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Favorite boy character

Your favorite:

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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I figured that since we have a thread for your favorite girl characters, we could have a male version as well. And I've always wanted to create a poll!

I like Satoshi because he is funny, Dento because I just want to give him a hug for some reason, and Kojiro because he's cool.
Ash is my favorite, fire and foremost. His growth and development over the series has made him really interesting to me. That, and the fact that he's oblivious to love, yet ironically shipped with everybody, is hilariously cute.

I never liked Brock as a kid, but as I matured, I found him to be cool and intelligent.

James was a character I idolized as a kid: he dressed cool, was evil, yet cared for his Pokemon.

Max was just like me when I was a kid.

Cilan? The reason I like him is because he's so weird and out there. It's so easy to paint him as an unstable monster with a violent streak. That's what sets him apart: you can view him in so many lights, and a lot of them have elements of truth. He's a very fun character.
Paul (no duh), Cilan and Ash are my top three. I'm also very fond of James, but that may have had something to do with the way he acts around Jessie XD

Strangely enough, I didn't really care for Ash as a kid, since I was one of those Rocket fans. I found him to be a detriment to the series and always skipped his gym episodes and stuff. Over time, I grew to like him because...the series is a lot more enjoyable if you do, trust me XD. And I like his naivete and willingness to never give up...it keeps the show interesting ^^;
I'm going to be predictable and say Kojiro. I really love his backstory of how alone he was as a kid, and how being rich doesn't always mean you have a great life. He also underwent some of the most drastic character development. He started out as a whiny wimpy guy who just complained to (and about) Musashi, was a okay battler, but didn't let his baby Pokemon fight. But he then turned into a guy who can stand up for himself, take charge, and doesn't coddle his Pokemon. I don't think any other male character can top that for me.
Paul would probably be my favorite male character, and probably my favorite in the series overall. Too bad we'll never see him again. Barry, Gary, and Ash all get honorable mentions.
Ash of course. Now I didn't know much at all about Ash before Hoenn. Which is the time I really started watching Pokemon. I finally got to watch the pre-Hoenn episodes thanks to Boomerang. I finally played a Pokemon game, Pokemon FireRed. I watched "Here Comes the Squirtle Squad!" back in 2008 when I was 12. Ash saved Squirtle from Team Rocket's Blaster Balls. Made friends with him. I found out that Squirtle wears Shades which made him look cool. I haven't seen those shades since. But, Squirtle really was caring and sweet and Ash brought out the true attitude of Squirtle a Pokemon that looked like the leader of the Yakuza's. If I remember correctly from watching "Misty Meets Her Match!" during the time I had the episode on DVD. Squirtle took on Rudy's Starmie and learned Hydro Pump at the time I thought that move was a Water Pokemon's best and with Misty and Ash's help Squirtle potential was brought out and shined through I think I also remember it taking down a huge Onix and I was sad to see it leave during Johto. When I was 8 at the time that ep aired.

Chimchar. Ash took a Scratch head on for Chimchar, if I remember correctly I was 12 at the time. A Pokemon who was abused and neglected by a trainer by the name of Paul. Paul was willing to let Chimchar get beat up by the other Pokemon but Ash ordered it and saved it from the attack. Then Ash encouraged Chimchar to not give up and try to save the other Pokemon from the Zangoose. Chimchar lost his spark for me after he evovled but Ash has something that brings out the true heart of each Pokemon. Chimchar managed to put up a good fight against Piplup even with a type disadvantage thanks to Ash's caring and support.

Chikorita. Chikorita beat Bulbasaur with a Vine Whip and took down Charizard which is one of the reasons I liked it so much and wanted to catch one so badly. She's a Pokemon that loved Ash so much and gave it her all. She got jealous like females tend to. She did a lot of stuff that was crazy. Ash brought out her true power when he helped her against the Fighting Type Pokemon. He tried to gain her love back after she got lost.

Treecko. Ash caught Treecko at some forest. Then when he had to battle Jessie's Seviper. With Ash's help and encouragement he took down Seviper with mutiple Quick Attacks and gave it it's first grass move Bullet Seed. He was a small, cool-headed Pokemon that showed how strong he was. He almost beat Pikachu. Ash brought out his power even against that Fire-Hoenn leader even when he got burned.
Paul is my favorite overall, followed closely by Conway. But I also like Gary, and I voted for pretty much all of these guys except for Tracey and Cilan. Yes, even Brock.

I guess it shouldn't be too much of a shock that I find the guys of the show more appealing than the girls, despite BEING a girl myself...
Conway. I am totally in love with everything about him - his strategies, his disposition, that frickin' awesome thing he does with his glasses. And, thanks to him, I'm actually very proud to be a geek with minimal social skills (something I always felt very insecure about before).
It's got to be the 'funny' rival characters, Barry, Conway and Harley. Any character that can raise a few laughs is already halfway to being a personal favourite in my books, but these guys really raised the bar when it comes to character-based humour in pokemon. Whether it was dressing up as a little girl, lurking at thee depths of a lake to peep on swim-suit clad heroines or just acting like a spazz, there is a seemingly endless amount of memorable moments with these guys.

I'm going to say Harley was the best of the three though, since I feel he was also the most successful as not just comic relief, but as a rival and a villain. Every time he successfully humiliated May with his backstabbing and innocent facade, it was an instant crowning moment of awesome. We'd never had a character so mean and underhanded on the show, and it was always great fun watching his evil schemes pan out. And although his efforts were for nought, and he lost several times, he showed considerable skill regardless. Awesome character.
Well I've always supported Ash EVEN he's sometimes so annoying and I really doesn't like him in BW. The original Ash ftw!
I also like James - he's just so cute when he cares so much about his Pokémon. From rivals I like Gary and Drew very much.
Ash. I really love his story and adventures. His methods for training, and achieving his goal are great. It's just sad that such great development has to get stuck thanks to stupid advertisement.

But I have to say, I'm not really enjoying him in Best Wishes. His reactions towards Trip are just not natural. How he reacted to Paul and Gary made me enjoy him even more.
Brock was my favorite character.
He had me with his eyes, and how he always chased after Nurse Joy was pretty funny.

An actual rival that is unlike any other rivals on the show. Only guy that kept DP from utter sh!t
Turn me back into a 7-year-old, make me male, and give me birth control glasses. I am now Max.
Seriously though, for some reason he's the most relatable of the main characters to me. Also, I love those know-it-all, precocious brat types. They're entertaining. :D

I also voted Cilan because...well, he's Cilan. His excitability over the smallest things and obsession with becoming Ash's waifu just makes him wonderfully fun.
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Have to give it to Dent. :D
He's a big part of the reason I've gotten back into the fandom at all.

Jun and Shigeru round out my top three <3
I'm sure its no suprise but Gary Oak all the way!!! his decision to become a researcher at the end of the Johto arc still kind of irks me.
Ash. I hate him, but I love him. You get what I mean?
I would have said Ash but the personality I grew to like vanished a long time ago. My vote goes to James because he's sweet and funny (and Jessie's b*tch)

I don't get why Cilan is taking the lead in the poll, he's only been around 2 minutes. I like him, but he's not that great. Surely? >.>
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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