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Favorite League Tournament

Which League?

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Jun 11, 2004
Reaction score
Pokemon League.

Silver Conference.

Evergrande Convention.

Evergrande for me. We got Masamune, he was my favorite League Rival. We got some cool prelims, especially the Jump Battle. It was nice not having Charizard show up, and the Hoenn guys too shine. Torkoal actually won a battle. Tyson was somewhat neat, and his Meowth was cool. The Double Battles were neat. Team Rocket had a nice little running plot.

Oh, and the Kate Battle. Which rocked.

Silver Conference comes next, since it had the long awaited Gary Battle, and Charizard losing too Blaziken.

Pokemon League is last. Only interesting fights really were the one with Kingler, and the one with Muk. Ritchie was a plot device if I ever saw one.
Shouldn't the Orange League be there too? Yeah, it didn't have a tournament but it WAS a league.

Anyway, I'd have to vote Ever Grande just on the action alone. It had some of the best battles in the whole series. It was also awesome that the writers showed some of Masamune and Tetsuya's battles, instead of just focusing on Ash.
Silver Conference. I have yet to see Evergrande Convention, so I may change my mind after seeing that. ^^;
The Pokemon League was only interesting for the green-haired guy, if he was a part of it. Otherwise, bo~ring. I adore Richie, though. ^^;
I liked the Silver Convention best. I loved seeing all of Ash's different Pokemon. Who didn't he use in that league? Kingler?
Orange League (and Battle Frontier while we're at it) wasn't a tournament. The Grand Festival is.

I'll go with Hoenn due to the rivals and Team Rocket subplot.
Yeah, but the Ash/Gary battle was severely rushed. I remember being so pissed when that episode first aired because of how poorly they paced the battle. They spent half the first episode showcasing Ash/Gary fishing, and saved a full 6 on 6 battle for the end of the first and the entire second.

The battle was disappointing compared to what it could have been if they started battling right away in the first ep. Plus we didn't have a Pikachu Vs. Umbreon rematch, which also annoyed me because they built it up during the end of Orange and mid-Johto.

Otherwise what wasn't rushed about that battle was good, but I remember enjoying Harrison's a bit more.
It's showing the human characters. Harrison's battle was rushed into and that was still one and a half episodes.
It's showing the human characters. Harrison's battle was rushed into and that was still one and a half episodes.

Then they should have made Ash Vs. Gary a three parter so they could fit everything in. Ash and Gary battling in a league was something we were all waiting for since the first episode and it just ended up being a rushed battle.

At least with Harrison, we didn't really give a damn about the guy since he was just a generic league rival Ash was going to lose to anyway, so the battle was more important than the trainer.

With Gary, it was pretty disappointing that it wasn't the epic battle it could have been.
The Evergrande Convention was my favorite. Lot oif intense battles. How do you pronounce Evergrande?
Where's the option for 'they were all one giant bore'? Seriously, I was never into Pokemon for the big battles. The Gym and League episodes bore the hell out of me. I can't even pick one League that bored me the least since they all seemed to bore me the same way. =/
Evergrande = Ever grand.

Is it Evergrande Convention? I thought it was Evergrande Tournament. :eek: Or the Hoenn League. *rolls eyes* I wish they would be more consistant about these league names.

I'm going to wait until I somehow get enough money to buy the Master Quest boxsets and see the Silver Conference before making a judgement.

Also, I agree that the battles can sometimes be boring. But other times they can manage to actually be exciting. On more than one occasion I've actually ended up pretty much yelling at the TV giving commentary as if I'm watching an actual sport. o_O
Pokémon League.

Richie is awesome, no matter what anyone says.

The battles may have been short, but they were awesome for what we actually saw!
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