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Favourite DS game.

What is your favourite game for DS?

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Da pokemon masta

New Member
Apr 10, 2007
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I just want to know what you guys think is your favourite DS game. mine would have to be Resident evil DS but i think diamond and pearl are goin to be way better than any DS game yet. so yeah just let me know what games you like.
Some people will hate me for this, but out of the small number of DS games I have played, the one I got the most enjoyment out of was Pokémon Ranger. I'm sure Diamond and Pearl will change that, though.
I've actually spent most of the time on my DS playing GBA games. I've actually only extensively played 2. And I must say that Children of Mana is my favorite so far. I picked it up not knowing anything about the series it came from, but I've been having lots of fun with it.

Super Princess Peach was fun, but when I can 100% a game within a week, you know it's way too easy.
The Mario & Luigi RPG (can't be bothered to look up the full title) is still my top DS game.
Well, Pokemon Diamond is definitely my favorite game, but I want to mention Jump Ultimate Stars, Chousoujuu Mecha MG, and Elite Beat Agents/Ouendan as extremely close seconds.

Actually, I feel it's really ashame about Jump Ultimate Stars probably not coming to america. If one sees it at their local best buy, fry's, or import store should pick it up right away (If they like fighting games, or even have the slightest like or nostalgia from jump comics.)
Diamond and Pearl may take the lead, but for now, it's probably Lost in Blue. The New Super Mario Bros. game is a close second, along with Advance Wars: Dual Strike.
I don't have that many DS games, but out of the ones I do have, either Pokemon Mystery Dungeon or Nintendogs. I think once I get my Diamond version, that will be my favorite, though.
I'd have to say it's the only DS game I owned (before my sister foolish lost my DS upon lending it to her)- New Super Mario Bros. However, much like a few of the other people in this thread have said, Pokemon is likely to assume that role with Diamond and Pearl. Close one, though.
My favorite DS games would have to be Mario Kart DS and Diddy Kong Racing DS just because I can play with friends, and we have a lot of fun racing together. But I'd definitely say that D/P is going to top that.
Well, I can't really pick a favourite as of yet, but out of the ones I've owned, Mystery Dungeon is a standout. Oh and I bought Theme Park 2 days ago and I'm REALLY loving that game.
Well, of what I've played even briefly, I have to say Ouendan and Elite Beat Agents are definitely my favourites. EBA is being released here next month, so I'm waiting for it, and I'm going to import Ouendan, Ouendan 2, Daigasso and Nodame when Ouendan 2 comes out next month. (I have a slight obsession with rhythm games. :x)

From what I own, and have played more:

Children of Mana: sucked. Dungeon crawlers phail. Hopefully Heroes of Mana will be better.
Mystery Dungeon: sucked. Again, dungeon crawlers phail.
Clubhouse Games: way better than I expected. My Solitaire addiction is back.
Tetris DS: also way better than I expected.
Mario Kart DS: got it mostly for the multiplayer, which is awesome.
Advance Wars DS: possibly more awesome than Advance Wars 2, and I loved Advance Wars 2.
Kirby: Canvas Curse: a lot of fun and a good way to kill time.

On the whole, from those I'd pick MKDS in a multiplayer setting, and either AWDS or Clubhouse single-player-wise. Multiplayer's so much more fun though.
Elite Beat Agents is definitely my favorite game right now. Even though Jumpin Jack Flash pwns me every time- and that's just on the first difficulty. I'm seriously considering importing Ouendan. Once I get Pearl on Sunday, I KNOW that'll be my favorite, but... EBA right now. I'm also considering getting Lunar Knights- any hack n slash with a hot lead and a winged black kitty can't be bad.
My other games:
Animal Crossing- good way to unwind. Very soothing game.
Kirby Canvas Curse- Addictive, though I'm still stuck on the last stage.
Mystery Dungeon- haven't played it for a while, but may start again when the wait for Pearl starts driving me mad so I can get my Pokemon fix till then.
Mario Kart DS- Went online for the first time a while back. Got pwned. Can't wait to go back.
Wario Ware Touched- EXCELLENT time killer.
Cooking Mama- Really, really fun. And it's cheap. So buy it, 'k?
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