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heyy I'm new :)


New Member
Apr 29, 2011
Reaction score
I decided to join bulbapedia becuase i noticed that you guys sell/trade some pokemon merchandise, and ive been on a hunt for looking for mainly some TOMY figures and pokedolls, but im looking for reasonable prices too. But also i love pokemon soo much i bought a suicune and raikou doll online from a user, they are mint condition and i am getting them soon, im super excited about that!

well about me? I'm 21yrs old, attending college, and majoring in graphic design. I love drawing, my homepage is deviantart,i chose Sakurah my username because it sounds like sakura the cherry blossom of japan that i love. i also love japan the culture. i have pokemon white right now and im trying to train so i can beat the pokemon league.

my favorite pokemon inclue bulbasaur, suicune, absol, corsola, mareep, dragonair, audino, serperior, chandelure, and milotic.
The Buy-and-sell forum is pretty useful for that sort of thing.

Welcome to the fora!
Hey welcome to the forums and enjoy yourself! :D
Yuss I like drawing too!
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