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How do you go about destroying the Battle Subway?

Team Galactic

Eaten by Giratina...
Nov 10, 2011
Reaction score
I have been wondering what other people do to beat the Battle Subway. I use my walls to stall out the opponent, or sometimes I use my powerhouses to demolish everything. What do you do?
I personally try to powerhouse them, but my friend takes a different approach, saying he's tired of all the hacks the CPUs use:

He hacks himself.
Just need good team Synergy I guess.
My team does well enough, I mean I'm not the best battle subway challenger but I do enough to keep me happy.
My longest streak is 43 consecutive wins.
Abuse Substitutes, the AI in the Battle Subway doesn't seem to realise they're there and will keep spamming status while you boost behind one. Of course, there'll always be a spanner in the works in the form of perfectly timed hax or an improbable held item that just happens to counter your entire strategy. The subway is cruel like that.
Hacked Sturdy Shedinja backed up by legal but not legit Zoroark and Porygon-Z with perfect IVs and EV spreads and really good movesets. Of course, the Subway still manages to hax me over sometimes, but it's fun while it lasts.
The fastest sweepers I can find. Two physical and one special.
For the third round in the Super Single...I need a great Psychic-type that has more single-hit power or better endurance (Alakazam doesn't cut it). But I haven't found that necessary link just yet....*sigh*
The Super trains are my problem and I tend to get up to 28 wins and then they just hax! hax! and hax! my Pokemon to death. I have constantly changed my strategies and Pokemon until I realised that it doesn't really matter what I do because the game decides what happens to my Pokemon.

I will keep trying and I have made a team balanced in offence and defence, which has given me the best results. I will conquer the Super trains eventually and it is a matter of when the game allows my team to win XD
I go for all out attack. I have my Ursaring rip chunks out of them, then Extreme Speed what remains.
Abuse powerful priority attacks, spam weather, or full stall. Usually full stall.
I use the most cookie cutter SS team possible, with Rotom-W, Tyranitar and Garchomp. My usual strategy involves tricking Rotom's Scarf on unsuspecting CPU, then switching to my Subbing-and-stat-upping Garchomp. When the going gets tough, I try to hax my way to victory with Sand Viel. Nothing feels better than letting them taste their own medicine :)

My highest streak ended on ~70 battle, sadly due to my own fault...
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