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Heroes of Johto (Me (TFSpock) and Chaos Dusknoir)

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It's all ogre now.
Feb 13, 2011
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There were two of them. Two heroes. Two, that saved Johto from utter destruction. Two heroes- forever etched in the minds of generations and generations. Logic. Math. Pointless things. For in this story, zero, plus zero, equals infinity.

"Dude, we have to finish this speech!"

Typhlosion- revolutionary politician- skillful, intelligent, but reaaaaally annoying and rather conceited.

"Not now, man, I gotta finish this thing here!"

Feraligatr- King of the stock market- resourceful, hard-working, but serious and aloof.

Both, after the transition from ordinary to extraordinary, went to Nacrene University, top college in the world. How did these zeroes, become the legends we know today? The familiar tale, unfolds....
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Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

The story of our heroes begins on a sunny day. A day like none other...

"Hey, Dug, pass me the posters!" Typhlosion sat at his laptop, his forehead beaded with sweat. Typhlosion was a regular looking specimen, standing 5'9, flames jutting out of his back. His piercing blue eyes, unlike most Typhlosion's, were clear and twinkled with perpetual delight.
Dugtrio turned around. "Huh?" He fiddled with the tape in his teeth and looked around. Dugtrio was big, sluggish, and not the brightest. He, was a regular Dugtrio, With beady eyes and a red shiny nose. Dugtrio snatched three blank poster-boards with his mouth and dropped them in front of Typhlosion's chair. Typhlosion inspected one of them, and quickly dropped back down. "Ew, spit", Typhlosion said irritably, pointing to the toothmarks Dugtrio had made. Dugtrio sighed. "If you want to beat Zweilous in this election, you'll have to-" Typhlosion snapped his pencil in half with rage. Zweilous, that scum-ball, Typhlosion thought. He had hated Zweilous ever since he was a Deino, lying, manipulative, thieving, arrogant, and sadistic. Pling-plong-pling-plong! The doorbell rang. Typhlosion got up from his chair and ambled to the front door. He twisted the doorknob, to let the door open. Kirlia skipped inside, sighing with joy. Kirlia was happy-go-lucky. maybe too happy-go-lucky. "Hey, Phloshie! Feraligatr, Froslass and Rapidash are out front!" Typhlosion winced. He hated the name Phloshie, although he put up with it because Kirlia was so nice to him. She skipped over to Typhlosion's laptop. "Whatcha doin'?" she asked in her soft, innocent voice. "I got the committee to come over to help with the campaign". Kirlia nodded. Typhlosion peered outside the door. "Hey F'Gator, come check this out!"
Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

"What?" said Feraligatr, Feraligatr was pretty much an ordinary Feraligatr... except his eye color was red and he had a red bloody scar, Feraligatr was thinking of helping Typhlosion with his posters put Feraligatr was acting grumpy because last night, a group known as the ninja clan (full of shedninjas and ninjasks) stole most of Feraligatr's valuables, so the most Feraligatr would do for Typhlosion was give him an old gummy bear. "Hey, dude, I got Arcanine to get here and help," Feraligatr said with a little happiness. Hmm, maybe I could get Typhlosion to help track down the ninja clan thought Feraligatr, "Hey Typhlosion could you help me with the ninja clan? They've bean robbing my valuables."
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Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

"Shawhaaaaaat?" Typhlosion stuttered. Dugtrio whistled. "They hit Rapidash, too, last month." Rapidash, usually cheerful, now frowned at the painful memory. "Froslass, Arcanine, go help Dug and Kirlia." Typhlosion mumbled. Froslass and Arcanine shuffled over to Dugtrio's posters. Rapidash winked at Typhlosion. Rapidash was his girlfriend. "Feraligatr, c'mere. I need to show you something."


"Hmm hmm hmm hmm hummmmmmmmmmma!" Jynx half-whispered, half-sang. She was organizing the math books she was to distribute the next day. She glanced at the certificate and smiled. It read "Teacher of the Year- Ms. Jynx Minglice". As she studied the ever familiar award, the back door creaked open. Two Shedinjas and three Ninjasks slipped inside. "Sheds, get the top floor" whispered one of the Ninjasks. "You two, living room". The other Ninjasks nodded and flew, silently, into the next room. The Shedinjas, not making even a mere "whoosh", floated up the stairs. Ninjask furrowed his brow. As Jynx continued admiring her achievement, Ninjask slowly creeped up behind her.....
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Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

"AAHHHH!mmfff, mmmff!" screamed Jynx as she got stuffed in a bag that read POTATOS "Shut up old lady! The master probably needs you in perfect condition!" wispered Ninjask. The reason why the "Master" needs Jynx is for something that needs high intelligence, you see, Jynx Minglice was probably the smartest pokemon in the five regions.


"Hey Feraligatr after Rapidash and Typhlosion are done showing you this thing come over here, I'm gonna show you plan 34-89T," said Froslass with confidence, this was a plan to stop the ninja clan from breaking in...
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Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

"Here it is" said Typhlosion. He, Feraligatr, and Rapidash were at the end of a dead end hallway. "It may look just like a regular hallway, but..." she trailed off, as she pointed to an old portrait. " Typhlosion touched the picture. "This is my great-grandpa. Now, observe." Typhlosion's eyes turned a dark red, then unleashed a Focus Blast on the wall. "What's going on down there?" Typhlosion heard Arcanine shout from the family room. When the dust cleared, the wall was completely destroyed. The portrait lay on the floor, unscathed by the destruction. "Here it is" Typhlosion said proudly.


"You sure Minglice is the smartest?" asked one of the Ninjask. The leader looked around, as if to make sure no one was listening, then said, "Actually, I don't know. She's the nearest we got. You got all of the valuables?" The two Shedinja in the backseat nodded. The leader was driving, the other Ninjask was in the front, the Shedinja were in the back, and the last Ninjask was in the trunk with the bags of valuables, and well as Ms. Minglice. "Let's just hope master approves..." He looked at the door, which was covered in pictures of people they were after and failed to kidnap. His eyes rested on one in particular. A guy. A guy, called Feraligatr Wave.
Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

"Hey Ninjask, as the highest rank besides the master any plans on who we should kidnap?"
"We're going to go back to Nacrene City," said Ninjask," We failed to kidnapp a pokemon that could help us, his name: Feraligatr Wave! We shall strike back! Oh yeah also..." (NOTE: I can't think of anything to squeeze in between this part and TFspock's part)
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Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

Ooc: It's a forum glitch. I deleted it.

BTW, whenever you're out of chararacter, like I am now, type "Ooc:" before it.

Ninjask looked at his associate, with disgust. "I'm not second-in-command. I'm just the leader of this squad."


No one, no one at all, caught more than a mere glimpse of the speeding black SUV. One person claimed to see a beige Ditto, or something of the sort. Another claimed seeing two Shedinja playing patty-cake in the back. Supposedly, they went west, towards Cherrygrove, but no reports have been sent in. According to the above evidence, some Pokémon think that these were the infamous Ninja Clan...
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Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

"Hey Feraligatr get over here! About Plan 34-89T, when the ninja clan come, we could put hay, under the WELCOME carpet so it's make alot of noise and... when the door opens it will activate this machine gun and shoot the Ninjas!" Froslass with joy, Froslass was Feraligatr's girlfriend, she'd do anything to see Feraligatr smile, Feraligatr pointed out one thing," What about the windows?" Froslass knew what to do," I have flame orb canon that will activate when the windows open!"
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Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

Typhlosion proudly stared at the secret room. It was lit up by one small, dim lightbulb which hung from a chain in the center of the room. "Plus, the wall fits back together perfectly, so it's easy to put back. This wall was meant for this, you know that F'Gator, right?" Typhlosion said, as he inspected the room to make sure that nothing was damaged. "Now, to the secret stuff..."


"Those IDIOTS!" a voice rang out in the darkness. "Well, sir, I'm sure the-" another voice began to say. "I DON'T CARE! EXECUTE PLAN JEMZ412!" the other voice interrupted. "Now, sir, this is very reckle-" "DO IT!" the voice shouted. The other voice sighed. "As you wish, master."

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Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

"Hey Feraligatr, get over here! Cooking with Audino is on!" said Arcanine, "Watch it yourself I'm looking at this picture..." replied Feraligatr, "You've been looking at it for the past hour!" barked Arcanine. But what Arcanine didn't know was what the picture had, Feraligatr got it in the mailbox an hour ago, it said FROM: ? inside was a picture of Shedinja reading YOU JUST CAN'T BEAT SHEDINJA! But at the bottom right hand corner had unown letters Feraligatr was trying to decode the message, Feraligatr didn't take unown decoding classes, "Hey Dug, can you get over here?"


"Hey, dude," said a Shedinja talking to a different Ninjask," I have a plan to overthrow the Master..."
Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

Typhlosion steamed with rage. "FERALIGATR! YOU DIDN'T BOTHER TO LISTEN TO MY TOUR OF THE UNDERGROUND?!" Typhlosion literally had steam coming out of his nose. He snatched Feraligatr's photo and hurled it at the couch. Froslass glared at him. Don't wanna mess with F'Gator's girl, Typhlosion thought. Arcanine turned off the TV to join Froslass in staring at him. Kirlia and Dugtrio, too, watched him. Dugtrio broke the silence. "You were saying, Feraligatr?" he asked briskly, as if he were irritated with him, not Typhlosion. Dugtrio grabbed the picture, and studied it. "Look, I'm just gonna...." Arcanine trailed off. He walked out of the front door, Kirlia close behind. Rapidash came into the room. "What's going on here?" she asked, smiling as usual. "HOLY OH MY ARCEUS" Dugtrio sputtered. Everyone turned toward him. "Th-this is bad. Reeeeeeeeeally bad." "Well, tell us what it means!" Froslass snapped. Dugtrio shuddered. "It means...."
Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

"Shedinja, I'm not like those other Ninjasks so call me Shedjask (So you don't get confused with this Ninjask and the other one)," Shedinja whispered," You know those garbage trucks that come in the morning? Well, those garbage trucks go to the master, we go in there with a toxic orb cannon and the master will pretty much kill us yes, but somehow in birth guess what?" "What?" said Shedjask with confidence, "CHICKENBUTT! Naw! Actually in birth my abilty was poison touch and I got more defense, , in the meantime you learn something super effective on the Master..."


DING DONG! "Answer the door, Dug!" yelled Feraligatr, , " Hello, my name is Garchomp (TFspock, it's a different Garchomp then the one in our comix!), I know Feraligatr, I asked him if I could come over and here I am! I heard about the Ninja clan, I'm gonna stone edge those cowards!"
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Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

Typhlosion was puzzled. "Um, dude? We're kinda in the middle of something". He pointed to Dugtrio. "Oh, sorry" Garchomp replied. "Anyway," Dugtrio continued, once again briskly, "The runes mean..." everyone leaned in closer. "Ahem. City five two. Key come play. Prize watch." Typhlosion leaned over to look at the picture. The Unown depicted were hieroglyphic, not alphabetical, like he'd seen before. Garchomp spoke up. "I might know what it means."

Shedjask peered through the curtains. "It's go time."
Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

" I think it means, sorry I gotta goto the bathroom I'll be right back!"
"Feraligatr, doesn't Garchomp look... familier with your dark past?" asked Froslass. "Now, that I think of it, yeah but I don't wanna talk about my past..." replied Feraligatr. Garchomp searched for the bathroom and found it and closed the door completley...
"Master," whispered Garchomp," The Idiots decoded the picture, Master, I think one is coming, I'll update you when something important happens," Hey Garchomp, get over here, I think it's time, no bathroom breaks, this is important," said Feraligatr. (Yes TF this is the thing in the spoiler!)


"HEY WHATCHA' DOIN' HERE!" asked a Trubbish in the garbage truck, "Um... we're just um... DIG!!" yelled Shedjask as Shedjask and Shedinja digged...
Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

Typhlosion didn't like Garchomp. What kind of person walks in your house, claiming to have the answers to your problems. "I've got my eye on you..." he muttered.


The traffic was intense in downtown New Bark. "C'mon!" Arcanine growled. Kirlia pointed to the front of the traffic line. Arcanine spotted a black SUV, being chased by police.


The Village Bridge was as busy as usual. But the Absol trio waited in the shadows, for the perfect moment...

Ooc: This is the end of their story for now, FG. Their stories are not to be expanded on for a while.
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Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

" Ok I think it says: MASTER ZWELIOUS IS IN CHERRYGROVE CITY," said Garchomp," anyways... I'ma gonna EARTHQUAKE YOU LOOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Leaving everyone seriosly injured. "FiretrUCK (F***) Garchomp, he is that Garchomp... I'm gonna become faster and ice punch him FIRETRUCK!!!!!!!" screamed Feraligatr (EDIT)," Did you hear earlier about what Froslass said? The Garchomp of my dark past? Well... I got into alot of fights back at middle school, Froslass was one of the pokemon I told about that, Garchomp, that time was a gabite, I was Crocanaw, completly destroyed me, and I had ice fang, I didn't have ice punch at that time, did nothing, I couldn't even pull up two without being injured, I remebered being hit with those dragon claws... I HATE GARCHOMP, that outrage felt familier, and at the pokemon center I was wrapped up completley looking like a mummy, the only injury they couldn't heal was this scar," said Feraligatr pointing to his scar, Feraligtar wanted REVENGE, he wanted to ice punch that Garchomp 50 times, and punch his body 50 more times leaving Garchomp 70% dead, and for him to goto the hospital like Feraligatr did leaving with 5 scars, that shows how angry Feraligatr was.

The Trubbish fainted," Good work Shedinja," said Shedjask," I think we're there, nope, it's a long ride, so Shedinja why do you hate the boss as much as I do?' Shedinja answered," He uses us as slaves, he's self centered and he wants that-" "DO NOT SPEAK OF HIS POWER, (If I did tell you what the maste's power was it would be a huge spoiler) ALL HE WANTS IS MORE POWER! Well, I recruited some more pokemon to help: Infernape, Heracross they have power and we shall use power correctly!!" yelled Shedjask.


Jynx stared at her prison. I should have let Monferno help but they're just third graders... thought Jynx," Ms. Minglice, we are here to save you," came a voice...
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Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

Typhlosion's head boiled. Zweilous? Their master? Zweilous was a jerk, but it was hard for him to believe that Zweilous was truly EVIL. Typhlosion looked at himself.

Warning: Kinda violent
Typhlosion's arm was caked with blood. He couldn't feel anything with it. His leg was twisted so that it looked like it was attached to his shoulder, his foot, wet with blood, was twisted all the way back, with a new bunion almost ripping through his skin. His chest was badly cut, pieces of skin hung down his ribs. His shirt, too, was soaked. He couldn't bear to look at the others. He fell back, onto the floor. And the blackness came...

After what seemed like forever, in this world of twilight, half dream, half reality, Typhlosion opened his eyes. Two Audino peered down at him. The light was intense. Typhlosion tried to sit up, but the Audino restrained him. From what he could see, the room was a pale yellow, with beds like his arranged nearby. "Doc, he's awake!" yelled one of the Audino. "Goodness gracious!" he heard a feminine voice from his right. A Gothitelle, probably the doctor, joined the staring party. "You've been unconscious for two days now." She appeared to be reading a clipboard. "You've sustained serious injuries. A fractured foot, broken ankle, broken arm, one broken rib, which nearly punctured your lung, and numerous cut and bruises, although no stitches needed, except for the area on your foot where we had to remove that painful bunion. Your friends are fine, Rapidash and Froslass are up and walking, Feraligatr, we're checking him out, but, oh. Your friend, the Dugtrio, has obtained very serious injuries, including a cracked skull. He will be alright, but he will be bedridden for weeks, possibly months." A third Audino popped in. "There's a visitor, for Feraligatr Wave. A nice girl, called Roserade Thornade." Typhlosion thought about Garchomp. He's obviously evil, but Zweilous.............


"Quick! The plane is leaving!" The ninja clan rushed toward the boarding station. They turned in their tickets, went on the plane, and occupied Row F1, F2, and half of G1. When a Dusclops came to sit down there, he said, "G'day, mister Magneton, sir". The plan had worked.
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Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

"Ms. Minglice, you don't reconize me? I was one of your third grade students," came the voice," I am Infernape, Monferno's brother," "But how did you get in," asked Jynx," Ha! It ws easy flareblitzing these pethetic Ninjas!" yelled Infernape.

Shedjask and Shedinja were waiting for the truck to arrive to Nacrene city,"Oh god I think this is a trap," said Shedjask as he stared at the window it read WELCOME TO KANTO... Firetruck...
Re: Heroes of Johto (Me and Feit Gas)

Shedjask looked around. Suddenly, Shedinja turned around. He motioned for Shedjask to come over to him. They peered through a crack between the trunk and the "cockpit". Shedjask's face turned a pale pasty white. There, instead of the regular Garbodor driver, was one of Master's elite guards- a shiny Golurk. Golurk turned around and stared through the crack as well, smirking. Then, he strapped on protective gear. Puzzled, Shedinja let go of the crack. Golurk opened the door to the truck..... and heaved himself out. Shedjask froze with horror. Suddenly, the Trubbish from earlier hopped up, and smiled coldly, like an Arbok, watching it's prey.. He was never unconscious. He, too, put on protective gear, smashed the crack so that it became a hole in the wall, and climbed through. Shedjask grasped the side of the hole, while Shedinja rocked back and forth due to the sharp movements of the truck. Trubbish swerved off the highway, now in an open field. He pressed a button, and, before either Bug-types could react, the trunk door opened up, sending trash flying out of the truck's rear. As Shedjask clang to the hole, Shedinja struggled to find something to hold on to. Suddenly, a discarded booster seat, foam oozing out in many places, caught Shedinja in the face, blowing him out of the truck along with another torrent of garbage. Shedjask climbed into the cockpit, and, the moment he looked at Trubbish, the Poison-type was jumping out of the truck as well. But it only took seconds to realize that the truck was already headed for a steep cliff, the ocean and Sevii Islands below. Frantically, Shedjask searched for a brake, but the truck was already over the cliff, descending to the ocean below.



As Infernape destroyed the cell bars, Jynx explained her dilemma. "And- and then they-they put me in a potato sack, and shipped me off here." Finally, the last bar was burned through, and Jynx stepped out! "Thank you!" She said gratefully. "Oh, they must be worried sick back home!" Two Ninjask paraded up the hall. "Easy Flare Blitzing us?" one said, in a mocking tone. Two Donphan, two Hippowdon, and a Krookodile marched up behind Infernape. The Ground-types surrounded Infernape, and marched him away, leaving Jynx with the Ninjask. "Now HE'LL be useful" remarked the other Ninjask. "But you..." Both Bugs grabbed Jynx, and dragged her away.



The Arcanine and Stoutland squads had trouble tracking down who mounted the assault at the Blaze's house. They called in Rapidash, Froslass, and Kirlia as witnesses. Arcanine was on a leave of absence, as his grandmother in Hoenn was sickly. "Who," asked one Stoutand, "attacked you, four days ago." Froslass was the first to speak up. "Garchomp. he came in, claiming to know what this hidden message is, then attacked us. Typhlosion and Feraligatr are still in the hospital. They both only woke up two days ago." Arcanine nodded. "Well then, looks like we'll be paying a visit to the Cherrygrove Pokémon Center."
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