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How did Team Plasma's castle get underground?


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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And further more, why was it in the vicinity of the Pokemon League? Please discuss your theories with me, if you have any.

P.S. How would anyone be able to leave or enter the castle when it's underground? Does it have a secret Subway station or something?
It seems to be one big machine, of some sort. Maybe even having the ability to go underground and move around. That would explain why it was near the Pokemon League, however, we know it was there so that Team Plasma could ambush the league.
Well, according to the Plasma grunts everything is explained away as millions of Patrats using Dig. 6_6
One of the grunts in the castle says: "We had been secretly building this castle for several years by overworking Pokémon that we took away. Without being noticed by anyone..."

Well, this explains a lot. They probably built the castle there, and then emerged when they wanted to attack the League.
If they were native to the region I would have said "Diglett dig?".
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Because it was programmed to be like that. Some Japanese guy made it up for no particular reason. Sorry if I bursted a bubble somewhere :(
Well, a Plasma Grunt in the castle did say that Team Plasma learned from Rocket and Galactic. I WONDER WHY THEY DIDN'T MENTION AQUA OR MAGMA!

He said that Rocket and Galactic were to open with their actions and drew too much attention and that that was why their plans were foiled. Honestly, Aqua and Magma didn't seem to cause as much trouble as the other two, so maybe they just aren't as well known.
He said that Rocket and Galactic were to open with their actions and drew too much attention and that that was why their plans were foiled. Honestly, Aqua and Magma didn't seem to cause as much trouble as the other two, so maybe they just aren't as well known.

Yes, I know. I was making a joke. But, it is possible that they learned more than just just keeping themselves inconspicuous.
Forget how the castle got underground; where did the castle even go after the credits?! D8 I wanted to explore that huge place fully once I was done dealing with Gaycheese. You can't make a huge castle like that disappear overnight! OTL
We have living ice creams that can shoot acid and a little fish that transforms into an Octopus; the Pokémon World isn't the land of sense xD
I have to say that there plan makes no sense whatsoever. Okay, so you want to ambush the League. Thats okay. So you dig and construct a humoungous castle and raise it when the time is right. ...wat?
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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