I decided to join bulbapedia becuase i noticed that you guys sell/trade some pokemon merchandise, and ive been on a hunt for looking for mainly some TOMY figures and pokedolls, but im looking for reasonable prices too. But also i love pokemon soo much i bought a suicune and raikou doll online from a user, they are mint condition and i am getting them soon, im super excited about that!
well about me? I'm 21yrs old, attending college, and majoring in graphic design. I love drawing, my homepage is deviantart,i chose Sakurah my username because it sounds like sakura the cherry blossom of japan that i love. i also love japan the culture. i have pokemon white right now and im trying to train so i can beat the pokemon league.
my favorite pokemon inclue bulbasaur, suicune, absol, corsola, mareep, dragonair, audino, serperior, chandelure, and milotic.
well about me? I'm 21yrs old, attending college, and majoring in graphic design. I love drawing, my homepage is deviantart,i chose Sakurah my username because it sounds like sakura the cherry blossom of japan that i love. i also love japan the culture. i have pokemon white right now and im trying to train so i can beat the pokemon league.
my favorite pokemon inclue bulbasaur, suicune, absol, corsola, mareep, dragonair, audino, serperior, chandelure, and milotic.