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How does Tracey get from Pallet Town to Cerulean City?


May the Aura be with you.
Jun 10, 2005
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One thing that I've been wondering about Pokémon Chronicles is how Tracey can get to Cerulean City apparently so conveniently whenever Professor Oak or Daisy ask him to make the trip. From what has been seen, it looks like it can't take him more than a few hours.

Yet think back to when Ash made the same journey and it took him two weeks just to get to Pewter City, let alone Cerulean City. A week of that was admittedly is unaccounted for and was probably spent lost in the Viridian Forest. Yet it still took him 24 hours just to get to Viridian City and that was when he was being chased by a flock of Spearow and had the use of a bike at one point. Tracey would go straight there rather than via Pewter, of course but it would still take a few days, at least. Pallet Town and Cerulean City aren't exactly close.
It's possible he just gets a train or something directly there. We don't know what Public Transport is available around the Pokemon world as generally we never see it used - but it'd be highly unusual for simple stuff like Trains etc not to be included as a simple method for people to get around.

Not everyone can be expected to hike all over the place.

So i'd say Tracey just gets on a train. ^^
The Pokemon world in general is messed up. Do they honestly expect us to believe that every single person must travel through Mt. Moon just to get to Cerulean?

I think not. There has to be alternative routes for mothers and little children and people who are not trainers to get from town to town. Buses, cars, roads, etc.
The Pokemon world in general is messed up. Do they honestly expect us to believe that every single person must travel through Mt. Moon just to get to Cerulean?

I think not. There has to be alternative routes for mothers and little children and people who are not trainers to get from town to town. Buses, cars, roads, etc.

Not to mention a way to ship in goods, merchandise, building materials etc. into town in lage ammounts to sustain an economy.

But still, I prefer to think that Tracey just has a better sense of direction than Ash and Brock.
Maybe he uses a big bird pokemon to fly? Or something else that can fly from Oak's lab?
Flying seems logical, but what Pokémon would he use? Scyther won't be able to carry him and the only other flying Pokémon at the lab are Noctowl and Jumpluff.

Unless Professor Oak evolved his Charmeleon...
that would be sweet -- although I've always wondered if some of the bigger charizards at the valley could be one of Oak's.
He probably does take the bus.

Assuming (and evidence DOES point that way) that Game-Kanto is of a similar size to IRL Kanto (the Tokyo region), we have (I ran the measurement a while back) :

Viridian to Pewter : 80 miles or so.
Pewter to Cerulean : 80 miles or so.

Since these are two sides of a 90-degree triangle, we can calculate the distance from Cerulean to Viridian.

Viridian to Cerulean : 115 miles or so.

Now, as I've often quoted lately, the Roman armies in ancient time were expected to cover, while marching, 15 miles a day. Granted, they carried luggage with them, and had to build and strike down their camps, but then again, they did not have to catch pokémon, battle random trainers and so forth. In addition, they did most of their traveling along well-built roman roads, not in forests and hills. 15 miles a day sounds like a good estimate of Ash's traveling speed.

So. As the bird fly, Ash would have had to walk 160 miles to get from Viridian to Cerulean through Pewter. That, right there, is 11 days walking. Factor in the twists and turns of Mount Moon, getting lost repeatedly in Viridian forest, and the fact that 160 miles is as the bird fly, not accounting for rivers, cliffs and other possible obstacles (which he almost certainly encountered), and you get pretty close to Ash's actual travel time.

As for Tracey, he wwould have to cover about 115 miles on that journey. Still a lot on foot, so he probably DID use public transportation of some sort.

Trains and cars can easily cover 115 miles in a few hours, so...

EDIT : Regarding flying, it's hard to determine because we don't know much on the speed of these creatures. Pidgeot is credited with a mach 2 flight speed, though.

At mach 2, Viridian to Cerulean can probably be flown in roughly three minutes (mach 2 = roughly 2K miles per hour. 115 miles is about one twentieth of that, so 3 minutes (1/20th of an hour).
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We've seen a few cars go cross-country, so that sounds like the best possibility. So now we just need to know where he gets the car from. ^^
Same place Gary got his.

Tracey's working for Oak, after all.
Good point. It may even be the same one since I doubt Gary has much use for it on his island.

Now there is just the issue of how old one has to be to drive. It's a while since I've seen an episode with Gary's car. Did he drive it himself?
I don't know. I *think* so, but it's been such a long time.
Damian Silverblade said:
He probably does take the bus.

I'd stick to my original theory of train really. The terrain between Pallet and Cerulean (Taking into account the Diglett Tunnel and the Mount Moon Mountain Range would just be too bothersome for a cumbersome bus. Plus 115 miles or whatever is a long distance to rely on a little old pottering bus.

A train would simply carve right through in more or less a straight line using tunnels and would be a lot quicker - and would have a dining car. ^^

We never really see many motorways leading in or out at all when we, for example, look down on a city or town and this would probably suggest that cars aren't the Pokemon World's biggest mode of travel.

Whereas a few train tracks we'd never really see from above and would work for most regular citizens as a method of getting to and from other cities and towns.

Although given the extremely secular nature of the places Ash & Co seem to encounter, I'd say that most people stay where they are most of their lives.
...Meaning that the only real profit is in such lines as Goldenrod City to Saffron City. Pallet Town isn't very likely to have a station. From what I've seen, there isn't on in any of the canons that I'm aware of. Cerulean City was also laid out in front of Misty at the start of Cerulean Blues and no station was seen.

The advantage of the car is Tracey can start and end at any point, (within reason,) which is why the characters who travel from one base like it.

And now that I think of it, Daisy drives a car in the Luvdisc housou. (Not Gary's car. This one seems to belong to her.) I don't think there is an age law in the Pokémon World, which makes sense seeing as most people walk around or use Pokémon anyway.
The bullet train is in the game - Goldenrod-Saffron.

Which isn't to say that smaller line, or buses line (not rickety old buses - greyhounds and the ilk, maybe), do not exist within the regions.

That said, I do agree that Tracey using a car of his own is pretty possible.
Now there is just the issue of how old one has to be to drive. It's a while since I've seen an episode with Gary's car. Did he drive it himself?
Occasionally, yes, he did drive it himself. Other times one of the cheerleaders drove it.
Ah, back in the days before the show had to make sense...Well, I guess you CAN tear around without a license out in the boondocks. Usually not in a fararri, though...more often on a tractor or in a lovely wood-paneled stationwagon...XD

Anyway...my travel theory harkens waaaaay back...

TRACEY has fled!
We never really see many motorways leading in or out at all when we, for example, look down on a city or town and this would probably suggest that cars aren't the Pokemon World's biggest mode of travel.
I remember during the credits of Mewtwo Strikes Back, we see Ash, Misty, and Brock silently walking through different environments as the credits roll by. One of the environments happen to be a large highway in a desert (Much like the U.S. Interstate Freeways: barren and an eyesore) which suggests that there could be intercity highways between cities.
Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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