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Hitchhiker's Guide to BMGF


Born at a Yung Age
Jun 22, 2010
Reaction score
Hitchiker’s Guide To BMGF​

An Unhelpful but Rather Interesting Prologue​

I came up with this guide after being banned for the umpteenth time and I thought “Only if I had like a guide to posting in BMGF!” Then it occurred to me! I have been banned so many times I know pretty much every circumstance to avoid and places not to goof around. So here I am making a guide for your adventures into the wilderness we call BMGF. Remember kids, don’t panic. It is a lot easier than it looks and its meant to be fun :D I know how scary it is when you join your first forum. This, I hope, will make it much easier to learn how to navigate the wonders and dangers of BMGF!


Denizens of BMGF

Moderators(Mods): Okay if you see Italics or bold or bolded italics, don’t fret, it is a mod. These are what we call the local leaders of BMFG. They are pretty reasonable and overall nice denizens of the forum. What differentiates them from normal users is the ability to moderate forums, including the ability to give infractions (which accumulate into Bans). You should treat them like normal users, but be aware they're packing heat.

Admins: These guys are like the head honchos. Same rules as with mods really,they are just a tad higher up in the leader chain. Very nice people over all.

Regular Users: These people are the lifeblood of BMGF. Without them this place would be a dump. So treat your fellow regular user with kindness and respect, and as long as he isn’t a total troll, he will probably treat you with equal kindness. Remember kiddies the Golden Rule: “Treat others as you would want them to treat you”

Archaic: The Big Man. The Supremo Burrito. Mr.President of the site.
Same rules really as admins just that he owns the site so he is kind of like a president or king or something. Just be nice if you happen to meet him. Nothing else really for this fella since I never really talked to him.

Trolls:The most mean ugly thing the internet has spawned since Spambots. Their only intent is to ruin your day so read this please. Remember kids, there is a report button for these type of guys so don’t sweat, just report so the big guys can take care of it(Mods). Don’t try to respond and argue with them, this just feeds and pleases them. So remember your ABCs when dealing with possible trolls:

A: Analyze: Is he a troll or is he not a troll? If your just reporting for personal payback, then you should not do it for when the mods find out, you’ll be in BIG trouble. So think to yourself: Is he rude for no reason? Is he posting explicitly violent or sexual stuff for no reason? Is he advertising products in the wrong sections of the forum? If any of these answers is yes, then report.

B: Be Careful: Don’t respond to his insults. Even if he insults your mother, just report. Suck up your pride and report for the mods know how to deal with their type.

C: Choose Your Actions Wisely: The thing explains it all. Just make sure you are wise in what you do responding to a troll.

Spambots: These are pesky boogers all right. They are basically the automated machine version of a classic troll. All they do is register and advertise & promote products in all the wrong places. But don’t worry, they are usually banned on sight and dealt with pretty quickly. But If you do happen to encounter one: Stay chill and just report.


Read the rules: This actually helps a lot. Even if you think your all macho and you don’t need to read it, trust me, you need to read it. Read it, learn it, obey it, love it. It is the law.

Listen to the Staff: They're here to help you, not harm you. If they give you advice, you should pay attention. On the same hand, the staff can make mistakes. If you think they can, feel free to contact their higher ups or use the Conduct Review Board.

Don’t be a Troll Yourself: This one should be fairly obvious but surprisingly, a lot of people act like it isn’t. First impressions last and if when you join the first thing you start doing is trolling everybody, people will naturally label you a troublemaker for perhaps the rest of your forum experience. Though if the first thing you do is offer compliments, helpfulness, niceness, and start though provoking threads (In a Good Way) they will naturally think of you as a nice person which will make the rest of your internet experience a whole lot easier.

Don’t make decisions or posts when Mad/Stressed/etc.: This is a Pokemon forum, not your therapist. Although we'll gladly help you out with any issues you face, keep in mind it's we're not the best font of information and you should consult proper authorities.

Obey the Golden Rule: Really, just obeying this and being nice to people will get you pretty far. As long as you just obey the golden rule, you should be A-Okay.

Don’t talk text talk: People generally get annoyed when people constantly talk like that so here is the non-acceptable, barely-acceptable, and accepted ways to talk.

Non-acceptable:h3y gUys 1m n3w h3r3.
Barely-acceptable: hey guys im new here
Accepted: Hey guys, I’m new here.

Have fun: This is meant to be a forum for your enjoyment. So just have fun, be nice, and don’t panic!

Use the Garden Grotto: Trust me, you want to introduce yourself so perhaps people will know something about you and may make friends with you

The Sections of BMGF

The Danger Scale
1: Not dangerous, accessible to newbie
2: People are starting to crack down on the rules more but still not dangerous
3: Moderate danger, just don’t goof off.
4: Getting dangerous, watch your step.
5: Proceed with caution.​

Announcement and Events (Danger Rating 1)
This is where they announce stuff. You can normally hitch a ride and catch up on the new promotions/staff here. Nothing really happens here. I and DCM never heard of a person get banned there so... yea. Sleepy, nice little place, just obey the rules and tips.

Garden Grotto and Rules (Danger Rating 1)
This is the magical place where you can introduce yourself and perhaps mention what you like and stuff. Also you can ask questions about the things about the forum that you don’t understand and usually somebody is there to answer it. Rated it a one because this is pretty much a forum for newbies and even if you accidentally break a rule in you intro, the staff is generally more forgiving to newbies than old-timers like myself and will probably just give you a warning. The rules are also here so you need to be a tad careful but as long as your not reckless, you’ll find yourself at ease over here.

Pokemon News From Bulbagarden (Danger Rating 4)

I consider this the pokemon version of the Real Life Section so of course I will give it a high danger rating. But besides that it often provides an interesting read but I suggest you proceed with caution for it does sometimes get hectic there.

Pokemon Video Games (Danger Rating 3)
This is where we talk about pokemon games. I gave it a three because people are pretty serious bout their pokes sometimes so it is best to tread lightly sometimes. Anyways yes, it’s a good place to visit.

Pokemon Anime (Danger Rating 4)
I know such a high danger rating looks pretty silly but these people are serious about their Anime. All you really have to do is click on a “Was Misty A Good Character” thread and you will see the posters provide a whole encyclopedia and dictionary about exactly why she was a good/bad character. Yeah they’re pretty serious bout their shiz but yea. Just be careful not to offend someone and if you are going to put “Well I thought Misty was cool…” be prepared to give a whole lecture why you thought she was cool if somebody questions you as to WHY you thought she was cool Also, be very careful to not make existing threads and such as (Is Ash's Butterfree coming back and etc.) or try to impress people with facts that most anime regulars do in fact know for that will get your thread locked.

Shippers Paradise (Danger Rating 3)
Where you can post all things shippy. Does Brock like Misty and etc. Who knows, you might make a ship that boggles the very mind of society and reinvent shipping. Worth checking out and check the existing ship list to make sure you don't remake a already existing ship. Just follow the rules and be nice.

Pokemon Trading Card Game (Danger Rating 2)
Where you can talk about your rare collectors charizard card and such. Be nice and follow the rules.

Pokemon Manga and Other Media (Danger Rating 3)
Where you can talk about Pokemon Manga and such.... The reason for the 3 is simply because of the issue of Pokemon Adventure vs. Everything else. Still a worthwhile and fun place to post.

Pokemon World (Danger Rating 3)
Where you can compare pokemon, talk pokemon, and furthermore breathe the pokemon. Things may get a tad sticky in Contest Hall but still a great and fun place to post. I recommend it myself. Just proceed with caution and follow the rules, and you'll have a great time.

Bulbagarden Battle And Trade Center (Danger Rating 2)
Well the same rules really as anything else. Just post here in these nice two little sections when you feel like having a wi-fi battle. The people over here are nice & pokemon loving people like you so I’m pretty sure you will get along well. So just open a thread or answer an appropriate thread saying “Hey I want to battle/trade. Will you battle/trade with me?” Also if you are battling with hacks, make sure you mention first you will be using hacked pokemon and mention the degree of hacks you did. (Like did you just make it shiny or give it perfect IVs or what?) And trading pretty much the same except you got to make sure you post your hack trade offers in “The Hacked Pokemon Center”

The Creative Corner (Danger Rating 3)
Chances are, you have a hobby besides pokemon. Perhaps it is writing, perhaps it is basket ball, perhaps it is making music/listening to it. Well if you are a writer, artist, or musician; today is your lucky day! There is a whole section dedicated to this stuff. If you are a writer the basic guidelines you should follow is that you should label your stories appropriately to fit the audience you are writing to and start posting those stories. If you are an artist there is a whole gallery where you can just display your art. Plus if you want to be really nice you can do requests for people and perhaps have a chance to show off your artistic skills. Just make sure you make your banners within the right size limit and such(Same for Avatars) and have a jolly good time. Coolio right?!? As long as it is appropriate (no nudity or excessively violent images) it is perfectly acceptable. If you want to just paint apples all day long then post them on here that is all good with us. If you are an aspiring musician, then we just added a section where you can post your musical works. You can critique on other fan-made music, post your own music, and such. Just use common sense, read the rules, and you should be fine fellow hitchhiker!

Role Playing Games (Danger Level 3)
For some odd strange reason you want to role-play as a mudkip who is on an adventure with a talking cookie and a burrito, as long as there are people willing to be the talking cookie and burrito, you go for it! Just follow the rules like always and post in the proper sections. However there is a system you have to follow to roleplay. First you got to make/join a signup sheet for the role play you want to join. Then after doing that the GM (Guy who made the roleplay) will either approve or reject the sign up. If you get accepted you go to step 2 (If rejected repeat step one with a different sign-up). Then you are allowed to post in the RP. Just make sure you follow the story line and you don’t be trying to make your own plot and stuff. Just have fun and follow the rules and you should be fine. Remember, if you don’t get your sign up accepted, you can always retry or try to join a different RP. Always read the RP rules and plot line before you sign-up kiddies!

The War Room (Danger Level is 2)
If you like complex strategy games, come hither! This is the probably the most fun you will ever have on a forum game. The idea behind (Most of the section) it is a simple town VS mafia game. Though there are some games that are mafia, and we are currently trying to expand on that, but right now, a lot of it is town vs mafia. It is kind of like an RP except without the long sign-ups and such. Just follow the rules and read the plot to the game you are trying to join and enjoy. Also make sure there are available spaces for you to join. If the game has already started you can’t join in it but there is usually at least one War Game you can join in. Also, if you are new to these games, the reason I rated it a 2, is because if you walk in a mafia game not knowing what to do you may get slaughtered by some of the veteran players. But still, don't get discouraged, we are all newbies at first and it is a really fun way to pass the time. I personally have enjoyed this section and really want to spend more time in it.

Fun and Games(Danger Level is 1)
Man oh man, sweet memories from this place. This is probably the safest place in the whole of the forum. Unless you are being a total troll or something it is near impossible to get banned here. This is the loopiest nonsensical place the website has to offer which is why many of us warmly call it home. This is the place I really would suggest you to visit if you are new to the forum because this is the best place to learn the ropes without being banned multiple times like me. I highly suggest the Random Message thread if you just want to chat and all of the other threads are highly self-explanatory. I really like this place and I hope you like it to. Just follow the rules, be nice, and have fun.

Random Messages (Danger Level Varies from 1-4)
This was actually the first thread I posted on. It is generally, usually a safe place for newbies to post but it has gone through spells of drama. For instance V6 is notorious for drama while the current one is just plain fun :p. Really it just varies. And remember there is always a report button so if you see someone making drama, make good use of it. The reason it gets a special mention is because of Mijzelffan and the fact it is so bloody big its practically a section by itself AND due to the fact its danger level varies. But yes, this thread has been known of getting hectic, but it is still a nice place with nice people so.... yea I recommend it to new people. I mean, the worst that happens usually is somebody is trolling incessantly and/or someone is making drama which are both easily reportable so yea, just come and have a good time. Its a good way to introduce yourself to the denizens of the forums and learn the ropes.

Large Scale Forum Games(Danger Level 3)
Really just the same rules as the RP section. Just be nice and follow the rules.
(My God that was the shortest review on a section yet)

Bulbagarden Projects (Danger Level 3)
The title is pretty self explanatory and the sections normally give a little short summary of themselves just by the name. Just be safe and follow the rules. Also in the buy and sell, they use real money, just warning you. I actually thought the forum had some kind of currency that you earned by posting ^^; but no, you’re using real money, just warning you. But yea they are pretty self explanatory and pretty safe as long as you stay on topic and are polite.

The Real World (Danger Level 5)
Proceed with Caution.

Entertainment Inc. (Danger Level 2)

Same rules as Outside the Box really. Also the thread “Somebody set you up to bomb” has no topic. Just post an interesting quote and move on. I don’t even know what the hell goes on in there. It is madness.

Land of the Rising Sun (Danger Level 2)
Same rules as Outside the Box except it is a whole section dedicated to Chinese/Japenese stuff. If you have some foreign Chinese magna you want to share, as long as its appropriate, share it I guess. I really can’t say much about this forum besides this because to be totally honest, I don’t know much about it.

Outside the Box (Danger Level 2)
This is like fun and games except the tamer version. It still is pretty loose on the rules and an overall fun place to post. If you don’t like the mind-boggling randomness of RM the Chat thread is there to save you from the horrors. Really the only reason I rated it a 2 is because unlike Fun & Games, you usually have to stay on topic. But yea if you want to share some theories or something or just talk about how much you love your cat in the chat thread here is the place to do it. Just a tamer, a little more strict version of Fun & Games but not that much more strict.

Development Forum (Danger Level ?)
I really don’t know how to rate it on a danger level but basically BMFG is always looking for ideas how to make itself better and here is where you can post your idea on how it could be better. And people will decide whether it is worthy of being a new addition to the forums. Follow rules, be nice, all that gibberish.

Blogs (Danger Level=Bunnies)

Blogs is where you can post stuff that doesn’t fit anywhere else really. Just post how you feel or stuff. Basically it is like an online journal where you can post your thoughts of life and such. Pretty chill place.

Social Groups(Danger Level=1)
If you really like something and you want it to be posted as a group on your profile, there is a whole little tool to it. As long as you follow the common rules and be nice, it is really safe, fun, and easy to join groups. There actually used to be like different teams on groups but that got closed down for the teams were picking fights with each other so yea. Anyways safe, fun, and easy................... Yea, you get the point.

User Control Panel (Danger Level=Kats)
There is no danger level since well, yea it is where you can customize your profile. Basically it is there so you can make your online self “pretty”. Yea, you can customize a lot including your username and just make sure when your customizing your stuff that your signature is the appropriate size specified by the signature rules for that gets a lot of people in trouble so yea…… Just thought I would just put this here.


Well this took me a long time to type up as you imagine and I really hope this helps you
So please feel free to contact me if you have any questions this guide does not cover
Or if you just want to chat, feel free, I am pretty bored nowadays.
Anyways hope you have plenty of fun hitchhiking experiences here~

Special Thanks​
To Rainbow and TheMedicineCat for telling and encouraging me to finish this guide saying it was a good idea. Also a thanks to all who said it was good in my blog.
And a special thanks to CommanderPigg, SharKing,Ryuutakeshi, Gligar13, Raizhu, and Mijezelffan for helping me add important details that I'm sure will help many hitchhikers.

And lots of thanks to DCM, who was my personal editor and such, who made this all possible.

Written by Soul Power
Co-Written by DCM
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Please note: The thread is from 12 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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