The faded message on Faraway Island [or, as it is called in Japanese, さいはてのことう, island at the end of the world]:
In Japanese:
So, this is the question: why is it that Fuji hopes that it would be a kindhearted person who comes? Is it that Mew is in fact quite malevolent, and attacked the "evil" people with him? Is he regretting the work that he has to do? [Or perhaps, has done, if he was taking Mew back here? Assuming he survived the destruction of the Mansion...]
…ber, 6th day If any human…sets foot here… again…et it be a kindhearted pers… …ith that hope, I depar…
In Japanese:
It is interesting to note that one of the filled interpretation of the Japanese text I've seen says July, which is inconsistent with the English, but perhaps that has to do with an even older discrepancy rooted in the Cinnabar Mansion? Also, it's signed (Fu)ji. But otherwise, it's the same. This is the interpretation:…がつ 6か ここに たちいる にんげ… が ふたたび …らわれると すれば こころ やさし…で あらんことを…こに その ねがいを しるしこの …を あとにする …ジ
7月6日 ここに立ち入る人間が再び現れるとすれば心優しい人であらんことを今ここにその願いを印し この地を後にする フジ
So, this is the question: why is it that Fuji hopes that it would be a kindhearted person who comes? Is it that Mew is in fact quite malevolent, and attacked the "evil" people with him? Is he regretting the work that he has to do? [Or perhaps, has done, if he was taking Mew back here? Assuming he survived the destruction of the Mansion...]