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four years ago today 9/11 happened!

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swampert master

the ultimatie pokemon
May 3, 2005
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four years ago a terrisiom attack hit the usa in new york city where suciders from afganastan hijacked 4 commercal flights and crashed em in to the the world trade center causeing new yorks building to fall. This thread is for us to remember those who died in 9/11 and tell what you were doing that day when you found out.

I was 10 years old when it happened I was living with my mom and here boyfriend when I woke up they were wacthing the news and crying. I didnt know what was going on till we got to school and all day we wacthed the news about what happened I was very scared that year was awfully but im not going in to deatails.[sorry for grammer and please put this thread in its correct place] god bless america.
swampert master said:
four years ago a terrisiom attack hit the usa in new york city where suciders from afganastan

Wrong. 15 of them were from Saudi Arabia.

I didn't find out about it until like 2:55 when they made an announcement over the intercom at school. I heard all about other schools across the country showing TV coverage and whatnot, and they HID it from us for hours. I'm still pissed about it.

- Trip
I was at work when my boss, Lyn, came out of her office crying. She said that she was on the phone with a friend who told her about the first plane hitting. We went to the waiting room and turned the TV on. We saw the second plane hit. We kept the TV on all day long. I think everyone in the office struggled through the full range of human emotions, including grief, despair, and fear. Lyn lost several friends in the attack, as she used to work in the North Tower.
I was getting ready for school (I was a high school freshman), and I turned on the radio, as always. The DJs were talking about something on the news, but I couldn't tell what it was. I went out into the living room and turned on the TV...

When I was waiting for the school bus, one of my neighbors came out of his house and said that the towers had fallen.
I was sitting in my 8th grade English class, and as soon as the bell rang my teacher told us to put our books away, today we weren't going to do any work. We thought this was just great, but then she told us about what had happened that morning. (It was about 1 in the afternoon, my school hid it from us, as well.) Then she turned on the television and we watched them show footage over and over again of the towers falling.

When class was over, instead of going to 7th period I went to stand by the flagpole and cried.
I was in my high school newspaper class. We all instantly went into "info gather" mode. I can still remember how info filtered in. First it was one plane hitting one of the towers. Then it was two. Then there was a helicopter that hit the Pentagon. Then it was a plane. Spent all day, going from class to class, watching it. Nothing like thinking back on all the monumental events that TV has brought me. I feel like a million years old.
Belldandy said:
Coincedently, I was in my US History class.

Wow... Me too! :p

We didn't really watch anything, we were just interrupted by an announcement on the PA system.

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I was sitting in my 5th grade classroom, and the teacher had just handed us out these little math worksheets (weird how I still remember that o_O). She went out of the room because she had to make more copies or something and when she came back, she was pushing a TV stand (TV on it, obviously) through the door and telling us to pray for the people in NYC. The other 5th grade class came in then, and we watched the news for most of the day.
I was at home, watching TV. There was a teacher strike that year which kept us out of school until about the 18th of September.

And then they cut in with the "Tower Two on fire" shots, and then the second plane hit live.
I was in my 8th grade class and my first period teacher turned on the radio. I wasn't paying attention until one of my friends told me about it and I was like, "What?!" In 3rd period, my other teacher turned on the TV and there were the shots. School closed early because of it.
I was in my second year of college, and I was asleep at the time, being effectively three time zones west of NYC. When I woke up that morning, I went off to take a shower, and when I came back to my room, my roommate said "The Twin Towers are gone!" (or words to that effect). I spent the remaining hour or so before my first class trying to get details. All the major news sites were inaccessible, so I ended up at a forum I used to go to where discussions on politics and current events were common in the Off-Topic. Except for a few hours in class, I spent the rest of the day there, getting updates on the situation from around the world.

I will confess to having been relieved that it didn't happen one day later. That would have been one hell of a thing to wake up to on my birthday.
I was home, ready to go to school, and the news made me arrive late to school...I only had TWO classes!
9/11 was bad... But it's the day the patriot act was passed that should truly be mourned.

After all, what we lost that day was a lot more important than a couple towers...
I was in my tenth grade English class, and we watched as they fell down, and we weren't sure if it was live or not, and I was terrified out of my mind. The whole day we watched coverage and things, and I remember going home and lying on the couch and watching more. It was completely surreal.
I was asleep when it happened. My mom told me that the Pentagon was on fire and I thought she was playing a joke on me or something. Then I turned on the radio and they said about the towers falling. I knew it was serious and then I heard Dan Rather say about it. I went to school that day. We watched coverage in of my 4 of my 6 classes. Even my French teacher was sad and she didn't really like Americans.
um, i watched it on TV.

im a Muslim
an Arab
and i live in the
Middle East

im against the attack because god said that we shouldn't fight people who don't want to hurt us.

Remember, bush killed many Arabs too
i'm sure many of you hate him though.
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Bush never killed any Arabs directly. And it isn't like plenty of other "individuals" have killed a lot of Arabs. Like, for instance, Yasir Arafat. Or Saddam Hussein. Those people have as much Arab/Islamic blood on their hands as Bush.
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