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How would the show be diffrent if they kept the same things like in the OS?


Apr 19, 2011
Reaction score
(I have a feeling that there is already a thread like this used over 900 times, oh well)

Imagine, Misty would be still there, Ash still having his Johto Pokemon while going to Hoenn (His Hoenn Pokemon in Sinnoh, and his Sinnoh Pokemon in Unova etc.), the girl/boy not being replaced, no clothes change etc.

- How would Hoenn/Sinnoh/Unova be treated with the old gang?
- Do you think Ash (and the rest) would get a little more devolopment in the Hoenn/Sinnoh/Unova league instead of resetting his "trainer-level" everytime?
- How about Misty's Togepi? Would it be still there?
- Fillers? (Ok, sometimes, fillers are needed but still, if there are many or less fillers)
- Would Team Rocket's nature change over the time?
- ...?
I know I certainly wouldn't still be watching. Basically this is asking, "What if the show continued to be like Johto every saga?"

God no. If the writers didn't change anything I would see no reason to continue. And as for what they would do, I imagine it'd be the same as what you said. Same releases, lack of development, etc.

Ash not evolving his pokemon for gens on end would be just sad.
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Sounds like the wet dream of every nostalgic YouTube "fan" who claims the show died after some sort of minor change that happened during the OS.
This is not an easy question if we are just talking about the characters, as it involves essentially changing some of the things that happened since the end of Johto, and also answering a few questions. First of all, I must say this situation is impossible since Shudo was given the choice of either Misty or TR survives. Both could not have gone on past Johto, but for the sake of this speculation, I will assume this situation did not exist and they did both survive.

First of all, the issue of Contests and Misty's role. While Misty is often partial to "girly" pursuits, I'm not sure if they would've added this aspect to her character. It is indeed possible, but she would have to be handled differently than May was. Misty is strong, so she probably would not have the confidence issues that both May and Dawn had, although she would perhaps still get overconfident. The flaw in this is that Misty is limited to Water pokemon, so if she did pursue this, her appeals and battles would be extremely limited, and I don't think the Judges would like that too much unless she varied the kinds of moves each of her pokemon use. I'm not sure if Contests would've been as important if handled by Misty, as I just don't see that from her. She is a Water pokemon trainer first and foremost. Being Top Coordinator would only be distracting. It would be no loss for her. If you're wondering why I insist she get plugged for the Contest role, then that answer should be obvious, as she would most fit the shoujo plot of this arc. (Although it would be surprising to see Misty possibly have romantic interests besides the somewhat implied one)

As for what pokemon Misty would obtain, that is harder to discern, save for perhaps two exceptions. Assuming they still would want to split the third gen starters amongst the group, I feel it would be better if Misty got Mudkip instead of Brock, and thus he would have Torchic instead. In Misty's hands, Mudkip may have still evolved, possibly even all the way, who knows? Perhaps she may have an interest in possessing a Milotic. I'm not too sure about other third gens. If they still wanted to give Piplup to someone other than Ash, I think Misty could've had it as well, although perhaps not the same Piplup as Dawn's. (although maybe that would make an interesting character dynamic, they're both somewhat arrogant, but Misty is plainly smarter than Piplup is, she could possibly whip him into shape, and she would essentially have to deal with something as temperamental as herself) I can't help but feel that if Misty had a Piplup, it would also evolve, again maybe all the way. Buizel may also be an interest for her, possibly to reflect that she has a Floatzel in HG/SS. Would it be THE Buizel? (Ash's) I'm not sure. Maybe another Bui, possibly a female one (her Floatzel is also female). Any others again would be a mystery. I can see her taking Dawn's connection to Mesprit, again as the female protagonist, and most association to Emotion. Finally, for Unova, assuming they still do the "return to the ways of the first season", Ash may still have all the starters, so no Osha for her. (although she would be kickbutt with an Osha, if it focused on being a warrior) Anything else, as always, would be up to what they would want her to have.

Brock will not be too different except for the aforementioned switch for Torchic instead of Mudkip. It would be as ill fated as Mudkip, though, and may only evo once. The thought of Brock continuing to Unova gives me a headache, but I will assume that he still gets a Chansey, except that he doesn't become a doctor. They may have continued the ear pulling gag with Misty still around, although I will also assume we still have Croagunk, and he still does his Poison Jab as well. Brock has had no particular pattern to what kinds of pokemon he possesses, so I cannot guess what kind of 5th gens he would've possessed. The thought of his stagnant antics continuing does not make me feel good, though.

Ash keeping his pokemon as he did at the beginning of Johto doesn't seem like it would make too much of a difference to me. I'm not sure which pokemon he would take to Hoenn, since he would have a lot to choose from. Nonetheless, I see it playing out exactly like Johto: they all get replaced by Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova pokes when he obtains them. Would they have thought of Ash rotating some of his pokes sooner? I'm not sure. Would it have altered how the anime played out? That is a very hard question, as we have a lot to consider. Ash placed same as Johto with his Hoenn pokes alone. With all of his pokes available, who knows what he could've done. Maybe he would place higher, but I still do not think he would win. Paul would've been less of a threat if he saw Ash's older pokes, but seeing as how Paul discovered Ash's true weakness, he would indeed still be a threat. It would've been more focused on Paul being more strategic, as power would no longer be in his favor. The first full battle may have played out in the same way, as Ash would've had all his Sinnoh pokes by then, and Ash is less likely to switch when he has a full party, but he might pull out all the punches since he would be more likely to use his old pokes as well. Then there is the Aipom/Bui trade. This may not have happened with Misty in the party, as she would more likely keep Bui and still train it to be a decent battler. Aipom would then continue with Ash and still perhaps reflect a combination of Contest and regular battle tactics, possibly even still evolving to Ambipom. However, Ash has never not had a Water pokemon on him, so she may still have been Oaked in favor of another Water poke, but Ash would still call her back at times. (and also avoid the BS ping pong) In Unova, not much would be different since Ash is catching so many pokemon that him having his older ones would be irrelevant. (again due to the older ones always being put in storage in favor of newer pokes) The dumbing down may be less feasible in this instance, but it is still possible, as we know Ash never learns.

Oh dear, I forgot to address Misty's Togepi. Well, given the time passed, I would assume that Togepi would have still evolved, maybe even the same situation would have played out. (except that Misty perhaps doesn't have a Gyarados) Yes, that means Togetic would be released, as Misty is primarily a Water pokemon trainer. Thankfully, we would not have an Azurill substitute, as she would have other Water pokes to care for. As for TR, I cannot really answer if they would've had the same abrupt character change in Unova. Since I assumed similar plotlines for the other characters to what actually happened, I must assume the same here, that nothing changes from the way it really is.
Since Misty only uses Water Pokemon, her doing Contests would actually be really interesting, since she'd have to diversify the movepools of her Pokemon. That would've been a great opportunity for the show to demonstrate the wide variety of moves some Pokemon can learn.
Why do people assume Misty would start doing Contests?

If the show continued the way it was, then Misty's role would be exactly the same as it was in Kanto/Johto. If Contests got featured at all, it'd be a one-off filler or mini-arc.
There is an indescribable feel about the earlier episodes that make them seem more entertaining. Perhaps it 'sjust dumb blind nostalgia. Anyways I want that in BW :(
But somehow I feel Misty isn't it though I like her. the show would just lack contests that would be the only major difference. Also this would affect shipping in pokeshippers' favor like ALOT. I guess it cause Ash to age... wait wait AWESOME. (Back to reality) awww man just when I thought I moved past my May hate. :(

In an Ideal world this would lead to better deeper character development.
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The anime is supposed to advertise the games, thus that would never happen.
It would probably make a lot of fans happy. :sweat:
But yes, it would be different. It wouldn't allow the writers to try out new ideas.
Pokemon would probably be same like it is now,except we wouldn't receive new traveling companions and contests would probably be introduced as some minor quest lasting for at most filler arc.

Ash:would probably receive same treatment he got in Hoenn and DP still having that rivalry with Paul and later Trip doing steps forward as trainer starting to mature.Difference would be that he wouldn't start completely fresh with each new region with Pikachu getting hammered down in strength(aka rested) since he would transfer some of older pokemon with him when traveling to new region assuming same scenario happened from Johto.

Since writing would improve in meantime fiasco which happened with Johto pokemon though wouldn't take place with gradual transfer from older pokemon to new ones being played out better in Hoenn and Sinnoh with his pokemon getting better treatment.

Misty:assuming she stayed past Johto she would probably receive more screen time and different role depending in what direction writers would take her.

If she did contests her arc would probably be of same length like Mays was not increasing to same level like Dawns getting same rivals and character development.Only difference is since she wouldn't start out as complete beginner her character would probably have to deal with opposite flaws like becoming overconfident which would lead to chain of loses having to question what she did wrong and change her attitude toward whole thing.
Granted several loses could have stagger her confidence as trainer too having to get self esteem back but with strong characters like her thy more often lean toward becoming overconfident and full of themselves which is even bigger flaw compared to opposite one.

If she didn't do them than i could see her goal of becoming water pokemon master being expanded and defined better through some water tournaments like Whirl Cup was along with receiving some rivals too.Similar how Cilan and Iris received.
Her Psyduck would probably learn to battle too if further progress toward career of becoming top water trainer was made.

Pokemon team would probably experience several changes too.For start starters would be distributed little differently in Hoenn with Mudkip being given to her since she is water trainer,she would perhaps still obtain Gyarados getting same character development along with her roster being enriched with some other new water pokemon from Hoenn,Sinnoh and Unova.
She may have received Piplup too but under her command it would probably evolve it to better match her personality and occupation.As for Togepi it would still most likely evolve and part away.

Brock:would probably benefit from this.First there wouldn't be added fourth character to AG group along with no female co-star(Dawn) being introduced in DP meaning more extra screen time and focus which writers could distribute among Ash original traveling companions.
Misty wouldn't take up a lot of focus like Dawn did even if she did contests so writers would have more of options on their hands to have Brock character become more involved in story plot.
Given change of circumstances he would probably battle little more with more attention being given to his goal of pokemon breeder learning new things and exchanging experiences with other breeders perhaps receiving some rival in that aspect too.

His pokemon team would probably not have many changes though since Misty would be in case he would probably receive as starter in AG Torchic instead which would eventually evolve to Combusken and i could see him being given same pokemon like Cilan received in Unova.

Team Rocket(Jessie,James and Meowth):role would depend on status of contests in this show.

If Misty did them Jessie would still become coordinator but if she didnt she would either only serve role usual role along with James and Meowth of being comic reliefs or start partaking in some other competitions.Whatever Misty or Brock and even Ash would enter,though not as frequent like she did with contests.

In Unova if Misty and Brock stayed they would probably still be given mission by Giovanni becoming more competent and serious representing threat.

Biggest question is what would happen with contests if Misty didn't start doing them?
They would probably still be promoted but not in same amount and extent like it was case now being treated as less important quest lasting for some mini arc with girls like May or Dawn being introduced as perhaps recurring characters which would represent them.
Ash and others would probably enter them to try them out like they did couple of times in AG and DP.

In nutshell if original trio was kept we would receive still that chemistry and entertainment which Ash,Misty and Brock as characters provided but difference would be given change of formula and writers improvement in Ash traveling companions receiving more focus for themselves and development of their own stories.

I wouldn't mind if this happened,because this opens so many unexplored scenarios which could have been interesting to watch.

First of all, the issue of Contests and Misty's role. While Misty is often partial to "girly" pursuits, I'm not sure if they would've added this aspect to her character. It is indeed possible, but she would have to be handled differently than May was. Misty is strong, so she probably would not have the confidence issues that both May and Dawn had, although she would perhaps still get overconfident. The flaw in this is that Misty is limited to Water pokemon, so if she did pursue this, her appeals and battles would be extremely limited, and I don't think the Judges would like that too much unless she varied the kinds of moves each of her pokemon use.

Speaking of contests i don't think using mostly water types would be too much of handicap if Misty did them though.Going by Wallace who is contest master using only water types shows how this isn't really so much of a problem.

But i have to say that your speculation was interesting to read through and if such thing happened we would possibly receive some benefits from it being something in what people would be interested to watch.

We wouldn't get May and Dawn but on other hand extra screen time which was given to protagonists would have been given to Misty and Brock instead giving them some interesting and further development.

Why do people assume Misty would start doing Contests?

If the show continued the way it was, then Misty's role would be exactly the same as it was in Kanto/Johto. If Contests got featured at all, it'd be a one-off filler or mini-arc.

Not sure if Misty would do contests but her role surely couldn't stay exactly same like it was in original series either.

Lack of having big enough role was what led Misty to getting axed from this show according to ex writer mr.Shudo in first place and if they wanted to keep her they would probably have to increase Misty focus and purpose in this show.From same problem suffered Team Rocket in Johto being in edge of getting boot with Jessie starting to do contests in Hoenn and Sinnoh being attempt to increase TR purpose strengthening justification of their further existence in pokemon series.

If Misty stayed for Hoenn and onwards she would receive more screen time with her goal of becoming water master being possibly expanded through some benchmarks along with possibly receiving some rival getting some good character development.
Her amount of screen time would probably be similar to what are Cilan and Iris currently getting with her goals being better defined,her pokemon receiving back story and better development being involved actively with story plot.

Since writing improved past original series and since writers would have to increase her role to keep her Misty would receive more focus and substance to development .

The anime is supposed to advertise the games, thus that would never happen.
It would probably make a lot of fans happy. :sweat:
But yes, it would be different. It wouldn't allow the writers to try out new ideas.

They would probably though try out new ideas but with same characters.I don't know when i think about it maybe having original trio kept would make AG and DP even better.
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But somehow I feel Misty isn't it though I like her. the show would just lack contests that would be the only major difference. Also this would affect shipping in pokeshippers' favor like ALOT. I guess it cause Ash to age... wait wait AWESOME. (Back to reality) awww man just when I thought I moved past my May hate. :(

How would this affect shipping? Pokeshipping was all but put on the backburner in Johto. Ash also wouldn't age either, so I don't know why you bring that up. As for your apparent May hate, I don't see what that has to do with anything considering May was handled much better than Misty overall. Shudo even admitted the only reason Pokeshipping existed was it was an attempt to "give Misty something to do," but then they dropped it in Johto because it was pointless.

Misty would be exactly the same as she was in Johto, and Brock we've already seen in AG and DP anyway, so we know those two characters wouldn't do through much development at all. They'd just have a couple of new pokemon but overall remain in the same niche they were.

In an Ideal world this would lead to better deeper character development.

No it wouldn't. Brock didn't do through much development in AG or DP at all, and Misty didn't in Johto so she'd be exactly the same.

Overall the development in the original series after Orange pretty much sucked so I don't see why anyone would want to see it continue like that. The original trio lost its chemistry in Johto and it felt like Misty and Brock interacted more with the Johto COTD's than each other.

You can't even describe the character development in Johto because other than Gary, there was absolutely none. God forbid the show continue on like that.
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How would this affect shipping? Pokeshipping was all but put on the backburner in Johto. Ash also wouldn't age either, so I don't know why you bring that up. As for your apparent May hate, I don't see what that has to do with anything considering May was handled much better than Misty overall. Shudo even admitted the only reason Pokeshipping existed was it was an attempt to "give Misty something to do," but then they dropped it in Johto because it was pointless.

Misty would be exactly the same as she was in Johto, and Brock we've already seen in AG and DP anyway, so we know those two characters wouldn't do through much development at all. They'd just have a couple of new pokemon but overall remain in the same niche they were.

No it wouldn't. Brock didn't do through much development in AG or DP at all, and Misty didn't in Johto so she'd be exactly the same.

Overall the development in the original series after Orange pretty much sucked so I don't see why anyone would want to see it continue like that. The original trio lost its chemistry in Johto and it felt like Misty and Brock interacted more with the Johto COTD's than each other.

You can't even describe the character development in Johto because other than Gary, there was absolutely none. God forbid the show continue on like that.

Guess your're right but remember the words "in an ideal world"
Guess your're right but remember the words "in an ideal world"

So in an ideal world the character development and handling of Misty in Johto, (and Brock, although with him moreso in DP) wouldn't have been lackluster? In an ideal world Ash would have won a league by now, but you can't have everything.

Sometimes I do wonder what Misty would have been like in Hoenn. And then I ask myself, "Well what was Misty like in 95% of Johto?"

And then I just shake my head.
How different? I don't think it'd be airing now. It would've ended on a stretched out Johto-esque season...with no one really achieving anything..
How different? I don't think it'd be airing now. It would've ended on a stretched out Johto-esque season...with no one really achieving anything..

Its almost painful to think about it. Johto was a chore to get through in itself, I don't think I could tolerate Johto 2.0+ through Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova.

I am not saying those sagas are perfect either as the show has never been truly great beyond a small stint of episodes, but at least its not a repetitive, monotonous mess.

Since Brock in Hoenn we already know about, let's think about Misty in Hoenn:

Misty in Hoenn:

- Leaves behind all her Pokemon except Togepi.
- Gets Mudkip and Lotad instead of Brock
- Continues to stand on the sidelines with Togepi for another stint of eps, unless we assume Togepi still evolves 40 eps in
- Um...interacts with COTD's and stuff?
- Has a few water pokemon-esque fillers here and there


And...uh...I can't think of anything else? I don't think her role would have been any different considering Brock's wasn't.
The show would then be criticised for staying the same and not making any changes. Ash would still be the mediocre trainer he was back in the Original Series, Misty would still be the "I have a dream but only pursue it one time every 50 Episodes" girl, and Brock would still be the Comic Relief Guy.

What's more importantly though, we wouldn't get May, Max, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, and every character connected to them. They wouldn't be there to give the fresh feeling that was very much needed after Johto, and they wouldn't give the new experiences to Ash. You can bet that had Pokémon remained the same, it would have been cancelled.
The show would then be criticised for staying the same and not making any changes. Ash would still be the mediocre trainer he was back in the Original Series, Misty would still be the "I have a dream but only pursue it one time every 50 Episodes" girl, and Brock would still be the Comic Relief Guy.

I always felt like Johto tried to be too much like Kanto and failed, simply because outside of Ash's new Johto team, there wasn't anything truly new about it.

Misty and Brock had the same exact roles they had in Kanto, only it was far less memorable, and since Misty lost her temper, she was just "there" to fill out the token role of the group.

Thankfully the Johto saga (and reuniting the original trio, I imagine) was viewed as a failed experiment by Takeshi Shudo, so they revamped and rebooted the anime and never looked back.

Truly the best thing about the very beginning of AG was how it, "wiped the slate clean" of everything that had happened in Johto, while retaining continuity of the good parts. I was less fond of BW's clean slate, because I felt they went too far this time. AG's clean slate was the only one that really worked. BW should have more older references.
As for your apparent May hate, I don't see what that has to do with anything considering May was handled much better than Misty overall.
Shudo even admitted the only reason Pokeshipping existed was it was an attempt to "give Misty something to do," but then they dropped it in Johto because it was pointless.

Take away contests and May didn't received anymore focus than Misty did so im not sure what are you trying to point out with this.

Also speaking of pokeshipping it got toned down but even in Johto you can notice some romantic affection coming for Misty character which cane noticed with how possessive she was about Ash in some episodes like when getting jealous about Macy in "Love,pokemon Style"or nurse Joy in "Light Fantastic" per say.

Misty would be exactly the same as she was in Johto, and Brock we've already seen in AG and DP anyway, so we know those two characters wouldn't do through much development at all. They'd just have a couple of new pokemon but overall remain in the same niche they were.

That's rather wrong thing to assume.Reason why Misty didn't received enough focus in Johto was because ex head writer mr.Shudo didn't care much for her character which caused to have smallest reason to stay getting axed eventually.

When Takeshi Shudo stepped out of the scene it can be noticed in Master Quest that Misty started receiving more focus,got to battle more with writers finally doing something active with her goal of becoming water pokemon master.Considering how Misty character didn't had big enough purpose to stay,if writers decided to keep her only possible way to accomplish such thing would be to increase Misty role if she stayed for Hoenn strengthening presence in show.

For same reason TR suffered in Johto being on edge of getting replaced with increase of Jessie role when contest got introduced as well revamp of their roles in Bw being used to strengthen their presence in pokemon.

No it wouldn't. Brock didn't do through much development in AG or DP at all, and Misty didn't in Johto so she'd be exactly the same.

Your acting like writing wouldn't improve at all if Misty stayed in show,which is anything but true as we get to see with Hoenn and Sinnoh.Since mr.Shudo stopped being head writer for Hoenn and since writing started to improve Misty role would be anything but same like it was in Johto.

Since she had smallest reason to exist writers figured out how her current role wont work anymore so if thy decided to keep her instead of Tam Rocket they would have to increase hr role/purpose to have character stay.
If Misty stayed for Hoenn she would either start doing contests instead of May or more of focus would be given to her stir and goal f becoming water pokemon master which would be don through:
-more of benchmarks similar to Whirl Cup being crated through which progress could be measured
-in receiving possibly some rivals
.getting more actively involved in anime plot not serving only as someone who supported Ash.

She wouldn't get big role like Dawn for example received but her treatment past Johto would be probably same like its case with Cilan or Iris becoming more significant to anime storyline.

I thought it was already explained in Shudo blogs how only way to keep Misty after Johto would be in increase of character role.
For same reason and because of writing improvement new sidekicks are treated differently in Unova.

Overall the development in the original series after Orange pretty much sucked so I don't see why anyone would want to see it continue like that. The original trio lost its chemistry in Johto and it felt like Misty and Brock interacted more with the Johto COTD's than each other.

I will agree how Johto had many things done wrong but chemistry between original trio wasnt one of them.

Interaction and chemistry between Ash,Misty and Brock in Johto was on its height giving that touch of being long time known friends.They all started to mature getting to know each other better developing tolerance toward their flaws while still having enjoyable interacting,.Ash was still naive and stubborn but also started to mature not going with "head through wall so much",Misty became more supportive to Ash and Brock becoming closer as friends and while she argued with them at times with rivalry being sparked(like when battling for Totodile,in Whirl Cup,and on some other occasions)instead of being so aggressive like she used to be she used more of sarcasm instead with teasing being done in more friendly manner.While Brock was making sure to keep them out of trouble serving as caretaker for them with his calm and wise attitude still providing help in some battle strategies.

You can't even describe the character development in Johto because other than Gary, there was absolutely none. God forbid the show continue on like that.

Ash started to mature as character during mid Johto becoming less reckless and stubborn with more strategy being used when battling gym leaders and other trainers.

Misty became more timid and sarcastic not being aggressive like she used to do learning how to become more patient and better control her temper side.This can be manifested in way she interacted with other characters like Sakura,Egan,Dorian etc becoming mature enough to get over her complex of inferiority which was caused by older sisters as well more confident which was show when she took care of lost Marill in "For Crying Out Loud" or when taking charge in finding Ash and Brock when group got separated from each other with Team Rocket for example.Misty from early days wouldn't be able to handle any criticism,become able to admit her own mistakes just sending out everyone to hell with zero to none patience being involved.
Her skills as water trainer have been vastly improved compared to Kanto days too receiving some character development regarding her goal of becoming water pokemon master by coming top 8 in Whirl Cup,evolving and catching water pokemon with her skills starting to become recognized by others.We also get to find out why she loves water pokemon so much through episodes like "Some Like it Hot" or when she met nurse Joy who had pokemon center for water types.

Brock started to do steps forward in his breeder career receiving some development through various episodes,like when he took care of lost Stantler,entered contest for pokemon breeders along with Suzy along with his obsessiveness over girls being explored more beside just staying on running gag in some episodes like it was case with girl Temaku from "Heartbreak of Brock"or with that doctor which had Zubat.

How different? I don't think it'd be airing now. It would've ended on a stretched out Johto-esque season...with no one really achieving anything..

Going by that logic Cilan and Iris would be treated exactly same like Misty and Brock were in Johto but as we can see they didn't.

Reason was because writers improved in handling character stories better,defining their goals as well pokemon anime being took over by new head writer Atsuhiro Tomioka from Hoenn and onwards who actually cared for main character as opposed to Takeshi Shudo who because of not being able to do things his way with show and TR became frustrated never caring much for main characters in first place.

If Misty and Brock stayed past Johto its unfair to claim how nothing would have changed when its clearly obvious how writing improved with new writer starting to do series construction starting doing things right.
It can already be noticed from Master Quest and onwards how things started to change for better.

Since Brock in Hoenn we already know about, let's think about Misty in Hoenn:

Misty in Hoenn:

- Leaves behind all her Pokemon except Togepi.
- Gets Mudkip and Lotad instead of Brock
- Continues to stand on the sidelines with Togepi for another stint of eps, unless we assume Togepi still evolves 40 eps in
- Um...interacts with COTD's and stuff?
- Has a few water pokemon-esque fillers here and there


And...uh...I can't think of anything else? I don't think her role would have been any different considering Brock's wasn't.

Brock and Misty are different characters with different goals,personalities and roles.Brock was always treated as third wheel/older caretaker whose role was to take care of group keeping them together as well serving as Ash mentor.
Reason why he didn't got much more ficus in AG or DP either was because writers probably felt how his role of older caretaker and mentor to group being like "older brother"was good enough.Passiveness of his breeder goal also represented issue since this didn't had much to do with battling ,competing or having benchmarks through which progression can be measured.It was mostly about taking care of pokemon,preparing food and keeping them in good form representing problems for writers to give him more to do.

Even when Brock and Misty were in cast at same time she always received more focus.Since her goal was more action involved if sh stayed past Johto she would receive more screen time than Brock did,getting to battle more being more actively involved in plot.

Using Brock as example is pretty moot point in itself considering how writers never saw anything wrong with his role always being supposed to serve as mr.Exposition and caretaker.
Otherwise Cilan or Iris would end up treated exactly same like Brock was in Hoenn or Sinnoh.

Misty and Brock had the same exact roles they had in Kanto, only it was far less memorable, and since Misty lost her temper, she was just "there" to fill out the token role of the group.

Last time i checked Misty didn't lost her temper in Johto at all which can be noticed in eruptions of anger in various episodes like "Totodile Duel""Hook,line and Stinker","Fortune Hunters",Some Like It Hot"etc,etc.
Only difference was that her temper didn't came out on surface so much like it was case in Kanto days with Misty starting to mature with other character traits which were often overshadowed coming on surface more like sarcasm,love for water types,caring side,her wit and humor etc.

Which is good thing since it gave more depth to character.
I don't know about others but i prefer more characters who show more of their sides being multidimensional compared to having only one trait ending up flat eventually.

Thankfully the Johto saga (and reuniting the original trio, I imagine) was viewed as a failed experiment by Takeshi Shudo, so they revamped and rebooted the anime and never looked back.

Your forgetting how same writer never cared much for main characters showing clear preference for Team Rocket in his blogs.

Original trio of Ash,Misty and Brock wasn't responsible for poor writing in Johto with excessive use of fillers,drop of plots like GS ball,Ash and groups pokemon and goals not being treated well as well lack of any real rivals with TR going nowhere being reason why people started losing interest.

Original trio and their chemistry was one of few things people liked in Johto welcoming their reunion when Brock came back after Orange Islands hiatus explaining why many fans wee so disappointed when Misty got replaced.

Original trio had potential proving to be workable as group not being their fault that writers didn't used them to full potential screwing things up in Johto due to lack of care from main writer and lack of experience when writing for long regions.

Truly the best thing about the very beginning of AG was how it, "wiped the slate clean" of everything that had happened in Johto, while retaining continuity of the good parts. I was less fond of BW's clean slate, because I felt they went too far this time. AG's clean slate was the only one that really worked. BW should have more older references.

To each their own.If original trio was kept with same quality of writing being present like it was in Hoenn with Misty receiving bigger role i would welcome it.
Even though Takeshi Shudo did indeed step down somewhere around mid/late Johto, (did we ever find out exactly when? I know the last ep he wrote was that Slowpoke filler at the end of Master Quest), I seriously doubt the writers would have handled Misty any different.

Are you saying Brock isn't proof enough? Brock's screentime in AG and DP was almost the same as what it was in Johto. About the biggest role he got was in the Galactic finale and that's it. The only problem is he and Dawn and no chemistry together, so he felt more left out in DP than he really was. How about the fact that the writers would only allow Brock to have 3 pokemon a time in both AG and DP? Misty could have been like that too.

I don't think the writers would have had Misty do Contests at all. They're certainly not forcing Iris to do the Musicals. Most likely Misty would leave all her pokemon behind except Togepi, and I do think she would have gotten Mudkip and Lotad instead of Brock. Misty probably wouldn't have been allowed to get more than 3 pokemon in AG and DP, same as Brock. And as for what she would be doing? Same as Johto. They would give her some water-centric fillers here and there, maaaybe at best another Whirl Cup, but overall she'd continue to not do much at all.

The idea was to revamp and reboot the show, not give us Johto 2.0 and Johto 3.0.
Even though Takeshi Shudo did indeed step down somewhere around mid/late Johto, (did we ever find out exactly when? I know the last ep he wrote was that Slowpoke filler at the end of Master Quest), I seriously doubt the writers would have handled Misty any different.

Are you saying Brock isn't proof enough? Brock's screentime in AG and DP was almost the same as what it was in Johto. About the biggest role he got was in the Galactic finale and that's it. The only problem is he and Dawn and no chemistry together, so he felt more left out in DP than he really was. How about the fact that the writers would only allow Brock to have 3 pokemon a time in both AG and DP? Misty could have been like that too.

I don't think the writers would have had Misty do Contests at all. They're certainly not forcing Iris to do the Musicals. Most likely Misty would leave all her pokemon behind except Togepi, and I do think she would have gotten Mudkip and Lotad instead of Brock. Misty probably wouldn't have been allowed to get more than 3 pokemon in AG and DP, same as Brock. And as for what she would be doing? Same as Johto. They would give her some water-centric fillers here and there, maaaybe at best another Whirl Cup, but overall she'd continue to not do much at all.

The idea was to revamp and reboot the show, not give us Johto 2.0 and Johto 3.0.

If your going to use Brock as indication of how are characters going to be treated than please explain why Cilan and Iris are being treated differently than he was with more focus being out on development of their own stories?

Your forgetting how Brock always received the least out of Ash traveling companions(even in Kanto and Johto Misty always got little more focus)with his primary role serving as mr,Exposition,third wheel and older caretaker for group .Grated same role Cilan is kinda serving taking up some of Brock chores like cooking sand cleaning but what goes in his favor is that he has more active goal compared to Brock which has some competitions/benchmarks through which indication of further progress can be made as well his dream of pokemon connoisseur being connected wit battling allowing for inclusion of rival.

Another thing which didnt went in Brock favor was passive goal, with there being only so much you can do with someone who doesnt battle or enter competitions.

If Misty stayed for Hoenn there are two main reasons why her current role she had in Johto wouldnt be same anymore:
-it was already explained by mr,Shudo in his blogs how Mistys current role she had in original series didnt make her presence in show strong enough to justify being kept which led to character receiving boot at end of Johto.
Sam problem can be noticed with Jessie,James and Meowth who started to go nowhere in Johto explaining why their roles got revamped from Hoenn and onwards with Jessie becoming legitimate coordinator,later on becoming serious villains as Unova showed.

Difference between Misty role in Johto and Hoenn would be in Misty becoming more important to anime storyline with either her dream being more expanded receiving more focus compared to Johto or like some people say her character being used to promote contests.

If writers decided to keep Misty they would have to change something in order to work as character becoming already in Johto aware of problem surrounding her.Revamping her role was only way to have character survive past Johto being already clearly explained.

Comparing her to Brock is not valid because her role is not to serve as older caretaker who would cook or clean for group.Due to fact of Misty goal being more active having connections with batting or entering competitions should tell you for itself how she would receive more focus than Brock did in Hoenn.
Reason why Misty treatment would be different compared to Johto also lies in fact of writing vastly improving becoming better in treatment of groups pokemon,character stories etc.

Otherwise new characters and Ash would be treated exactly same like it was case in Johto.

In Hoenn Misty role would probably b similar to treatment Iris or Cilan are currently getting:
-with more focus being put on development of her goal of becoming water pokemon master and her own story rather than just supporting Ash on his quest.
This would mean possible chain of mini competitions being created through which further progress could be measured,Similar how Cilan is entering events for connoisseurs.
-she would receive some rival starting to battle more.
-one of Hoenn starters would be given to her character with pokemon team being treated better screen time wise with some back story about them being revealed.

If Misty got what current sidekicks are getting in Johto people would be more than content with her role.Most people enjoyed in her character in Johto but they disliked seeing her so much in background with writers making sure to avoid that with current sidekicks.

The idea was to revamp and reboot the show, not give us Johto 2.0 and Johto 3.0.

And as we can see formula of going back to on main protagonist and two sidekicks in Best Wishes is anything but similar to Johto.If writers kept Misty and Brock for Hoenn with TR getting axed instead something would have to be changed in order to maintain viewers interest about this character roles.

And going by what ex had writer wrote,someone whose role needed to be changed the most to justify staying was Misty.
Since Atsuhiro Tomioka took charge of series who probably cares more about Misty and other characters opposed to mr.Shudo,since writers realized what they were doing wrong in Johto it cannot be denied how something about Misty would be changed becoming more active past Johto.
Reason why Rocket trio got spared and not main female lead was only because mr,Shudo preferred them more.

Writers were already aware of drop of people interest during mid of Johto which led to decision of someone getting replaced.If TR was replaced instead of Misty pokemon show would still experience revamp in Hoenn even if original group was kept with series still heading in different direction in order to keep viewers interested.

That much is obvious.
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