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Generation V Wishlist?


Jan 31, 2004
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I know, I know, definately early. But now that we know everything there is to know about Gen IV for the most part, is there anything you particularly want for Generation V?

The ability to "beat" the game doing something other than battling through eight gyms and a Pokemon league would be cool too. Like if you could complete an eight-Contest and Grand Festival circuit first if you wanted to and then go back and complete the battling circuit.
Neorantu evo.
Evos for the stuff that needed it before but didn't get it (Farfetch'd, Qwilfish, etc)
Dark-type Gym. D:

And plenty of new pokemon, of course. Definately more than they included in D/P, anyway.
Fearow Evolution (and let's make it an Electic/Flying to kill two birds(pun intended) with one stone).

Thunder Beak/Talon for above mentioned Pokemon.

Fire/Ice counterparts to above mentioned attack.
Well, we'd probably have a best chance of guessing the amount of new Pokemon and their types if we get some statistics up.

It, admittedly, just so happens that I have such a list in my possession, so yeah, it'll be a real long post, and some of the types are slightly boosted, I've made a note of that at the end.

First generation : 12 Bug Pokemon
Second generation : 10 Bug Pokemon
Third generation : 14 Bug Pokemon
Fourth generation : 12 Bug Pokemon

First generation : 0 Dark Pokemon
Second generation : 6 Dark Pokemon
Third generation : 10 Dark Pokemon
Fourth generation : 8 Dark Pokemon

First generation : 3 Dragon Pokemon
Second generation : 1 Dragon Pokemon
Third generation : 9 Dragon Pokemon
Fourth generation : 7 Dragon Pokemon

First generation : 9 Electric Pokemon
Second generation : 8 Electric Pokemon
Third generation : 4 Electric Pokemon
Fourth generation : 8 Electric Pokemon

First generation : 8 Fighting Pokemon
Second generation : 3 Fighting Pokemon
Third generation : 7 Fighting Pokemon
Fourth generation : 8 Fighting Pokemon

First generation : 12 Fire Pokemon
Second generation : 10 Fire Pokemon
Third generation : 6 Fire Pokemon
Fourth generation : 6 Fire Pokemon

First generation : 19 Flying Pokemon
Second generation : 19 Flying Pokemon
Third generation : 12 Flying Pokemon
Fourth generation : 15 Flying Pokemon

First generation : 3 Ghost Pokemon
Second generation : 1 Ghost Pokemon
Third generation : 6 Ghost Pokemon
Fourth generation : 9 Ghost Pokemon

First generation : 14 Grass Pokemon
Second generation : 10 Grass Pokemon
Third generation : 17 Grass Pokemon
Fourth generation : 15 Grass Pokemon

First generation : 14 Ground Pokemon
Second generation : 10 Ground Pokemon
Third generation : 13 Ground Pokemon
Fourth generation : 13 Ground Pokemon

First generation : 5 Ice Pokemon
Second generation : 5 Ice Pokemon
Third generation : 6 Ice Pokemon
Fourth generation : 7 Ice Pokemon

First generation : 24 Normal Pokemon
Second generation : 20 Normal Pokemon
Third generation : 18 Normal Pokemon
Fourth generation : 18 Normal Pokemon

First generation : 33 Poison Pokemon
Second generation : 4 Poison Pokemon
Third generation : 5 Poison Pokemon
Fourth generation : 9 Poison Pokemon

First generation : 14 Psychic Pokemon
Second generation : 10 Psychic Pokemon
Third generation : 23 Psychic Pokemon
Fourth generation : 10 Psychic Pokemon

First generation : 11 Rock Pokemon
Second generation : 7 Rock Pokemon
Third generation : 12 Rock Pokemon
Fourth generation : 8 Rock Pokemon

First generation : 2 Steel Pokemon
Second generation : 4 Steel Pokemon
Third generation : 9 Steel Pokemon
Fourth generation : 12 Steel Pokemon

First generation : 32 Water Pokemon
Second generation : 18 Water Pokemon
Third generation : 28 Water Pokemon
Fourth generation : 17 Water Pokemon

The totals are increased by 4 for Psychic, 3 for Water, 4 for Ground, 3 for Bug, 2 for Grass and Steel and 1 for everything else.
For one thing? More Fire Pokemon. A LOT more. What we got in D/P wasn't enough by a long shot.

Dolphin. I've been waiting for a dolphin Pokemon for ages. After we got Sharpedo, I assumed a Water/Psychic dolphin was a given.

And a mummy-eque Pokemon. I like mummies.
A Mummie Pokemon. A Ghost/Ground I's suspect. Dusclops is kind of a mummy like Pokemon.

I've been waiting for a Gargoil Pokemon. A Rock/Ghost evolving into a Steel/Ghost or something like that.

I just thought of something. What if they made a Pokemon game that's supposed to take place in the past. Then they could Pokemon on recently extinct animals (like the Passenger Pigeon).
Medievil Pokemon?

That could be kinda cool as an RPG, with castles and knights, etc.
I just thought of something. What if they made a Pokemon game that's supposed to take place in the past. Then they could Pokemon on recently extinct animals (like the Passenger Pigeon).

There's no reason they couldn't do that now without setting it in the past. A lot of Pokemon are already based on extinct, imaginary, or non-existant animals.

Erm, anyways, as for me:
* Expand the Contest play aspect of the game
* Make Berries easier to raise
* Keep Day and Night, the Poketch (Best accessory evar)
* GSC remakes, if only so they don't have to cram 600+ Pokemon into one region
* At least 120 new Pokemon, with no more than 5 new evolutions for old Pokemon. I'm sick of them after Gen IV. At least three seperate new Fire-type final evolution Pokemon - not including the starter.
* More new Pokemon that use old evolution methods - Fire Stone, Thunder Stone, Sun Stone, Dark Stone, Light Stone could all use new Pokemon to evolve, for instance.
* Something to reduce the amount of HM slaves. That system has needed reworking since Day 1.
* Dark, Bug, Dragon, Ground, and Poison-Gyms. And absolutely no Water, Rock, Electric or Fighting Gyms.
* A third type of Pokemon competition. No, I don't count Capture the Flag. Dungeon exploring would be nice, if the PMD doesn't become a series. Also, I still want racing, darnit.
* Seasons would be nice. As would a return of the Battle Frontier
* I don't particularly think it will ever happen, but I definately wouldn't say no to a new Type. If only to weaken Steel and strengthen Poison and maybe Ice. All three of which are kind of imbalanced in one way or the other.
* Customizable player sprites, please. Even just a little customization would be nice.
Great candidates for types are Light, Sound and Cosmic. If they add one of these typeas then some of the Pokemon should get type changes, like the Riishan, Igglybuff, and Whismur lines becoming Sound type.

I also think that the whole dern HM system should be replaced for something more interesting, flexible, interactive, and fun.

Do something about the Speed stat, replace it with another system in order do help tamper the power of godlike monsters like Salamence, and boost the power of slower guys like the Eeveelutions and Breloom and many others.

An item combining system.

Useful and preevos and evos that make sense. A preevo for Kangaskahn, Tauros/Miltank, and Volbeat/Illumise(who also need evos.)

More original, non-starter Fire and Ice Pokemon.

I'll think of more when I find my evil genius's thinking cap.
The ability to move in eight directions instead of just four. The whole "you can only move up, down, left, or right" shit got old two generations ago.
- Baby Absol (One that is cute and not scarily-fugly like Mime Jr. and Chansey's pre-evo. The Absol Pokedoll comes to mind in terms of cuteness.)
- A cat Pokemon that isn't just the Normal-type. A Psychic-type cat would be a neat idea. I'd also LOVE a bobcat-type Pokemon, that is perhaps either Ground-type (since there are desert bobcats), or Ice-type (for the mountainous bobcats).
- I second a Water/Psychic dolphin Pokemon.
- More Fire-types, too, since there seem to be a shortage of new ones in D/P. .__. Maybe a wolf or lion-type Pokemon with a fiery mane, like Rayearth in Magic Knight Rayearth.
New type! New type!

Also, I think the ability to travel to every doggamn region would just be the bee's knees. Then you could REALLY catch 'em all!!!
- Baby Absol (One that is cute and not scarily-fugly like Mime Jr. and Chansey's pre-evo. The Absol Pokedoll comes to mind in terms of cuteness.)
Yay for Absol!!! Best dark Pokemon, hands-down.
- A cat Pokemon that isn't just the Normal-type. A Psychic-type cat would be a neat idea. I'd also LOVE a bobcat-type Pokemon, that is perhaps either Ground-type (since there are desert bobcats), or Ice-type (for the mountainous bobcats).
Just so I could name it Bubsy. <333
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
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