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Getting 100 Consecutive Wins in the Battle Tower.


<b>The Walrus</b>
May 3, 2005
Reaction score
Somehow, I have managed with great motivation to be close to having a four-star Trainer Card in my Diamond game. However, as you already know there are five stars and the one that happens to elude me is the 100 consecutive wins in the Battle Tower star. Obviously, this is no easy task, so I am wondering if perhaps we could all discuss strategies for getting easy wins.

So far I have managed to get over 20 wins without much difficulty, however in the third generation, I was not successful in being able to conquer the Tower (Ruby/Sapphire, did not attempt) or the Frontier (Emerald, only got all Silver badges).

So basically I am looking for that "Major League" team that is basically prepared for anything the game throws at me. I have some ideas of what to use though am not aware of every possibility/combination. Questions? Thoughts? Comments? Ideas? Suggestions?
Can't really suggest much, but I do have to say: the whole reason you can only take 3 Pokemon in with you is so you can't have a team that "is basically prepared for anything the game throws at me".

Certainly, type wise you're going to have a massive hole or two somewhere - and the Battle Tower will eventually be able to exploit that. Best I guess you can hope for is to build a team of powerful attackers and attempt to smash through anything thrown at you.

I don't envy the task of beating the Tower like that. :p G'luck.
Take a cue from the Tycoon and use Regigigas, that's my advice. With him, you can pull all three element punches plus a fourth move off of his insane Attack, allowing you to cover many bases at once.

That's always the strategy I've followed, cover as many types with each Pokémon as possible. Lucario's probably not a bad bet either, you can pull off Blaze Kick/Dragon Pulse/Dark Pulse/Pulse Bomb to get a Fire-Dragon-Dark-Fighting spread.

Oh yeah, I'd also recommend Porygon3. Huge special attack, and an equally huge movepool that includes the ever-handy Signal Beam for those pesky Psychic types.
Three strong attackers? All right that works. I'll keep that in mind. Yes you are right about me encountering a few imperfections, though my goal is of course to seal up as many of those as possible. I looked at a Tower guide for Ruby/Sapphire and might consider using that example team though I haven't made my final decision yet. All I do know is that my current team of Latias, Suicune, and Curse Snorlax, will unfortunately not be able to accomplish this overwhelming task.

Edit: Yes I have considered Regigigas in the past and I may just break down and try him.
The two huge Normal type powerhouses that DP contain in Porygon3 and Regigigas are really useful, I think.

This is how I'd lay it out:

Regigigas @ (+Attack Nature)
-Ice Punch
-Fire Punch
-Aerial Ace

Lucario @ (+Sp. Attack/not cutting Attack Nature)
-Dark Pulse
-Pulse Bomb
-Dragon Pulse
-Blaze Kick

Porygon3 @ (+Sp. Attack Nature)
-Tri Attack
-Shadow Ball
-Ice Beam
Until 5 turns have elapsed, Regigigas' Attack, Special Atack AND Speed are cut by 50%. After five consecutive turns in battle, he regains his true power. However, you also have to consider that he gets no recovery moves beyond Drain Punch (not even Rest), and if you switch him out, he has to wait five MORE turns to be up to full power.

Something to keep in mind from the brave minds at Smogon.

To be perfectly honest, it's incredibly difficult to prescribe any one team of three Pokemon to tackle the D/P Battle Tower. The games are too new, and so since most have NOT played them and therefore developed working strategies (and considering you now have nearly 500 Pokemon to think about), you're better off just picking a team like this...

Physical attacker (high Attack and Speed)
Special attacker (high Special Attack and Speed)
Tank (high Defense and Special Defense, HP if applicable)

Attack combinations of note:
Electric & Ice attacks*
Fighting & Ghost attacks **
Stealth Rock & Roar/Whirlwind ***
Wish & Protect ****
Rock & Ground attacks *****

* Can hit most Pokemon for (at least) neutral damage. Only resisted by the Magnemite family, the Chincou family, and Shedinja.

** Hits ALL Pokemon in the game for at least neutral damage, no exceptions. Best attacking combo of types.

*** Best used on a defensive Pokemon with a recovery move. Hits Pokemon weak to Rock for 25%, 4x weak for 50% health. Only works when opponent switches Pookemon.

**** Use Wish, then Protect. The turn that you use Protect, Wish will come into effect and will recover 50% of your health, as well as Protect eeping you safe from all status and damage excluding a weak Normal-type move, Feint, which has only 50 BP.

***** Hits most Pokemon for at least neutral damage, except Flygon, Claydol, Dotakun and Dodaitos. Third best attacking combo, but most common. Pretty much physical-only.

Oh, and... NEVER bother using Discharge unless you're in a double battle.
Heh.....I just totally forgot about Lucario's Fighting weakness. I'd say, keep Regigigas and Porygon3, replace Lucario with a Gardevoir @ Modest nature with Psychic/Thunderbolt/Magical Leaf/Shadow Ball.
If you just want to be a jackass, abuse OHKOs and DT - these are locked out of NB battles for good reason.

True indeed, as we still don't have a complete perspective of the entire metagame, keeping 3rd gen non-attacking techniques could help you a lot, if we bear in mind that what has changed most is precissely the damage system with the phys/special split.

Only time I tried to beat the Tower was on RS and I managed to achieve 100+ wins in a row. RS didn't seem to have included abilities effect's on its AI, so for example they wouldn't know exactly what to do against a Shedinja, and they would keep trying to defeat it only with super effective attacks (not, say, Confuse Ray or Toxic), and even no team was designed bearing in mind this ability, so generally there were no massive all effective teams out there. Shedinja however didn't work good enough for me, and I ended up using a Perish Trap along with a super fast Gengar (big sp attack as well to cover this range) and then changing to Wobbuffet (3rd Pk was a super fast high attack Aerodactyl). I know its cheap, as Misty said, there must be a good reason to lock DT and Wobba out of NB, but no team seemed to know what to do against this, and only way they could win me was forcing me to shut off my console after being battled against with another Wobba.

I don't think DP Tower will still fail on taking this abilities more on its AI, Emerald Frontier already knew what to do with Shed (didn't try with Wobba, as I said), buy it may work well for you. As you can see I still covered the Phys + Special + Tank scheme.

Oh, 5 star card is black, I managed to unlock it with some... you know what, no merit on it. It absolutely rocks, so I wish you luck on your task.
All right, I asked this very same question on GameFAQs in hopes of getting some more tips that would help me. Now take this with a grain of salt though someone said that you can also get the star on the trainer card by winning 100 consecutive double battles as well. I am waiting for a pure confirmation on this just to be sure though if this is the case, it may definitely be my ticket to getting that black card and for the first time ever... fully completing a Pokémon game.
I find that doubtful, because then you don't have to face the Tower Tycoon and his squad of Legendaries at number 49 (or his team of evolutions at 21, either)
I lol'd upon seeing the title of this thread.

Good luck. Can't wait for that black card.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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