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Dead Again
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
New to these forums...but boy oh boy, I have a lot of Pokémon pictures in my Deviant Art gallery. Rather than attach them all, I'll provide the links...mostly because >coughIreallywantcommentscough< and it's easier that way.

If you're curious, I did all of these either on a friend's oekaki board or in MSPaint. I need a better art program. >sob<

Parasect and Sandslash in a cave
My beloved adorable Onix, Precious
My trainer self, Keria, racing a Skarmory on her Charizard
Manectric and Jolteon racing Keria on her bike
Keria swimming with Azumarill, Feraligatr, and Lapras
Keria napping with Treeko and Ralts
Hypno and Gardevoir by firelight
Jolteon fighting Vaporeon...and, believe it or not, losing (warning: Some blood in this one...not a lot, but some)
My super artistic Ampharos, Terri
Pidgeot and annoyed Arbok
Magikarp (a.k.a. the greatest Pokémon of all time)
Silly picture of two Pikachus, one who's a bit more unusual than the other...
Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Persian
Silly picture involving Keria, her Hypno, and those darn Unowns
Another OC of mine with Pikachu, Marill, Sandshrew, and their evolutions and/or pre-evolutions
Nidoran female, drawn for a friend when her father died...
Arbok using Glare on a Ratatta
Hazard, the extremely moody Pichu
Marowak, Venusaur, and Vaporeon
Another OC of mine with his Dratini
A sore Houndoom
A Pidgey who needs to calm down...
Sandslash, Parasect, Onix, Kingler, Rapidash, Magneton, and Farfetch'd
Sentret, Ratatta, and Caterpie
Milotic (note: I am extremely proud of this one)
Precious the Onix again, except...evolved!
Slowpoke well!
Persian and Ninetales
Oddish, Voltorb, Staryu, Diglett, Clefairy, and Zubat

Sorry if that was a bit much for some of you. I'm...well...obsessed.
Hey, I know you, too!

Eep, I meant to mark that one as "extremely proud of" as well...it's actually the one I've put up as my featured deviation. I did it as a request, so I spent a lot of time on it.
I'm loving the Magikarp picture. Finally, somebody agrees that Magikarp is #1! LOL
Those are really cute! I think it's great you're drawing such a variety of them and doing various Pokémon in one picture-- most people focus on only a few characters and draw them over and over again. I also like your poses. ^^ I would love to comment further, but I'm going to bed right now. ;_;

...You think you're obsessed? You should see my many, many sketchbooks... o_O THOSE are scary. More Pokémon pictures than most people can even imagine existing. XP
The Slowpoke picture's great! funny and yet well drawn wit a lot of detail
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