I am looking for some Trade-Trade back legendaries. I have several myself, but I am looking for the Gen 3 legendaries. I have Giratina, Dialga, Palkia, Keckleon(non-legendary) Siritomb(non-legendary) Lapras(non-legendary) and Lugia. I also have Porygon-Z, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Venusaur, Infurnape, and Turtwig. Igglybuff, Magby, Tyrogue, Dragonair, Dugtrio, Pinisir, Snorlax, Phanpy, Chatot, and Elekid. I have almost all of the Eevee-lutions, and a Kangaskan and Rotom. I have most of the fossil pokemon, and a Prinplup. I have Larvitar, Corsola, and Castform. I have Cubone and Farfetch'd. I also have Lickitung( I have Lickilicky also). I would offer almost everything I have for the Gen 3 legendaries and Celebi. If I get really desperate, I have lvl 80 Staraptor and Electabuzz that have had the Pokerus before.
I accept all offers within reason, and I hope this is not too much information.
P.S. I have Pokemon Platinum version.
I accept all offers within reason, and I hope this is not too much information.
P.S. I have Pokemon Platinum version.