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Favorite drawing subjects?

Pacific Pikachu

Cuddly Electric Critter
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
A simple few questions for my fellow Bulbagarden artists: What are your favorite things to draw? What do you feel you're best at drawing? What do you feel you most need improvement on?

My most common drawing subjects are Pokémon, realistic wolves, anime characters from series I enjoy, and the occasional Pokémorph or shounen-ai (or both at once, sometimes). I draw Pikachu on everything. I could draw Pikachu blindfolded with my left hand by now, and he'd still be recognizable. XD I realify Pokémon a lot. Especially Umbreon. I loooove drawing Umbreon and other Eeveelutions. I can draw most of the Pokémon just fine, as I draw them so often.

I got really, really into drawing wolves about a year ago, and I'm improved a LOT since then. They're generally realistic (many of the drawings feature Wolf's Rain characters), and I have enough practice by now that I like to think I'm fairly proficient at drawing wolves. I can draw them fast by now, and I rarely ever need references of any sort. Wolves frequently pop up in my school notes and on my homework.

Um. I draw a lot of different anime characters. My best character to draw is Ash, merely because I've practiced him so much and I've draw him in so many different styles. I also have a tendency to draw Toboe from Wolf's Rain a lot, and virtually any random character from Wolf's Rain, Gravitation, Naruto, RahXephon, and any of my other favorite series (though I've discovered Cowboy Bebop characters are haaard and a lot of the series I love I haven't attempted fanart for yet (*cough*Last Exile*cough*).

Pokémorphs are fun, as is shounen-ai. e.e

I think I'm best at the anatomy of animals, and drawing their fur and muscle structures in a realistic and convincing manner. I'm also okay at coloring with colored pencils and I have a lot of practice with drawing clothes wrinkles and cute/young/uke-like anime characters. ^^;;

I need a *lot* of improvement on a variety of things, as any artist does. :) I need to start doing backgrounds for things (but I'm lazy, so this probably won't happen for a long time, if ever). I also need to be more confident about drawing humans more frequently. I'm just fine at drawing them, but I tend to only draw them when I'm locked away in my room and no one's around to see or interrupt me. ^^;; I would love to be able to color my drawings on the computer in a semi-competent manner, too.

Well, how about all of you? I'm curious as to what you love to draw.
Favorite subjects, eh?

Let's see. I definitely draw Pokémon a lot. Especially Meowth, Pikachu, Umbreon, Espeon, Eevee and Mudkip. So I guess those are my favorite subjects, at least in the pokémon fandom. I also love to draw anime style human faces and dogs, but in a cartoonish way. ^^;

What do I need to improve? Lots of things: I need to get better at details, especially when it comes to backgrounds. I need to get better at anatomy, both human and animal.
What a great thread idea!
My favorite drawing subjects are Pokemon anime characters like Misty, May, Clair, Liza, Grace and Whitney and Bugsy. I also like drawing birds, bird Pokemon like Pidgeotto, Pidgey or Taillow and Kazooie from Banjo-Kazooie.
I need to improve on many things. I need to improve on drawing profiles, profiled bodies, poses in general, perspectives, hands and FEET.
Alex-chan, your backgrounds are beautiful! :O

Crystal Clair-- Ooo, you like drawing birds? Awesome! I love drawing realistic chickens and the occasional raven. XD
Favourite stuff: Airplanes/spaceships/ships. o_O;
Stuff I suck at: Humans...
What I suck at even more: Colouring (no idea how to do it, never done it)

I have more fun drawing girls than boys, and do it more often. I'm not sure why. I think it's because of the curves. But I draw plenty of people.

I also do a lot of animals/Pokémon and a lot of scenary. I'm good at both forms and shading, and my pixel art is pretty high quality. Basically, I'm a jack of all trades.

Like many artists, though, I still can't draw a friggin' hand right. Not even feet are a problem for me, just hands. And I take my time and draw the hands carefully, too...
I draw characters from anime (usually Pokemon). But I usually need pics to use as references for when I'm drawing.

Pie, I'm bad at hands too. Faces as well. And people complain that I don't shade which annoys me because I don't want to shade my pics.
Hey, Kadabra, that's cool that you do ships and random inorganic things! I can't do those types of things, so I have a lot of respect for people who can.

That's interesting that you draw more girls than guys, Pie. I draw about 25-50% more males than I do females...which can be entirely blamed on the bishounen. XD I think I'm okay at both genders, though. Sometimes my ukes are mistaken for girls, but that's the curse of just about any uke. ^^;; It's actually kind of a good thing, because then any normal adults who happen to flip through my sketchpad aren't disturbed over the shounen-ai. ^^;;; I wouldn't particularly care to explain its charms to a normal adult. I don't think they'd understand. @_@

The best advice I can give for drawing hands is to look at your own hands or the hands of one of your friends/family. Get someone to model for you. For some reason, hands come out much, much better if you model them from real life (at least in my experience).
Hahah, I tend to draw more males than females, as well. Although, I *don't* think I'm decent at both genders - I'm rubbish when it comes to any non-petanko ('flat') chick. *snrk*

Saa, my favourite subjects are Pokemon, too. As well as general male characters. Pokemon-wise, I'm also really fond of drawing the birds - especially Fearow and Ho-oh <3 - and things like Absol or Tropius, as well as gijinka and/or Pokemorphs. "General male characters" can cover both my favourite chara from manga/game series, as well as any random originals I may have...

Fu~~un. I really enjoy scribbling up gijinka - taking a non-human creature and making it human. I think it's really fun to design them~ You want to make them stand out, yet you also want to keep them recognizable... so you have to fiddle around a bit to work in the details. The crest on an Absol, the wings on a Charizard, things like that.

I have terrible self-confidence, so I don't really think I'm that good at drawing *anything*. XD; Sorry, I know that's a totally lame answer.

As for what I feel I need improvement on... well, the boring answer would be "everything". ^^; All in all, though, I'd really just like to be alot less lazy when it comes to art. Taking fewer shortcuts, putting more genuine effort into things, not giving up so quickly on certain things, not taking months to do a single colouring job... In general, just showing a little more initiative. I guess. ^^;;
That makes three of us lazy people! *High five* ...Though now that I'm going through and scanning a couple of things (read: about one hundred), I'm realizing I have ridiculous amounts of art. Like...thousands and thousands of drawings. x.x Where did all these come from?!

I rarely color things, and when I do it takes forever and ever. I need to color more.

You and I have similar interests in what we draw, Kauri. ^_^ I've always really admired your drawings, too. I have your sites on my favorites.
My favorite subjects are Ash and different Pokémon that I am into at the moment (e.g. I was planning a story that if I wrote things/drew I would turn into a fic/manga, and one of the characters has a shiny Sentret/Furret named Raspberry. Then I got obsessed with trying to draw the two. I also drew tons of Eevees and Eeveelutions a while ago for a different story). I also drew some weird crap, such as: one of the Eevees named Tomo dragging (well, trying to drag) a dead kiwi; a page full (almost full: I have just one more space left) of 56 animal ears; Toad Patrol's Panther Cap and Fur Foot as humans; Ash on his knees looking a bit torn up, but with a slight hopeful/trumphant smile and a cross in his right hand; Ash as a KoRn doll (with both eyes and no "torn-out stuffing"); "I want chu!" Uncle Pikachu with 6 fingers on its pointing hand; and Barney (whose left arm I have never drawn). I don't draw much anymore, though.

Not too good at humans and other animals, and even worse at backgrounds. Objects... they're ok, as long as they're very simple. It takes me a lot of time to finish even simple pictures.
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Okay.. let's see...

First off is transexual boys, for some reason, I always like to draw myself looking all girly. Weird.


Random Pokemon of The Day, I just pick one and draw it all day long.
Favorite Subject: Umbreon. I could draw Umbreon blindfolded. I'm OK at Pikachu and the others.. but I stick a lot to Umbreon, dabble with other Dark 'mon now and again.

Need to Improve: Humans. x_x I have been trying very hard lately to work on my human drawing skills. I think I've gotten to be too impatient as I've gotten older. XD But I'm working on it. I -will- be able to draw Karen someday, I -will-....
Ah, DarkEliteKaren! I'm glad I'm not the only one who draws Umbreon constantly. XD Umbreon is such a wonderful drawing subject. I keep freaking people out by drawing realistic Umbreons that look kind of creepy. ^^;;
Pacific Pikachu said:
Ah, DarkEliteKaren! I'm glad I'm not the only one who draws Umbreon constantly. XD Umbreon is such a wonderful drawing subject. I keep freaking people out by drawing realistic Umbreons that look kind of creepy. ^^;;

Indeed it is! XD I'd love to see some of your realistic ones. Mine all remain in a cartoony style, but I -love- seeing what critter people base realistic versions off of. I think I've seen dogs, cats, wolves and foxes all as a realistic base.. I'm always amused at how different people see it (or realistic drawingd of any pokemon, for that matter).
I draw too many damn chibis, and they're not even good. T_T

Mostly what I do a lot is draw pics from Super Mario Bros,
Pokémon (duh), Dragon Ball Z (DAMN good at it), and I'm
currently hoping to get the right materials to draw pics of
my fave Naruto characters (or something in that universe).
I've been working on drawing more Naruto characters, too, Lady Shinsei. There's something about Naruto's hair that has been throwing me off, though. I was practicing him today during English class, and I did a cute sketch of him eating ramen in his pajamas last night before bed. X3 I find Sasuke much easier. As of yet, I've only drawn Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata, but I hope to become proficient at tons of Naruto characters. ^_^ If you want to scan some pictures when you get to drawing them, I'd be happy to compare and critique drawings with you. I'm sure we could both use a second opinion from a fellow Naruto fan. ^^

DarkEliteKaren, I will happily scan some Umbreons for you if you want. :) I have about ten thousand of them. XD My Umbreons are kind of canine-ish (from drawing too many wolves, I put canine proportions on lots of things), but they have a cat-like thing going on, too. I think they mostly just look like realified Umbreons, though. XD
Pacific Pikachu said:
DarkEliteKaren, I will happily scan some Umbreons for you if you want. :) I have about ten thousand of them. XD My Umbreons are kind of canine-ish (from drawing too many wolves, I put canine proportions on lots of things), but they have a cat-like thing going on, too. I think they mostly just look like realified Umbreons, though. XD

Lol. XD I'd love to see them!
Favorite subject: Gym Leaders/Elite Four/Minor characters. :3

...lots of pr0n and yaoi, tho.
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