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hello, i joined today because im concerned


New Member
May 31, 2011
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hello everyone, im a long time user of bulbapedia, i am in love with its fountain of knowledge. pokemon came out in the US when i was in the 3rd grade, and i have been a huge fan ever since. while pokemon has drifted from an anime to a cartoon, i still like to reminiscent on the past glory i feel it once was, which is my way of holding on to a great part of my childhood. i guess this mindset is why id rather find new things on the old pokemon, rather than adapt to the new ones.. anyway, you can see why someone like me would love a place like bulbapedia, a sole treasure trove of pokeknowledge! haha hope that came across appreciative, and not gloomy!

i first tried to post in other sections, but it seems i must first post in the welcome thread, so i shall speak my mind here. if anyone here uses the Android OS platform, you may know that nintendo has made a statement that pokemon guides, or other pokemon apps take away from players guide sales, and they have asked each developer to remove theirs, those who do not comply will be forcefully removed..

put frankly, 'fan communities post a thread to online guide sales', this said, i dont see any greater threat than bulbapedia.. i rarely use bulbapedia for in game help, but more of a history book. did you know missingno wasnt the only glitch pokemon? ゥL ||ゥM 4| was another glitch pokemon, it could even learn moves and evolve, are there others i dont know about? and professor oak was made to be a final rival in the game, and look at how dragonite used to look in japan, was this the way he originally was? all of these things i wouldnt know without bulbapedia, and i dont think any other source could fill in the void like it can..


what i would like to know, is if there is a backup of bulbapedia? when wikileaks was taken down, they released a .torrent file containing all of their information, some hundreds of thousands of pages were shared. is such a thing available for bulbapedia? a mass downloadable index, incase of disaster, or an attack?

here is a quote from a nintendo of america representative
One thing that’s not commonly-understood by fan communities is that the owners of the Pokémon IP have the right to decide not to put this IP into the Android Market or anywhere else. Put another way: if we don’t create our own Android Market app, that’s not an invitation to other people to fill what they perceive as a gap, it’s a decision that they have to respect. You may think that Pokédroid and Pokédroid Extras don’t compete with our print strategy guides like the one for sale at Amazon (Amazon.com: Pokemon Black Version & Pokemon White Version Volume 1: The Official Pokemon Strategy Guide (9780307890603): The Pokemon Company Intl.: Books) or the one available for free at our website The Official Pok. But as you can see from the Copyright Office link that’s not the only criterion in the test, and even if it was I’d have to say we don’t agree, and in any event we have chosen not to allow any Android Market apps for Pokémon.

anyway, probably the biggest mood kill of a welcome thread youll ever read lol.. but i really am glad to be a part of the community, actually i didnt even know there was a forum for bulbapedia, so now i know i hope i can contribute! im a 21 year old law major at Ohio State University, a pokemon fan, and phone geek. i work at Calvin Klein in the mall and make minimum wage lol, but somehow was able to proudly buy an original unopened Pokemon Red (Japanese) game pack, for a modest $75 dollars after much hunting.. i dont play much video games anymore, but do own a dsi. hmm thats about it for the introductions, i hope you will all welcome me~
As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Bulbapedia has existed for about eight years or so. As a non-profit website, we are perfectly legal. Trust me, Bulbapedia isn't going anywhere soon.

And welcome.
my word.. 34k posts.... and you only joined in 2009??!?@# the internet just became a far more mysterious place

could you help me better understand what you mean by "as a non profit"? without doing a bit of research, are non profits immune to such laws? that was one app developers defense, as his app was free, however nintendo made it very clear that regardless, it was their IP and they can choose who will and who wont use it

the exception to a copy right law; "fair use" is very loosely defined, giving leeway to things used for educational purposes. however a pokedex app does the same thing, and is non-profitable.. i feel this falls under the same jurisdiction as web based pokemon databases.

Section 107 contains a list of the various purposes for which the reproduction of a particular work may be considered fair, such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Section 107 also sets out four factors to be considered in determining whether or not a particular use is fair:

The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes
The nature of the copyrighted work
The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole
The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work
The distinction between fair use and infringement may be unclear and not easily defined. There is no specific number of words, lines, or notes that may safely be taken without permission. Acknowledging the source of the copyrighted material does not substitute for obtaining permission.
a more detailed explanation can be found here http://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html
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I'll let better and more knowledgeable men then me help you with this. Rest assured though that unless TPCI policy changes, we're probably safe.

And yeah, my post count is high.
Pikachuscat: Thanks to the creative commons license, we're fine.

Welcome to Bulbagarden!
Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy this forum just as much as you seem to enjoy the 'Pedia!
Welcome to BMGf, pikachuscat!
(wow, that was a long introduction...)
Welcome to the forums. As said earlier by other posters in the thread, Bulbapedia should be fine. Anyway, I do hope that you become an active member of the forums. Have fun, and start exploring!
welcome to the fourms
Welcome to Bulbagarden! If you truly feel concerned, it may be best to talk to a member of the Bulbapedia administration.
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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