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How do you call those things hanging from the side of Glaceon's head?


Duke of Internet
May 2, 2010
Reaction score

This is a very minor question, but it may come up in my fanfic as it stars a Glaceon: What do you call those two dark blue fur things that hang from Glaceon's head?
Bulbapedia calls them "cap-endings".

Bulbapedia said:
It appears to be wearing a tuque (=knitted cap) on its head. Glaceon's inner ears, two spots on its back, tail end and cap-endings are all rhombus-shaped and darker blue, in contrast to the soft cyan main body color.

I'd say that bangs or headtails are appropriate names as well, though.
I often find this a problem - how to describe Pokémon. Sure, we're writing to a demographic that knows what they look like, but we like to try and pretend that others will read it (A bit sad really xD). As for Glaceon's icey-bang things...I'd say bangs, or bang-like-appendages...or witch-craft sticks.
Hey, they're parts of a tie!

I didn't know Glaceon could do a double Double Windsor knot.

They look sort of like those really long sleeves, or Suicune's white ribbon things.
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