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Favourite new pokemon

Greggle and Mikaruge. There are others, but those two are just the most awesome, imo.

Followed by Masukippa, Greggle, Neolant, Fuwaride, Dootakun, and Dosaidon.
Greggle and Dokurog, Masukippa and Manene, mostly.

But above all...

The Hikozaru line. Because you simply can't go wrong with the Son Goku monkey.
Donkrow (you just KNOW that is going to be its English name), Misdreavus evo, Lickitung evo, Naetle's line, Pochama (whatever the correct way to spell it is) and its line, Fatass Cat, the two Skunks, the evolved form of the Hippo, Bippa and its evo, Roserade. Yep.
Hmm. Let's see...

Lucario, Rozureido, Muumajii, Dotaitos, Weavile and Mimiroppu.
Favorites: All Legends (although Hiidoran is my least favorite of them... blast double-weakness to Ground.......) -- Emuritto, Agonomu, Yukishii, Diaruga, Parukia, Giratina, Kureseria, Sheimi, Hiidoran, Aruseus, Darkrai, Regigigas, Manaphy, Fione --, Muumaaji, Weavile, Lucario, 2nd stage of Murkrow, Yukimenoko (new stage of Snorunt), new stage for Kirlia (fighting/psychic), Mukuhawk, new electric type's last stage (can't remember the name), Dorapion, Elekible (strange name, though), Megayanma, and to cover Aruseus's types, his Psychic, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Water, Fire, Ice, and Bug types.
Naetle, Dodaitose, Gokazaru, Flowsel, Gonbe, Lucario, Gureggru, Erlade, Dialga, Arseus
Manene is one of my four favorite pokemon, tying with Gengar, Togetic, and Pelipper.

2nd place is Lucario. 3rd Korinku. 4th Manafi. 5th...Zugaidosu.
Sukatanku by a LONG shot. <3
(I've known Rukario for a while, so I don't consider him new like Sukaluv. :3)

Masukippa, Korinku line, Manyula (but she's not that new), Glacieon, Arseus, Bouysel, Kabarudon, Sheimi, Diaruga, Manaphy, and Fione are also pwnsome.
First and foremost, Elecable, Biidaru, and Dianose.
Then Yukikaburi, Yukinooh, Mojanbo, Rampard, Naetle, Hayashigame, Dotaitos, Pottaishi, Mitsuhoney, Fuwaride, Rotomu, Hiidoran, Manmuu, PorygonZ, Sukanpuu, Sukutanku, Doomiraa, Dootakun, Parukia, Minomucchi, and Garmeil. In no order. Probably forgot a couple. All in all, we got a great bunch of new Pokemon. Many have criticized them for oddity, but those people are obviously losers.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
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