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"F◦R◦I◦E◦N◦D◦S" -- "The One Where We Sign-Up"

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Master Mew

Level 7
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score

A Non-Pokémon Roleplay

Based off of the the critically acclaimed television series of its namesake, this RP will follow six "twenty-somethings" living out their daily lives in New York City. Additional characters beyond the six Main Characters may be approved as recurring Supporting Characters.


  1. No 'Godmodding'
    Don't give your character 'godlike' abilities or attributes, these are real people.

  2. No 'Powerplaying'
    Don't control other players' characters or story elements.

  3. No Excessive 'OOC' Comments
    'OOC' (Out-of-Character) comments should be kept to a minimum, as they tend to clog up the Roleplay. Try to keep these discussions in the Sign-Up/Discussion Thread.

  4. Respect Your Fellow Roleplayers
    This should be obvious.

  5. Acceptance
    This is intended to be a relatively small Roleplay with only a handful of members, so please do not be discouraged if your application is not accepted. It's nothing personal, and if you have any questions regarding the status of your application, feel free to contact me anytime.

Sign-Up Form

Name: Your character's full-name - First, Middle, and Last (Please be original, I'll be denying any characters I've seen before)
Age: 21-28 unless applying exclusively for a Supporting Role
Gender: Male or Female only, please
Sexuality: Don't include this section in your Sign-Up, but think about it. You should have a sexuality decided for your character, but not everybody needs to know about it.
Appearance: Describe your character's physical characteristics (No pictures, please)
Personality: What makes your character tick?
Job/Career: What does your character do for a living?
Important Life Events: I don't need a full biography, but if there is anything in particular in your character's past that significantly affects who they are today, please include it here.
Quirks: Weird little things about your character that make them unique (shouldn't take center-stage, but will probably come up occasionally)
Likes/Interests: Your character's favorite things
Dislikes: Things that really frustrate your character
Flaws: Nobody's perfect, what does your character need to work on?
Role: Are you applying exclusively for a Main Character, or would you be okay with being a Supporting Character (Choosing the latter improves your chances of acceptance)?
Friends Character Inspiration: Does your character take some inspiration from a character from the show? Not required.
Personal Inspiration: What trait(s) do you and your character share?
Favorite Episode of Friends: If any. This one's just for fun.

My Sign-Up

Name: Kyle Richard Hampton
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Appearance: Caucasian, slightly tanned skin. Lean and in shape, but far from being "male model" material. A little on the short side. Kyle has short, black hair that betrays his over-fondness for hair-gel, often styling it into a mess of three-quarter-inch spikes. He often wears well-fitted dark blue jeans, sneakers, and button-up shirts. Kyle almost exclusively sports an awkward, sheepish smile.
Personality: Kyle is only just now beginning to grow out of his socially awkward phase, he's fun-loving and tries to be easy-going, but usually fails, reverting back to a need for order and understanding he developed as a child. He's usually insightful and empathetic, and though he'd never admit it, is a very sensitive guy who places a high value on meaningful relationships. He has a natural inclination to try to solve conflicts between others, but in his own awkward, usually tends to further complicate things.
Job/Career: Freelance Artist (thinks he's better than he is)
Important Life Events: Kyle's parents divorced when he was seven years old after his mother discovered his father had been in an affair with his secretary at work for several years. Not wanting Kyle to think less of his father, his mother decided not to tell him about the affair until years later, and in the meantime Kyle had determined it must have been his fault. This event initiated years of introversion that followed.
Quirks: Kyle likes things to be under control; as a side-effect of this, he often comes across as overbearing and meddlesome, often to the ire of his friends. He's very high-maintenance and prone to self-doubt in any relationship, often needing to be reassured of his value.
Likes/Interests: Novels, studying, and learning new things. Spending "quality-time" with friends and family
Dislikes: When things don't go "like they're supposed to," Kyle is the most likely of the bunch to be the one yelling "No, no, no! That's not right!" and suggesting that they start over and do it right this time. Rules are important to Kyle, so much so that breaking them often leads to a near mental-breakdown for him.
Flaws: Fear of commitment and fear of loss of control.
Role: Main Character
Friends Character Inspiration: Monica
Personal Inspiration: Introversion, fear of commitment, and value of relationships
Favorite Episode of Friends: "The One Where Ross and Rachel... You Know

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Name: Aaron Robert Jefferson
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tanned, coffee-colored skin. Aaron is quite thin and tall, somewhere around 6'2. He has short cut black hair that is always slicked up with gel in the front. Aaron often wears a pair of torn blue jeans or kahaki shorts and sneakers. He will usually be seen sporting old logo t-shirts and sweatshirts.
Personality: Aaron is verily independent and mentally unstable. He spends virtually all of his time inside and tends to slack off a lot. Aaron has not been able to hold a job for more than six months as of yet. He has a very short fuse, and a lot of things set him off. As well, he thinks too highly of himself and looks down on other people. He isn't afraid to take risks, and is generally a fun-loving guy.
Job/Career: Budding Lawyer (In training)
Important Life Events: As a child, Aaron was spoiled by his parent's wealth. He got whatever he wanted, when he wanted it. It never crossed his mind that he would have to work for things when he got older. He was never a very good student, due to the fact that he slacks off a lot. Once he turned twenty, Aaron's parents kicked him out of the house to live on his own after not being able to care for him, being in debt. And now, here he is, trying to make it in New York, playing video games every free minute of the day, not giving a damn about anything that's happening around him...
Quirks: Aaron likes to have as much free time to himself as possible. He is also the kind of person who leaves everyhting until the last minute. He's very high-maitenence and gets angry at himself, and generally the world, often.
Likes/Interests: Gaming, gaming, gaming, computer programming and
Dislikes: Aaron absoulutely HATES losing whether in life or in a video game. He is really only happy when things are going his way. Aaron also has a tendency to ingnore things that he doesn't want to hear, no matter its importance.
Flaws: Social outcast, spends all time inside playing video games and is mentally and socially unstable.
Role: Main Character
Personal Inspiration: The fact that we both slack off a lot.
Name: Tyler Lane
Age: 25
Gender: Male

Appearance: Tyler has brown colored hair which he usually wears in a straight fashion, at times his hair tends to reach down his neck other times he combs it in a way so that his neck is visible but that it covers his forehead. Tyler has white colored skin along with a pair of hazle colored eyes that can some time be seen as green. He has an athletic built and wears a crimson colored Aeropostale shirt with a short sleeved beige jacket that ends at the top of the middriff. He also wears a pair of Nike shoes.

Personality: Tyler can sometimes come off as a goofy idiot to most people, at times he tries to look cool in front of others and while he isn't necessarily completely clueless of what he does he tends to screw up somehow. Tyler tends to be sarcastic towards people and tries to avoid anything that comes close to a real relationship with someone, he also has a shy and insecure side to him. Aside from that he tends to act confident in front of people and always tries to do his best.

Job/Career: He's a guitarist in a band but he still needs a lot of practice.

Important Life Events:Tyler was abandoned by his mother when he was still little and as thus he barely remembers anything about it. Because of this he lived with his dad most of his life and since he barely stayed at home because he had to support Tyler he started doing things to attract attention. When he was fifteen years old his father died of a heart attack and he was in turn sent to live with his aunt. Due to his strong disliking towards her he ran away at seventeen and began living on his own.

Quirks: He tends to make sarcastic comments, he likes to eat lots and lots of sweets and gets hyper every time he does so.

Likes/Interests: Music, action movies, books (though he won't admit it), video games, hanging out with his friends, dancing
Dislikes: Organizing, jelly, spiders, rats (though he has a few in his apartment he just doesn't acknowledge their presence), Heights, fighting (unless it's sure that he wins)

Flaws: Tyler has a fear of commitment due to what happened with his parents as well as his aunt, he also thinks he's a better guitarist than how he really is.

Role: Main Character

Friends Character Inspiration: Mostly Chandler with a little bit of Phoebe but a large part of it is original
Personal Inspiration: Insecure, talks to much, eats lots of sweets before getting hyper
Favorite Friend's Episode: Split between The One with the Prom Video and The One with Joey's New Brain
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Master Mew, you're a genius.

Name: Leo Xavier Concorde
Age: 22
Gender: Male

Appearance: Pale, above average height at an even six feet tall. Strong build, though not muscular; barely in-shape. Leo has medium-length, dusty-blonde hair, with bangs that just barely get into his dark brown eyes. He nearly always wears button-down shirts, with khaki pants on work days and jeans on days off.

Personality: Leo's defining trait is an over-the-top zeal for perfectionism. Awkward and insecure, Leo focuses his free time entirely around his friends. Obsessively. Though well-meaning, he more often than not drives new acquaintances away in his over-eager need to please. However, he is more than capable of acting professionally in his work--even to the opposite extreme, often treating colleagues coolly and bluntly, to the point of insensitivity. Lastly, Leo is a complete and utter sap regarding relationships, believing each one (both his own and his friends') to be flawless and permanent.

Job/Career: Freelance writer, also working on his first novel.
Important Life Events: Leo's parents, though loving, expected the best from him in his academic work; even a single mistake was cause enough for disapproval from them. Later, his first girlfriend dumped after two years together; apparently, the 'spark' had gone out of their relationship without him even noticing. The twin desires to never fail in his work and in his relationships are the roots of his obsessive perfectionism.

Quirks: Freaked out by bare feet, after one catastrophic failure of a relationship; not athletic and uncoordinated, and so a very poor driver; loves playing matchmaker, especially between friends
Likes/Interests: Stories of all kinds, especially those with happy endings; walking places instead of driving; being useful to his friends and family
Dislikes: Being unable to help friends and family; feeling useless in general; cynics; pointlessly depressing stories
Flaws: Hates failing and may do anything to succeed, even underhandedly; frequently overbearing in his relationships; often insensitive and tactless when 'helping out' others, particularly with relationships; often brutally cold and blunt to those outside his social circle

Role: Main Character or Supporting Character
Friends Character Inspiration: To my knowledge, no.
Personal Inspiration: Nearly all of them, though Leo's are much more exaggerated.
Thanks guys, there are no issues with your applications (in fact I quite enjoyed reading them), and I appreciate your interest! I'll be deciding the members a little later on when we have more Sign-Ups, but I just wanted to chime in and give you guys a status-report. :-D
Name: Jakku Diran Hemingway Ebansu
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dark Brown hair, about halfway down to his neck. Big thick rimmed black glasses, the type that're trendy right now. You know the ones. He suffers from Heterochromia, so his left eye is grey, whilst his right is green. He has quite pale skin, and is tall and fairly gangly. Jakku tends to wear skinny jeans to make himself look taller though. He spends a fortune on baseball boots, too. Above these, he generally wears colourful t-shirts, and hooded tops or shirts. He hates jewellery though, and half the time he forgets to wear a watch.
Personality: Jakku is quite a pessimistic person, quite a lot of the time. He loves to eat, and drinks too much, which he regrets the morning after. He can't drive, but in New York, that's unnecessary most of the time. Jakku can act fairly hostile to people he doesn't know and/or like, but he's very relaxed around people he knows. He can also act very immature. That's something to keep an eye on. Jakku gets very distracted by people he is distracted to. This is one of the reasons he is not allowed to drive. When drunk, he gets very sleepy, and doesn't pay attention to events going on. This is also a rule in the mornings. Jakku's birthday is October 18.
Job/Career: He's a columnist for a popular magazine, and his column is pretty freelance. He lives in his apartment thanks to this, his divorce payments, and the miracle of Rent Control.
Important Life Events: 0- Jakku was born in Manchester, UK. He doesn't remember much of England, as he left when he was six, but identifies himself as English. His parents move to New York County.
13- Hit by car. Survives, spends summer propped up in bed, writing. Finally 'gets' what he wants to do with his life.
18- Enrols in New York University Journalism course. Passes a few years later.
19- Meets Hannah, who he believes is his love at first sight. Hannah is initially in love with him back.
20- Marries Hannah. Hannah is by now being unfaithful.
22, February- Hannah divorces him, upon realising she is more successful, better paid, and hot property. Jakku goes into depressive spiral. Doesn't like to talk about the divorce.
22, June- Jakku gets job at popular magazine, pulls out of his depressive Spiral, and buys a new apartment, hence him being relatively new at the apartment block.
Quirks: Hates his own feet, as his big toe is larger than average. He also hates being referred to as weird, and isn't so neat as to be OCD, but it fairly obsessive about keeping a clean home.
Likes/Interests: Video Games, Japanese culture, presents. He also loves Indian food, one of the reasons him picking the building being there is a takeaway just down the street. His favourite manga changes quickly, but currently is Hitman Reborn. He can usually be found in comic stores and coffee shops, reading manga with a hot chocolate.
Dislikes: Boring films, like romances. The rain. He also really, really hates talking to people he believes to be of lower IQ than himself.
Flaws: Jakku can be very, very impatient. He's far too blunt for his own good, and he expects everyone to be as clever as him in conversation. Mention of his divorce, or calls from his ex-wife, can put him into depressive spirals for anything up to a few days.
Role: Main Character, all the way across the sky!
Friends Character Inspiration: Probably Chandler. Everyone loves Chandler. He's probably as immature as Joey though.
Personal Inspiration: Um, Jakku is my Author Avatar, so aside from the Heterochromia, and the failed marriage, quite a lot. He's probably a better writer than I am though. Jakku also has many of the same flaws as me.
Favorite Episode of Friends: Awh, that's so difficult... Um, the Ones in London, probably. Those were hillarious. Or anything with Marcell.
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Name: Emma Imogen Radford-Digby
Age: 22
Gender: Female

Appearance: A petitish girl, with not enormously huge curves but naturally slim waistline from her bust and hips. She’s 5 foot 7 tall and fair skinned. Light brown hair that is neatly chopped in a inverted bob hairstyle. Green eyes and luscious lips. Her attire is not trampy slutty yet not fully covered all the time. Class, Elegance and Tastefulness best describe the choices of outfits and shoes she usually chooses to wear.

Personality: A natural calm headed person, she has been taught to not really talk mindlessly and wastefully. Although she has gained other attributes from around her life, so she can be in a party mood sometimes or flirty e.t.c One thing she doesn’t like are the girls that don’t act like girls, with tattoos and act like tough. She believes women should act like women.

Important Life Events: Born into an upper class family in Buckinghamshire, England. She moved to America at the age of 18 to enroll into the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. However, she didn’t start until 19 due to wanting to get more familiar and settle down into New York. She started her undergraduate course for Fashion Design and at the age of 22, is in her last year.

Quirks: Speaks in a distinguishable posh British accent. Tries to be preppy sort of girl, not the one to get drunk at parties. She’ll have a good time like everyone else, just in limit. Hates bad manners and etiquettes like tattoos, farting in public e.t.c

Likes/Interests: She loves socializing in the classy way, over tea or American way, a coffee shop. She also loves shopping obviously and although she is unable to do it anymore, she loved horse-riding and is fond of horses. They are her favourite animal. She also in her own time likes listening to music and drawing, arts and going out with mates basically.

Dislikes: Bad manners for one, swearing continuously shows her lack of a person’s vocabulary, women acting manly. She also hates cruelty to animals, though she is not a vegetarian. She also hates the slutty girls, ones with the fake boobs, cheap styles e.t.c

Flaws: She can come off a little snoby, main reason being she thinks she is not a snob and will not talk to anyone who she does not like, which understandably does not help the snob issue.

Role: Main Character

Friends Character Inspiration: No don’t watch the show xD
Personal Inspiration: Well we both have that British thing and want to break into America. She’s sort of what I’ve always wanted to be, a fashion designer though just not really a viable future career. I am no way posh and sorry but I shop in RI, H&M, Primark, Zara e.t.c I can’t be posh, preppy classy xD
Favorite Episode of Friends: Don’t watch the show
Thanks for the awesome sign-ups, guys! Everyone: The Sign-Ups are still very much open and will continue to be for the next several days (probably into midweek), so take your time to craft your characters! I look forward to reviewing everyone's applications and starting what I hope will be a massively successful roleplay!

All the Best,
Master Mew
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Bumping the thread, and a question: how will Supporting Characters work (provided we have enough players)? Will they be able to participate full-time, just without plot significance, or only pop up when needed?
Supporting characters will work as essentially "Guest Stars" - appearing as needed, to put it in your words. However, much like many Guest Stars in television series, there is the potential for a more permanent role to emerge if the character has good chemistry with the Cast.

A Supporting Character might be encountered as a Love Interest for one of the main characters, for instance. In this case, the Supporting Character could become a pseudo-main-character if the relationship lasts a long time and becomes serious.
Please, please, please give me one more day to get my signup in.

Had a really busy weekend and so I didn't get a chance to get one up.
Don't worry about it, HiPS. I'm not closing the Sign-Ups until I get more applicants, so you have plenty of time.

Everyone: I really need more female characters (we have one so far), come on ladies, represent!
Name: Jackson Evan Carter (some people call him Jack)
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Appearance: Jackson fits right in on Wall Street when he's wearing a suit and tie. He has short blonde hair that is always carefully done and he has the determined look in his eyes of someone that is willing to work hard to get all he can out of life. He dresses well even when he's not working, and the only time he wears sweats or gym shorts is when he's at the gym or going for a run. As a result of the time he puts into his body, he is in good shape physically. His broad shoulders and chest are noticeable when he is wearing a suit due to the tighter cut tailored suits that are the current fashion on Wall Street.

Jackson's most defining physical traits are his sky blue eyes and boyish charm. Even though he works for a large bank on Wall Street and he wears expensive suits, when he's not at work and he's just relaxing, he doesn't look a day over nineteen. He has the young face of the lead singer of a boy band and the shimmering smile to go along with it.

Personality: Jackson is one of those people that are incredibly easy to get to know and like... but it is next to impossible to really get him to let you into his world and what he is truly thinking. He has incredible trust issues stemming from a few poor relationships growing up. He learned to combat these feelings of insecurity with a dry, sarcastic sense of humor. Whenever he gets into a situation that makes him feel insecure, he'll make quick quips that either draw the person in question even closer (in which case Jackson knows he can get along with them) or they'll be driven away (which takes Jackson out of the situation which makes him feel this way in the first place).

Jackson is always the life of the party however, due to the fact that he gets along with a lot of people at the same time much easier than one person alone. He is generous with his money and never hesitates to spend it on himself and his friends. This is an irony because he is a financial genius with other peoples' money, but he can sometimes act rashly with his own. This is because he doesn't care all that much about his own money due to the fact he feels secure at the job he currently has.

Weirdly enough, it is close to impossible to get Jackson truly mad. He may get annoyed with something and he may get upset, but there is only one way he gets truly mad. This is when someone he trusts absolutely betrays his trust. If this occurs... watch out. His anger won't stop for anything.

Job/Career: Financial Consulting (works on Wall Street)

Important Life Events: Jackson was born lucky, at least that's how most people would see it. He was born into an upper-class Boston family who had made it rich off of real estate holdings all over the city. As an only child, he was given everything he could ever want as a boy. By all accounts (including his own), his childhood was as good as can be. However, that all changed when Jackson turned sixteen. His mother caught his father in an affair with some woman in Chicago (Jackson's father had used the 'business' excuse to travel to the Windy City frequently) and from there his life got turned upside down.

His mother divorced his father and the legal proceedings made the teenager incredibly mad. Before his father had gotten caught in his lies, Jackson had been going to an elite New England prep school where he played football and baseball. After the court cases began, Jackson had to travel back and forth between school, his mother's custody and his father's custody. It was a nightmare that had put a serious damper on the last two years of high school for Jackson.

But in a strange way, this was the best thing that could have happened to him. Before his father's betrayal, Jackson had always planned on coasting through high school, going to a decent college based solely off of his father's business connections and then going to work for his father after school. He could have had the easy life and done very well for himself. But after the events of the divorce, Jackson wanted nothing to do with his mother and father. He worked hard in school for the next two years and he began to realize that he was in fact quite intelligent. He managed to get into Harvard Business School based on his qualifications and a well-placed phone call from his father (Sadly, Jackson didn't know that his father had helped him get into school because without the call he probably would have fallen just short).

He spent four years at Harvard and did well for himself at the school in terms of learning the art of financial work. However, in the world of romance, Jackson always seemed to look in the wrong places. Two failed relationships caused Jackson to retreat further into his shell. This shell focused Jackson even more on his studies and he graduated with an impressive resume. Six months after graduation, he had settled into an apartment in New York City, had his current job lined up and had sworn to himself never to speak to his father again.

Quirks: Jackson will eat pretty much anything except for mushrooms and egg salad. The smell of either of these alone will make him sick to his stomach. Jackson will also turn off the television no matter what if someone is watching a reality show or a soap opera. He also cannot stand country music or generic bubblegum pop music.

Likes/Interests: Jackson likes fast cars (although living in New York City, he doesn't own a car at all) and he loves to watch a good football game down at a local bar. He also likes cold autumn mornings and the first snowfall of the winter. Interestingly enough, he also likes the first day of spring when the snow finally melts and green grass returns to Central Park. He likes walking through New York City on his own and will occasionally go on an adventure to discover something new.

Dislikes: Jackson hates people who insist on asking him too many questions. He can't stand to see people betray the trust of others. By extension, he hates dishonesty. He also hates when people expect things to be handed to them.

Flaws: Letting people in to see the real Jackson, being able to settle down and trust people, acts without thinking at times, doesn't use his intelligence outside of work. He also is known to party a little too hard.

Role: Prefer to be Main, but could be Supporting

Friends Character Inspiration: Chandler's humor as a defense mechanism combined with a bit of Rachel (the rich background)

Personal Inspiration: The use of humor as a defense mechanism, the interest in working for a bank (although Jackson already does so and I'm still in school), the fact that he's kinda dumb with his own money (I'm broke all the time even though I make a lot of money at my current job) and the background (born to an upper-class family in Boston)

Favorite Episode of Friends: Either The One with the Football or The One with All the Embryos (which is famous for the quiz game that wins Chandler and Joey the girls' apartment for a short while)
I'm still deliberating on the Sign-Ups (and, as such, they are still very much open - for all you procrastinators ;-) ), but I have made a few final casting decisions:

Kyle Richard Hampton (@Master Mew) ~ Main Character
Reason: He's mine. ;-)​
Leo Xavier Concorde (@Renewal) ~ Main Character
Reason: I like his personality, and his flaws add a new level of plausibility and depth to the character.​
Emma Imogen Radford-Digby (@Scheiße † McQüeen) ~ Main Character
Reason: She's a very colorful character who I think is guaranteed to add some quirkiness to what is shaping up to be a pretty Type A cast.​
Jackson Evan Carter (@Hide in Plain Sight) ~ Main Character
Reason: Great personality, well-crafted background, and I find his intrinsic self-contradictions refreshingly life-like.​

I can honestly say I really do like all the character Sign-Ups so far, but some of them are really looking more like Supporting Roles to me. And since none of the remaining Sign-Ups listed Supporting Role as an option, I'm not making a call on them yet (PM me if you would like to reapply your current Sign-Up as a Supporting Role).

I need some more female characters, please!!!
Name: Bob Moore (nobody knows his last name :D)
Age: 48 (supporting)
Gender: Male
Appearance: He's bald and clean-shaven, pretty portly, and wears a leather jacket.
Personality: He's the stereotypical mean landlord, influenced by mild paranoia and extreme cynicism.
Job/Career: Landlord (retired from his real job as a newspaper exectuive person/guy/thing after earning enough money to buy an apartment building)
Important Life Events: Age 11- Is traumatized by a ghost story
Age 20- Mother and father die, he's permanently convinced that the world is out to get him
Quirks: The paranoia thing.
Likes/Interests: Bagels, Shakespeare
Dislikes: Mostly everything else
Flaws: Paranoia and cynicism.
Role: Supporting character; the landlord.
Friends Character Inspiration: None, but he's heavily inspired by the main character of Curb Your Enthusiasm, whose name escapes me at the moment.
Personal Inspiration: Almost none, except liking bagels.
Favorite Episode of Friends: The only episode I watched was interrupted by the news so I didn't see much of it.
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Name: Bob (nobody knows his last name :D)
Age: 48 (supporting)
Gender: Male
Appearance: He's bald and clean-shaven, pretty portly, and wears a leather jacket.
Personality: He's the stereotypical mean landlord, influenced by mild paranoia and extreme cynicism.
Job/Career: Landlord (retired from his real job after earning enough money to buy an apartment building)
Important Life Events: Age 11- Is traumatized by a ghost story
Age 20- Mother and father die, he's permanently convinced that the world is out to get him
Quirks: The paranoia thing.
Likes/Interests: Bagels, Shakespeare
Dislikes: Mostly everything else
Flaws: Paranoia and cynicism.
Role: Supporting character; the landlord.
Friends Character Inspiration: None, but he's heavily inspired by the main character of Curb Your Enthusiasm, whose name escapes me at the moment.
Personal Inspiration: Almost none, except liking bagels.
Favorite Episode of Friends: The only episode I watched was interrupted by the news so I didn't see much of it.
Intriguing... could make for an interesting Supporting Character. Two conditions, though:

1. It should be understood that this is a minor role (i.e. he shouldn't be bursting in every few scenes).
2. I'd like to see his bio embellished more (for instance, I don't really care if none of the characters know his last name, I'd still like to know it).
Edited! :) Lemme know if you'd like more editing done.
Dunno if there are even still MC's open. Made Jakku more complex anyway.
Name: Kaelyn Amika Gates

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance: Kaelyn's hair is a reddish-brown colour, cut in a fairly short, choppy fashion to the extent that when viewed from the back she could almost be mistaken for a boy. Her eyes are a dark brown colour, normally hidden behind her rectangular-framed glasses, which she wears due to her short-sightedness. She refuses to wear contacts, as she finds them irritating to her eyes. She is fairly short and flat-chested, although not as thin as she would desire.

Kaelyn is fairly pale in terms of skin-colour, although not to the extent that it is unusual. Her ears are both pierced, twice in the cartilage and once in both of her lobes. She also has snake bites in the shape of spiked studs. In terms of clothing Kaelyn favours comfort over being fashionable, normally sticking with her timeless skinny jeans and t-shirt, although she does have a certain fondness for her denim jacket, which she can often be seen with. Of course on special occasions Kaelyn is all for dressing up.

Personality: Kaelyn is probably best described as naive. An unshakeable optmist she seems to truly believe that anything she wants will fall right into her hands - this trait accentuated moreso by the fact that 9 times out of 10 it probably has. Kaelyn seems to have flitted through life with next to no hardships, coming out surprisingly unscathed and innocent. This also means she seems to have got it into her head that no one can do wrong. Almost comically easy to manipulate or fool, Kaelyn seems to have no perceptiveness about her, and is about as oblivious to such ideas as one could possibly get.

Of course this also translates into her rarely getting irritated by insults or the such-like, as to be quite honest she hardly realises that's what they are. Such naivety could give the impression of ditziness, but Kaelyn is actually fairly intelligent, if the complete opposite of street-smart. She seems to switch moods in an instant, however, despite that fact that she normally seems to have a smile permanently engraved on her features. While difficult to antagonize herself she is incredbily over-protective of most anyone, and if she notices someone being insulted she will jump to their aid, regardless as to whether she's aware of what happened. This often results in her sticking up for the antagonist rather than the victim, however.

An extrovert by nature it is often surprising when one realises she really doesn't go out much. Kaelyn, for some reason, never attends social gatherings if she can help it, instead preferring to stick to places that she knows well. Normally associated with naievety is a complete lack of focus, but not so with Kaelyn. A dedicated worker Kaelyn is almost impossible to sway from a task once she has set her mind on it, which can make for rather interesting occurences when combined with the way she always seems to end up sticking up for antagonists.

Almost in order to contrast the initial ditzy impression one immediately recieves when they meet Kaelyn, along with her general naivety, she has a certain fondness for crude jokes. Kaelyn laughs at almost anything, it's true, but she seems to find anything that could be considered a sexual inneundo especially humourous, no matter how immature. At the same time flirting and seduction are two things she is completely oblivious to.

Having had everything she's ever wanted from a young age Kaelyn tends to get...tetchy when she doesn't get what she wants, and loves gossip. While Kaelyn does have her occasional bouts of ditziness she does actually possess some form of intelligence, despite how certain things just seem to fly over her head.

Job/Career: A film scout (photographer); she finds locations that are suitable for movie production.

Important Life Events: Born to a fairly upper-class family Kaelyn has come to expect to get everything she wants with little to no effort. She attended little more than generic schools, despite the fact her wealth could have afforded her the priviledge of private schooling. Having always enjoyed photography it was through her father's various links that she managed to pull the job she did with so little effort, although she has done nothing but work her hardest since she was given the oppurtunity. The only relationship she had was with a guy when she was 19, who she parted with after realising that he was cheating on her. This caused her to stop pursuing relationships for the most part, due to the fact she half gave up her previous belief that all romances turned out perfectly, and also resulted in her ceasing to attend social gatherings for the most part, something that is true to this day.

Quirks: Sarcasm is a form of wit unbeknownst to her, given that she tends to take all things said as being completely honest, no matter the circumstances. In short being sarcastic will do little more than confuse her. She always seems to answer questions with another question, not because she's trying to be annoying but often because she's genuinely confused. When she's bored she'll often amuse herself by spinning pencils. She can't pass a patch of clovers without searching through the entire thing for a 4-leaved clover. She's not superstitious or anything, it's just a habit.

Likes/Interests: Photography, and art of most any sort; shoot-'em-up video games; spinning pencils; magic tricks, no matter how poor; crude humour.

Dislikes: Especially hot summers; people who don't try their hardest at things; when people insult others; injustice; people who consider her stupid; the colour yellow.

Flaws: Her general obliviousness as to the current goings on in the world mean that she often finds it difficult to engage in conversations about current affairs. Completely tactless and blunt, as well as being horrifically bad at keeping secrets. A push-over.

Role: Obviously I'd prefer her to be a main character, but I'm perfectly fine with having her as a supporting one.

Personal Inspiration: The combined hatred of the colour yellow, alongside the love of violent video-games, spinning pencils and crude humour. In terms of personality Kaelyn and I share very little.
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