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Final Fantasy VIII... underrated?

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Dec 29, 2002
Reaction score
Well, I'll start by saying this... this is coming from someone who hasn't played FFVII yet, having gotten a defected disc and still haven't gotten around to replacing it. But I've seen parts of it and it looks okay. Plus, I know a lot about the game in general anyway, and I wouldn't doubt I'd like it.

But... in the meantime, despite all the rants I hear about it, I've been playing FFVIII, having bought it at the same time as the rest. I can only think of two possible reasons for why it got such bad reviews (not things I had a problem with, but to each his own). On top of it all though, it was worth my time. The only few problems I saw with it was that it seemed to be more focused about the character personalities than the story. But then again, I'd prefer that over having an exciting story with boring characters.
Another thorn in my side was the junctioning system. That was hell to figure out, and even the tutorial wasn't too clear on it. But hey, I got all the way to the 4th disc without junctioning any magic, until I was desperate. Don't ask how I pulled that off, haha. But anyway, I think I'd understand people hating that system to hell, and an attempt at an original way of controlling stats.
Now... the monsters leveling up with you seems to be an issue for a lot of people, but for some it's more of a benefit.

But anyway, this one seems to have gotten most of the shaft. However, I wouldn't quite doubt the others being much better, yet. FFX and X-2 had some qualities that pissed me off (especially X-2), but yeah... anyone else agree that this one was underrated?


I'm playing that right now - currently on Disc 2.

The junctioning system looks kind of difficult to manage, but the auto setting makes it much easier - I pretty much had junctioning magic figured out from the get-go. I do have to admit that the tutorial isn't very good, though.

As for the story - yeah, I'm only on Disc 2, so I can't fully say, but so far it seems pretty good, if a bit cliche by Final Fantasy standards.

... My only real problem with FFVIII is that Selphie is really, really annoying. But then, I got over Colette in ToS, so I guess I'll get over this too.
I agree. I thought FF8 was a great game; sure, it had its problems, but it entertained me a hell of a lot more than FF7 did. I really got attached to the characters, and the game kept me wanting more.
I loved it as well. But I think the problem was that FFVII was such a hit that ANY follow up was going to get bad reviews. Too many people compared it to FFVII and didn't let it stand on its own.
...Blame FF7 fanboys without any previous exposure to RPGs for FF8's bad reviews.

As far as I'm concerned, FF8 was much more fun than FF7. I actually liked Squall, Selphie, Irvine, etc. While having to prolong easy battles to "draw" magic was annoying, the Junction system and GFs were absolutely rewarding and gamebreaking, especially with a junctioning faq on hand. I simply junctioned everything onto 3 characters, and they plowed through everything. Any RPG system that does not emphasize endless leveling up deserves praise.
Final Fantasy 8, in my view, was vastly superior to ANY Final Fantasy game aside from Final Fantasy 9. It's most certainly underrated. It's underrated due to an OVERrated game...Final Fantasy 7.
Meh, Imo it's down there with X-2 in my favourites list. However, that isn't to say it's bad.

I recently started playing it again (Til my memory card busted on me) and was actually pretty much liking it more than the first time through. But, I think there are a few reasons for it's underating,

VIII follows VII, as said, and of course, VII is the one held in highest esteem, it would only be fair that 8 wasnt up to scratch compared to it's older borther/sister. The same can be applied for Final Fantasy X-2 to X. (Although X2 WAS a travesty in it's own right).

It's too easy. Yeah. Your looking at level 100 characters who can kill anything in one limit break. And it's easy to level up too...

The Junction system. A lot of people, from what I have seen, had a hard time understanding it. So it would only be logical that it contributed to its downfall.

There are obviously a few other things, but thats what I think make it seem so bad.
As for my opinion on it, I love it.
I liked 8 a lot better than 7, that's for sure. Granted, the whole Ultimecia thing didn't make much sense, but the game system was fun, the characters were enjoyable ('cept I didn't like Squall that much...WHY couldn't I take him out of the damn party?!?!), and it was just overall a fun game.
The anti-Squall sentiment seems to be the common notion. I must be one of maybe...5 people in the world who defends him, and I never even completed the game...oh well.
Squall is one of the cooler, more secluded characters, he's way in over his head in everything he does, yet pulls through anyway.

And his limit owns :D
Hmmmm... the biggest problems with FF8, imo, was that it seemed to be rather dumbed down. People were very confused by FF7's plot holes and open ending, and so they decided to give us a simple love story. A love story that was very annoying (The whole Squall x Rinoa thing, not the FF8 story. :x) at that

The game also seemed to struggle with villians. Edea wasn't that good. Okayish, but not what I'd want from a female villian. Adel sucked. Ultimecia... the f*ck? Seifer, Fuujin and Raijin were the best 'villians' in the game, I'd say. And that's a shame, because as much as I love the less important villians, the Main Villian should also be decent. -_- (I recall wanting to KILL Sephiroth by the time I was at the end of 7. He... Aeris... ;;) As for 9... Kuja will always be my main man. ^^

BUT! It is underated. Seriously underated. -_-; Needs much more love, in my opinion.
... I agree with SomethingAwful's review of FF9. ^^;

It was a step back FF7 and FF8. FF9's battle system was too slow, the characters were shallow caricatures, I hate medieval settings, characters were ugly, the Eidolons came too late and were worthless, and that godawful "dance" in Bermecia made me ashamed to play.

It was the best PS1 era FF... Actually mnake that the best 3D FF.
Yes, I too agree that FF8 is underrated. I've only played up to disc 3, but it seems to be a very nice game. Apparently, many seem to hate the "love story," and I don't understand why. Also, the Ragnarok is awesome. :D
I know I'm a bit late to add my two cents, but here it goes.

I actually do enjoy FFVIII a lot. I liked the story a great deal and personally liked the Gunblade Squall has.

As for the Juctioning system they had... I found it easy. All it is is using magic spells you stole from enemies using the "Draw" command and using those spells to enhance your character, make your weapons elementally effective and make yourself immune to certain spells.

Was it underrated? I really don't know. But I really enjoyed the game a lot.
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