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Getting Back Into The TCG Groove

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Feb 15, 2007
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Does anyone know when the set for the D/P (In American) comes out? I plan to get back into the TCG. Yes, I stopped collecting them when I was 14. Is there anybody planning the same?
I am going to get started again soon, maybe before the D/P cards maybe not. I stopped when WOTZ stopped making them because I could't be bothered with buying a ton more cards so that I had a usable deck, but I'm looking hugely forward to restarting.
I just found a league in my area, so I'm going to start buying cards soon. I'm also looking forward to restarting...or at least starting. I hope they welcome new players.
I to am contemplating getting back into the card game. But I have been out of it since the "Team rocket returns series" or whatever it was called with the dark pokemon, you know...Anyways,I have since sold all my originals and am looking to start fresh. I was looking through a few pokemon card websites and noticed theres like a dozen new series of cards have came out since then and I was curious if anyone knew if there was a series which generaly had the "best" cards. By best I mean the most useful for tournament play etc.. I did notice the ex or unseen forces series seemed popular but its hard for me to make heads or tails of all this new stuff cuz like everything is ex?. Another question, Is it leagal in like tourney play to have like a mixxed deck? for example a deck part unseen forces and part fossil? Can the old cards be mixxed with the new stuff? Or do they conflict with each other?
BTW to answer pokemon trainer pearl 23's question, The Diamond and pearl poke-card series are slated for release in early spring.
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They'll be compatible with the prior ones, right?

Otherwise... I'll be broke. Again. Not to mention, I just spent $40 finishing a killer deck. It better still work...
I'll have a job by then, so I'd love to get back into the game. I stopped after Gym Heroes, and a fresh start would be nice.
Yes I to am looking forward to starting anew as well. I think im gonna just buy a box to start off. I found several sights on froogle that are going to be selling the DP Booster Boxes for a mear 75 dollars. Dirt cheap compared to back in the day whenever I forked well over a hundred just to get a basic ed. base set box. BTW they come with 36 packs... allthough I just discovered that nowadays boosters only come with 9 cards in each instead of 11 like they used to. (rollseyes)
Ooh, that sounds good. I'll buy the starter decks and a booster box....

now how can I find a league near me?
http://op.pokemon-tcg.com has a league locator.

I suggest that people who are considering getting back into the game not buy too much at this point. We don't know what the game will be like after D/P are released, and it's possible that next years tournament structure could even exclude everything before that, since it will introduce some major rules changes (old cards are still compatible with those, but if they rotate the tournament format so they're not allowed...).
Thanks for the tip Liam, and yeah, I found the locator minutes after asking. ^_^
Well its safe to say im hooked again... I went to target today and got 6 packs, 2 Power keepers, 2 Dragon frontier and 2 Holon phantoms? think thats right... Anways the holos I got were Milotic, Aggron, Dratini? wtf, lightning energy? another wtf, Deoxys, Omastar, Glailie and like a Holon energy? Got like several other wierd energy cards that I never heard of. Any of these cards I listed any good for battling or anything? BTW does anyone know if like target or wallmart or any similar store sells those little plastic card protector sleeves?
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http://op.pokemon-tcg.com has a league locator.

I suggest that people who are considering getting back into the game not buy too much at this point. We don't know what the game will be like after D/P are released, and it's possible that next years tournament structure could even exclude everything before that, since it will introduce some major rules changes (old cards are still compatible with those, but if they rotate the tournament format so they're not allowed...).

So, if you haven't bought cards for a while and missed the PK prerelease due to a family function, does that apply to you, too? I was about to blow $30 US on some Power Keepers packs to make up for missing the prerelease, but if that's the case, I'll just blow that money on Soul Calibur II for my Cube and play my Venusaur deck while I still can...

Is Power Keepers any good, by the way?

And I'd go to a dedicated comic or game store for your sleeves, Guitar Hero. Wal Mart, Target, and the like do have sleeves, but they're rarely the legal variety, and the comic/game stores have them much cheaper most of the time.
Power Keepers is mostly a reprint set. Japan didn't actually get it. If you missed the old cards when they came out, or are a collector and want the new cards for their new art, it's decent, but otherwise, I'd avoid it. If you've already got the older cards that got reprinted that you could use to build your decks, there's nothing for you here really.
Yah well today I found a comic store in my area and they sell like double pack box deals for 3 dollars... pretty cheap so I bought a few of those and got like a bunch of crazy ass cards.... jeez alot has changed. One question why in the hell do they not come with energys anymore, how are you supposed to get energys now? I sold all mine -_- so like I have hardly any excpet for a few Holo energys that came in the packs. Why are they holo? lol And did the trainer cards get changed to supporter cards or what? Cuz I havent got any trainers just supporters. Its also making me really mad that I keep getting holographic basic pokemon like an Ekans? lol. Im like expecting a salamence or something and its a Holo Treecko...heh. Anyways got like 130 something cards now guess im gonna try to start putting together a deck now if I can find some energys...
Power Keepers is mostly a reprint set. Japan didn't actually get it. If you missed the old cards when they came out, or are a collector and want the new cards for their new art, it's decent, but otherwise, I'd avoid it. If you've already got the older cards that got reprinted that you could use to build your decks, there's nothing for you here really.

So Legends, or whatever it was, basically.

Thanks for the heads up. Since EVERYONE at my League was raving about it, I wasn't sure.
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