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Filler Characters than and now

The Big Al

Mar 5, 2005
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alright, this is a little discussion of filler characters or "Trainers of the Day" as we call them. *Coughs*

In season 1, I think they had the best Trainers of the Day because they had hopes and dreams that we learned about. They deservesd more episode of them exclusively, fulfilling them.

-A.J.'s dream of being the best trainer ever.
-Dublica's dream of being a Ditto Master (she did get another episode later but it wasn't as good as her first).
-Susey's dream of being the best breeder in the world (also got a lackluster Johto return to basically reclaim Vulpix).
-Mikey's wish train Eevee without evolving it.

And other characters who may not have had dreams but had interesting stories about them.

Then we get in Johto and its stupid kid as Pokemon that has some problem, TR tries to steal it, fail, blast off, all is happy. Those that did have dreams, got such hoaky epsiodes that it really made destroyed their story. Hoenn hasn't been much better.
I LIKED Johto's fillers better. Zachary, Benji, Bucky, Shiro, Ephram, Andreas, Zane....

Not to mention a lot of the filler chars NOW have perty eyes :3

Yeah there were some fillers in Kanto I liked (DARIODARIODARIODARIO), and in the Orange Islands (I'd like...DIE without Mateo and Tad, sir) but Johto and Hoenn's are so much cuter and so pathetically adorable. XD Especially Benji. He's all 'omfg my repsonsbilty to take care of these ppl plz' and Zachary 'OMG DRAMA MY YANMA WON'T LISTEN!!!!1' and then he cries 'cause he's so cute.
Cute, who said anything about cute? Cute doesn't make episodes. Plot makes episodes and the characters in Johto had no plots. It was the same cookie cutter filler with a gym battle, capture, or evolution interrupting the vicious cycle.

Though I don't give a Ratatta's rear about cute so I'm biased. Still, Diglett's on a Rampage and the Tech Student who knew too little are better than "my Yanma breaks windows and I can't make it stop".
Well, sometimes the eps had a problem that revolved around that Pokemon's abilities/something that they have special about them. Like Yanma's beating wings and Dunsparce not appearing very often.

Other times it was ALSO about their hopes and dreams like Benji wanting to be a Mountain Patrol officer or Ephram wanting to win the Grass Pokemon tourney.

And y et other times it gave main characters a chance to shine, like Andreas being a rival to Misty in the Seaking contest.

The plot elements were there, but I WILL admit that they could have focused better.

Less Team Rocket woulda helped D:
Jimmy in AG's referee school episode was an interesting character for a crappy episode. I certainly hope we see him again sometime.
We saw Janine from Fuchsia City twice, if memory serves me correctly. I liked her as a character. I also liked Marina, the Water Pokémon trainer from an Orange Islands episode [the one where she battled Misty, who thought that Psyduck had evolved into a Golduck].
I think part of the reason people like the Kanto filler characters so much more is not because they were actually *better* characters, but because they came first. People like A.J. or Gizelle were the first filler characters we ever saw, so they're the ones that people have the fondest memories of. As times goes on and we add filler character after filler character, it gets harder to keep track of everyone, so people just write the newer characters off as being uninteresting while giving in to their nostalgia for the older characters.

I guarantee that if the Flower Shop Girls in Hoenn or Marius from Johto were in the first few episodes instead of A.J. and Gizelle, people would like them a whole lot more than they do now.
My favorite Johto filler character was Chigusa. After her closely following were Callista, Rochelle and Lakoko. To me, Liza is not a filler character.
In Houen, I liked that green head from Lombre's evolution (reminded me of my own original character), Rico the Pokemon hunter, Nicolai, that girl with the Bagon and some more I cant think of right now
In Kanto and the Orange Islands my favorites were Duplica, Kay, Ruby, that green head from the eppie when Psyduck gets the movie roll and Lara.
As they said on Serebii, Chigusa was kind of murdered, personality-wise. She had the potential to become a Pokemon coordinator but stayed in her Johto palace, training that Hitmontop.
The Big Al said:
Mikey's wish train Eevee without evolving it.
You want Mikey's journey? Read my fic. >:O

And I like a lot of the filler characters, too many to list. Hence why I'm doing the fic so I can add in as many as I can. *already added Samurai and Jiroo* ^_^

I liked the filler characters where you could think there was a backstory to them. The Johto ones were kind of iffy but the first ones and the latest ones aren't too bad.
And hey, if all else fails...there's always the opportunity to write fanfiction and GIVE them a backstory. XD *does that to Gym Leaders*
Yeah, Gym Leaders are cool. Unofficial ones as well. Dorian's awesome. AJ too. :D
Blackjack Gabbiani said:
Oh yeah? How much do we know about, say, Jasmine? Or Koga? Why does Chuck do what he does? What inspired Roxanne to be a Rock trainer?

She likes them ROCK HARD.


Actually, she doesn't. 'Cause she only likes girls. :D Jasmine, Winona, Janine, Erika, Pheobe... the list goes on. :p

Janine better frikking get a bloody appearence. She's so hot. x_x (And yeah, I'd tap that ass!)
In your sick head maybe. *coughs*

However, this is about filler characters and how they've changed. Not about the completely uncannon sex lives of th gym leaders.

I still say that they put some more heart into the Kanto fillers than Johto and even Hoenn. Kanto>Hoenn>Johto in terms of effort.

However, I do agree Janine deserves an episode. Maybe in the new Kanto Saga.
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