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Favorite Pokemon character of all time?

Mar 3, 2005
Reaction score
In this topiX we select our favorite Pokemon character of all time, from any canon we want. This includes Pokemon as well as people (and robots or anything else that could be classified as a "character").

My favorite character is Misty for a variety of good reasons, but I'll mentioned my second favorite, Giovanni from the game/anime/manga. Not a lot of backstory, but badassery in its purest form. Here's hoping the DP leader is more like him and less like the pussies we've gotten since GSC.
I have a lot of favorite characters.

I really love Clair because she is incredible and is definitely a character I'd like to see in live action. I bet she'd be beautiful. I've said many times on the internet how I love Clair. She seemed so gentle and caring during her episodes. But when people threatened her, she had awesome strength to defend herself. And plus, in Beauty is Skin Deep, you had to see her flip through those trees! She's incredible I tell ya.... she's a lot like Misty *-*

Misty is my favorite main character because her personality is realistic and she is a very idolic character. IMO she was the real Pokemon bishoujo. She had that classic look, those hot sisters and an awesome sense of fashion

Chigusa is a pretty damn good filler character. I've done so much fanarts of her, even a weird-looking cgi realism. Chigusa has an awesome character design and an awesome Pokemon. She could've made an awesome Pokemon coordinator.

Cassidy is my absolutely favorite member of Team Rocket. In fact she was my first ever favorite character besides Misty. I thought she looked extremely cool with her golden hair, her pink triangle earrings with her sleek black dress. And the name "Yamato" pwns completely. I even like it over "Ibuki" but I like it just as much as I like the name "Miyamoto". Well anyway, I got so into Cassidy, that the hosos weren't enough. I made a whole fan series about Cassidy and Butch called "Married W/ pokemon" and it was soooo Neoshippy. I did fanart, fanfics and even manga. That fan series seriously pwned! But not as much as my current "Fusube" fanseries.

Hinata is like the coolest game heroine I've ever laid my eyes on. Until she first got her premier, I always loved marina. But Hinata is just cool. I love the ranger concept, I love her outfit design, I love her hairdo, I love her Japanese name, I love the colors she wears and I'm a good fan of Plusle.
I'm sooo sorry, I could never just choose one absolute favorite character, I feel Misty, Hinata, Cassidy and Chigusa need to share Miss Clair's spotlight.
Geeee, I wonder who my favourite character is? -looks at signature- -looks at little Ash icon- -looks at username inspiration- XD Seriously, Ash is my favourite character, no questions asked, no doubt about it. And I'm not just saying that I like him because he's the main char, he just rocks. He's got a great personality, he's cute, he has some neat pokemon...dammit, if he was alive and real, I'd marry the bastard. XD

Though, I also like a few other characters. Anime-wise, I like him, Duplica, Latias, and a few other odds and ends characters.

Manga wise, I liked him, and I liked May, even though I don't think she was featured all that often. Misty was really cool in the manga too.

Games...ehhh, I dunno. I liked Lance. XD
Brock, hands down!

One the one side, he's strong, caring and sweet...but put a pretty face in front of him, and his brain goes out the window, making laughs ensue!

Also sings nice regardless of version. (but don't make him sing with his new voice, PLEASE.)
Misty definitely, if you people can't tell by my username. She's got a strong personality, strong will and has matured over the years to become a Gym Leader in the anime.

Second close: Mewtwo. Angsty and badass. Need I say more?
Professor Sebastian. He's very cool in that sexy, creepy kind of way and I think he's one of the most awesome villians we've seen on Pokemon. You have to love the evil genius. I love his VOICE. Plus he has the coolest hair on the show, IMO. XP He's my all time favorite character. It's a pity that so many people don't know him because he's such a minor character...he's so cool, if he would appear as often as Butch and Cassidy (on average, once per season) I'm sure he'd have lots of fans. How can you NOT like him?

With Seb taking the number one spot, my favorite characters are pretty much all of Team Rocket. Especially Buson, Bashou, and Tyson. Butch and Cassidy were the first favorite characters I ever had, so I'll always love them, despite their recent level of incompetence. (What is it with my attraction to minor characters?)

Bad guys aside, though, for some reason I've always had an intense affinity for Tracey. ^_^

Edit: I forgot my favorite pokemon! Hehe. I like Azurill, of course, it's so cute. I've always been a fan of the Marril family. Other than that, I like Arcanine, Houndoom, Flareon, Ponyta, Rapidash, Raichu, Quilava, Typhlosion...most fire types, really.
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No, we can't tell at all. -sticks tongue out- Hey, who is that guy in your avatar XD

Ohhh, I forgot to mention my favourite Pokemon! XD Charmander, Latias, Mew, Rapidash, Pikachu, Butterfree, Moltres, Suicune, Dratini/Dragonair...wow. I'm so oldschool, most of my favourites are old ones. XD OH, and Bellousom too. Even if I can't spell it.

edit: DAMMIT, I also forgot Aaron! How could I forget him?! DX
the Ralts line.

they count as pokemon characters right?
Karen (hence my user name). She's never been on the anime and didn't have a huge part in the games, but she's been a favorite of mine for a while none-the-less. Plus she trains (mostly) Dark types.. which are my favorite pokemon.

Morty, Falkner, Clair (I prefer game Clair over anime Clair, though), Jasmine, Brawly, Flannery, and Lance are my favorites when it comes to other Gym Leaders/Elites.

Loved Misty in the anime. Still do.

Butch and Cassidy are also top favorites. I tend to watch the anime only where a Gym Leader is on.. or Butch and Cassidy are on.

When it comes to pokemon: all Dark type pokemon, Pikachu/Raichu, Ninetails, Pidgey line, Sunkern and Luvdisc (yes, honestly).
Harrison is my favorite character of all time. Everytime I'm about to watch an episode of him, I hyperventalate. Then I get all giggily! Like a school girl!

My favorite Pokémon? Meowth and Magikarp. I've always been a fan of Meowth, collecting anything that had a picture of him on it. Fruit snacks? Macaroni? Jelly? Got it all. I'm a fan of Magikarp because every Pokémon needs a rabid fan! XD
Hm... many gym leaders personalities are very clever in the games even if they aren't as fully described as in the anime. Hm... truly, I would say I like um... I really don't know they all are rather neat.

Wobbuffet is a clever idea and is well executed, in my opinion but I don't see wobbuffet as all having the same personality and I don't really know of a specific wobbuffet.

Hm, I liked Bill a lot in the games before as well as Gabby & Ty they are pretty neat. In fact people don't give game characters enough credit, their lines are pretty neat and in emerald phone, extremely amusing. Suppose many don't even bother with them, probably hanging out in the wrong place then as this place is completely anime based and the game sections truly doesn't talk about much except battles.
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I'd probably have to say Drew/Shuu. He's an awesome character, not to mention coordinator. He's a smooth talker, a great trainer, not to mention, he's cute. ^^
My most favorite character is Kuruyo from that episode, forgot the name. But she is my most favorite character because she is sooo cute. I just <3 hair. But my favorite main character would have to be Meowth from Team Rocket. ^_^
Hmm. Lucario was a nice addition to the ansemble. He had alot of character and he was intelligent, and had an inner struggle. All pluses. And his design is made of pure win if that counts as anything. lol
Sol said:
Hmm. Lucario was a nice addition to the ansemble. He had alot of character and he was intelligent, and had an inner struggle. All pluses. And his design is made of pure win if that counts as anything. lol

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