Speed Them All is an organization which supports the organization, promotion, and sharing of speedrunning in the French community. In addition to their own in-person events, many of the members of the group are active in circles such as LeFrenchRestream, which restreams speedrunning events (including GamesDoneQuick) in French.
The details and expected time for the Pokémon run in this event are as follows. Please note that this time was correct at time of writing, but may be subject to change based on alterations in the marathon. Check the full schedule to check the approximate start time for each run in your local timezone, as well as for any schedule changes and updates.
Pokémon Blue
Saturday October 26th - 10:30am CEST
Category: Reverse Badge Order
Expected length: 0:40:00
Runner: Ætienne
- Sources
Speed Them All
Speed Them All est une association loi 1901 dont la plupart des membres sont des speedrunners. C’est à dire des personnes qui terminent des jeux vidéos le plus rapidement possible en se servant de tout ce que le jeu offre (bug, glitch, manipulation du jeu…) afin d’en repousser les limites.www.youtube.com