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How would turn-based game mechanics work in realtime battles?


is obsessed with Noivern!
May 24, 2010
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I'm talking about stuff in the games that works on a turn basis, whereas usually there are no such thing as "turns" in fanfic writing and the world of realtime battles.

Would Perish Song, for example, make Pokémon faint in 1 minute? Or would Hyper Beam take 30 seconds to recharge?

How do you guys handle it?
I don't give it much thought when it comes to the actual time between attacks, but Pokémon do recharge after an attack that requires them to. However, I also give no thought to the turn-based battles that are a stable in the games. For example, I had a battle where a Magnezone was firing numerous attacks while the opposing Rokémon had no chance to do anything but evade.

Any attack in my stories can cause flinching, and a fast Pokémon can attack twice in succession.
I like to keep it freeflowing like in the anime or manga - turn-based systems make no sense when put into realistic situations. The turn-based thing is only for the sake of the combat system within the games.

As far as how it would work in writing, I would imagine that time-dependent operations would vary a bit depending on the ability of the individual Pokémon, as well as how adept they are at the individual attack (read: specialized training). It's up to the individual author to decide how their take on the universe works, though. Find something that works with your narrative.
I agree with Chromas and Kyuujux. Any turn-based idealism in a fic will hardly ever sound realistic, depending on the move it is. If a mon used, say, After You, then they would naturally move afterwards. But regarding the likes of Hyper Beam, Hydro Cannon etc then it would take one or two attacks from the opponent for them to recharge. Sleep and other status problems come in too; because Sleep lasts around five turns, it should last enough time to pretty much turn the tides of a battle, like in both the games and the anime.

All things considered, a fic should have some kind of mixture between games and anime, in my opinion. The anime is just too off-centre, what with Brock's Onix being taken down by Pikachu's Thunderbolt, but the games is too monotonous for a fic.
I simply try to avoid the turn-based moves altogether, as they are not realistic in a "real time" battle. And yes, Zekurom, for moves like Hyperbeam, I just have the mon who uses it be required to recover afterward; there's no set amount of time or number of "moves" required tho.

In fact, the whole concept of turns are not in my fic's battles. I imagine real life Pokemon battles as basically a boxing match/MMA fight between Pokemon, who are capable of not only kicking, punching, head-butting, scratching and wrestling, but also of doing special attacks (shooting energy beams, offensive/defensive power boosts, etc.). So during the course of the battle, there's really no turns, it's a fluid fight where both battlers must be cautious and strategic with how and when they strike.
I'm going to have it so that while it isn't necessary, it's frowned upon to move out of turn.
All the battles seen are "pseudo-turn based" (one trainer attacks but someone can defend then attack).

But I may decide to try a fluid "MMA-style battle" as Legacy puts it.

As for turn based moves, they just require a certain amount of time to "power up". Likewise, moves that have a recharge period require that the pokémon not use that move for a bit until there is enough energy to fire it.
I just take moves like Hyper Beam as needing to recharge for-mmmh, maybe about a minute or so, since I can't picture fights lasting very long in real-time.

What I'd like to know is how moves like Baton Pass and Safeguard would work, since they deal with stats/status effects. Or Substitute, even.
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