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Harry Potter shippings

how many HP shippers are out there?

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Jul 14, 2005
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what kinds of HP shippings do you like?

I like:
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I really don't "ship" anything in Harry Potter, mainly because I try not to influence my opinions about the occurrences in the books. What really annoys me is how Hollywood tries to force HarryxHermione o_O
Jedi_Amara said:
What really annoys me is how Hollywood tries to force HarryxHermione o_O
Last I checked, they were all for HermioneXRon, just as Rowling wanted it. ^^;

Here are my ships:

~HarryXGinny (sorta, has Ginny given up on him since Order of the Phoenix?)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince spoilers (hope it's okay, since I'm putting spoiler's tags around it):
Actually, I think they get together in HBP. Though I've only been skimming through it, and I think they break up at the end.
I'm terrible. Let me share MY list:

Marcus x Oliver (otp plz)
Sirius x Remus (*cries* IN SIRIUS DENIAL PLZ)
Fred x George
Bill x Charlie (^__^ I'm an incest freak, so sorry.)
Cedric x Oliver x Marcus (dratted fourth book ruining that chance)
Seamus x Ron
Percy x.....all the other Weasley boys D:
InfiniteBlue said:
Last I checked, they were all for HermioneXRon, just as Rowling wanted it. ^^;

Here are my ships:

~HarryXGinny (sorta, has Ginny given up on him since Order of the Phoenix?)
At the end of the first movie, when Harry returns and Hermione runs to him and flings her arms around him... tell me that's not HarryxHermione shipping :p
Erm, the director said in interviews that he meant for the ending to be R/Hr. Because Hermione hugs Harry with no problem, but then when she gets to Ron - bam, awkwardness.

EDIT: waitamoment... there was no part in the first movie where Hermione flung her arms around Harry. She hugs him in the second movie, but then she's the one who's just returned, not Harry.
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I thought it was the first movie :p I haven't watched them for a while, though XD I don't really support R/Hr either :p
I like Hermione x Ron, Hermione x Harry, and Harry x Luna. I can't stand the thought of Harry x Ginny. <.<

There was a ton of shipping in the HBP. It was ridiculous. o.0;

For all the Hermione x Harry fans, there's no hope left. Seriously.

Hermione x Ron is taking forever, yet Harry x Ginny happened really quickly.
Yay! =D

I like Draco/Neville the best. C'mon, TELL ME IT WOULDN'T BE AWESOME!!

I also like almost any form of Weasleycest, excluding the parents, and not counting Ron/Ginny, Fred/Ginny, or George/Ginny. Anything else is <3<3, though.
I'm not much of a shipper when it comes to Harry Potter. I do like Harry x Ginny and Hermione x Ron though.
Draco/Harry forever baby. ^_~

Harry/Draco is icky though...
In case anyone hasn't heard, HBP and the subsequent interview with JK Rowling from Mugglenet and Leaky Cauldron has essentially canonnized the following ships:


You may commence your shouts of triumph or cries of defeat. Oh, and be sure to settle any bets you may have made over the years.
Personally, the only Harry Potter combinations I like are Ron/Hermione.
Heh, from what I've heard, the wars between the R/Hr Shippers and H/Hr Shippers were more fierce that the Poke-Pallet Wars ever were...
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