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From Alpha to Omega

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Jan 4, 2003
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Ever since Alpha Flight was massacred in New Avengers (and, according to the latest reports, they ARE, in fact, dead) there have been hints of a new Alpha Flight series. All summer we heard that it was coming. Something was coming. Something. Well, at a comic-con in Toronto, it was announced that there will NOT be an Alpha Flight series. HOWEVER, there will be a series called OMEGA Flight (I guess no one told them that was a villainous team). Nothing is known except for one single image:
The team, in shadow. A few guesses could be made about the team members, but...too early to tell anything for certain. Just felt like throwing this out there. See what others thought.
Well, a few of them are pretty obvious, or at least have very limited choices.

There's Captain (or his alternate version), and a Spider-Woman of some form.
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My guesses:

Although there have been 3 Spider-Women (that were heroes) and all are appropriate candidates. Gotta put my money on the second one, though.

The shielded one could be Captain America (maybe Captain NORTH America now?), but it could just as easily be someone new. Actually, I think it might be him, possibly under a new or old name (Nomad could work).

The one in the middle could be the original Vindicator/Guardian (although he SHOULD be dead), his younger clone, another robot impersonating him (happened on the original Omega Flight), or someone else in the suit. I'm going with the clone, since he hasn't been seen in years.

The one on the far right looks like Thor, but is more likely Beta Ray Bill, Red Norvell, or another hammer wielder (since Thor's on the opposite side of the current conflict than both active Spider-Women and Captain America). My guess is Bill.

And...I've absolutely, positively, no clue whatsoever as to who the lady on the far left is. My money's on Snowbird, though.

Finally, Canada gets a team again. Although, with the trend of the past three series, don't expect this to last past 6 issues. Unless Wolverine joins.
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