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Giving away legendaries and non-legendaries! Anyone can have one!

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New Member
Nov 24, 2011
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This is for HG SS, tell me what legedary/pokemon you want and I will tell you if I have it. I may be able to alter moves/abilites if I don't have too many people wanting pokemon. Please reply everyone is welcome! I love giving away pokemon don't hesitate!
Heatren and Groudon. I would like a Heatren and a Groudon
Though I really want the Regigigas, I am also curious as to whether you also have a Mew or Arceus? If so, are they all legit?
Sparkle, Please, can we trade? Sparkle? Hello?
i would like to ask for a rayquaza or a darkrai if possible
I was wondering if you have a cresselia....
Can I please have a mew, arceus, darkrai and/or glameow please???

I don't care for natures or anything like that and all I want is the dex info if u want the legendaries back
I have them all but most of them are hacked

I just saw this. I'm gonna close this since you aren't specifying which are hacked and which aren't so it's just pointless, and you already have a thread in the Hacked PC so just stick to that when offering hacks.
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