, Tajiri Satoshi. As computer and video game technology increased, it was finally possible to make a game that matches their world perfectly, with realistic simulation mechanics, and the entire Pokemon bestiary and world atlas intact. It was then that the psychic Pokemon could finally initiate the final stage of their plan and begin opening a portal.

Of course, as mentioned earlier, only weak Pokemon could pass through these primitive portals. Before the portals could get much bigger, Ookido managed to gather enough info on them to make one himself. However, the task of making just one portal proved extremely difficult, and Ookido wasn't even capable of sending Pokemon through. All he could do was communicate and send empty Monster Balls (and maybe later, transfer an electronic healing machine from a center). This boy takes up the responsibility, and being enthusiastic about being a superhero, he, in a fashion not too different from Son Gohan's Saiyaman, decides to don a disguise and restrict himself to the law of never revealing his identity. He goes around Tokyo (using his trusty Pigeot to fly later on) to capture whatever dangerous wild Pokemon outbreaks occur in the city in order to capture them.

That's the basic setting and explanation behind the mechanics involved. I didn't really think too much beyond that, though I did consider several things. For one, a storyline like this is just asking for portrayal of the boy trying to live his normal school life while at the same time dealing with these problems. One of the problems I thought of incorporating was the matter of storing his Monster Balls once he got too many (I was thinking he might manage to befriend someone who owns a storage shed after some plot involving the owner), as well as finding time to train his slowly-growing army to battle against the hords of wild Pokemon that slowly grow more and more powerful.

The following would be spoilers, no matter how poorly planned they are. I didn't think much on interesting events and plot twists past the beginning.... though, I still have a few ideas there. For one, I definitely intended to take advantage of the boy's disadvantage. What I mean is that he's raising an army, but most of it's severely inexperienced, and at the beginning, he has a severe lack of Pokemon. One of his early battles is against a swarm of Caterpie, Beedle, and Kemusso, and though they seem like weak Pokemon, at that point, they were definitely enough to be a burden. Even his Gyarados eventually falls in that battle as a result of a Beedle's poison. At some point, I was considering having hackers end up mistakingly releasing Pokemon such as Mew when they accessed the hidden data in their games. There was also the possibility that, later on in the story, the main character encounters other Pokemon trainers in his world due to the humans in the Pocket Monsters world managing to open more portals. Meanwhile, in the Pocket Monsters world, several trainers are investigating the sources of the wild Pokemon attacks, which ultimately leads them to discovering whatever the true intentions of the Pokemon may be, as well as the main enemy (perhaps a head psychic amongst the other psychics, or have it turn out the psychics were being manipulated themselves, I don't know).

When I think about it, this storyline shares a ton of similarities with Digimon Tamers, possibly to the point where it just crosses the fine line between "inspiration" and "ripping-off". On top of that, there are quite a few plotholes that I'd need to cover up, considering my attempt at making a law behind dimension-hopping. A bit of a shame that I dropped this, though. Considering how in the franchise, pretty much everyone is easily capable of controlling powerful monsters, it'd be extremely difficult to incorporate Pokemon into your typical superhero storyline if just anybody is capable of accomplishing these things, and this seems like one of few scenarios that manages to set it up perfectly. I also thought it was very clever how I managed to use psychic Pokemon and multiple dimensions to involve the Pokemon franchise as it is in real life, which is another shame. I may pick up on this concept again, but I really doubt it.
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