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Notice Final Closure Notice: Clubs Close effective Sunday, June 5th

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Sep 3, 2004
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Attention members of the clubs forums. With many past announcements leading up to the vB4 upgrade we have always said that the Clubs Forum would be closed upon the upgrade. Now that we’re here, it is finally time to part ways with this forum.

As of Sunday June 5, we will close all remaining threads and archive the Clubs Forum.

We thank the users for the many discussions, wonderful contributions and memories we’ve shared as part of this forum as this forum has shared a good deal of history in this place. In the forum’s dismissal, we encourage the use of Social Groups which many have adopted. While others may not have adjusted completely to their structure, it is our hope with the new upgrades that they’re much more accessible and continue to stimulate the discussion you cherished among the threads of the Clubs Forum.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask here.

For those looking for Social Group equivalents to the most common threads here, please give these places a shot.

Ash Club
Misty Club
May Club
Dawn Club
Brock Club
Team Rocket Fan Club
Cynthia Fan Club
Voice Actors Club*
*This group is for general voice acting. Feel free to create a group for voice actors of the show.

For those who are a bit leery on the activity of Social Groups, I must say this:

Social Groups can be active, it’s just up to you to post the content in there much like you’d make posts here. You have the potential to expand into a wide variety of issues within one fandom. If you like Kingdom Hearts, you can dedicate a thread entirely debating if she’s a chosen Keyblade wielder or you can talk about shipping the characters in another thread. Speaking closer to home, if you’re a fan of Brock you can talk about all the girls he’s almost successfully paired with and in another thread talk about the best ribpounding, earpulling moments. It’s all up to you guys in how you utilize these groups and they have a potential to help discuss things in a more orderly fashion.

Thank you guys, it's been a fun forum.
you shouldn't close them just make more clubs
I can't help but agree, we SHOULD have a choice in this matter to either go with existing clubs or use the social group system. Its a bit easier to see what social groups you are a member of now but pointless if they just lie dormant with no one using them.
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