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I need to Lament about the series!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2011
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I know we’ve been over some of the things I’m about to talk about, but this thread is about lamenting about the things about the show, or ideas related to the show that might slightly or greatly bother you. I’ll go first.

1. As you’ve noticed, I’ve been repeatedly putting up threads and posts for creating new evil organizations in the Pokemon world and mine has always been a slightly altered version of TMNT’s Foot Clan. The reason behind that is, when I first started watching the Johto saga, I started to get ideas. That was also the time I started watching TMNT 2003 and I saw how well they portrayed the Foot Clan and, coupled with concepts from two other hate-based organizations I saw on TV, I tried to work that into the Pokemon series. I know I didn’t change much, but I still think an Anti-Pokemon organization would work. These days, I guess I’m still working at it because I’ve seen how the other Evil Teams are portrayed; especially Team Rocket and I want to create a group that is far worse than even TR. Also, after seeing how some villains treat Ash, I wanted to imagine a way for them to respond if they knew Ash himself was quite a villain himself (As in, he was going to have been a former member of the Pokemon version of the Foot)

2. I also once had an idea for a talking Persian, about the size of a jaguar, joining the Main cast in the Johto saga. I was told that it wouldn’t work outside of as rival to Meowth. Although I don’t remember why I thought of this, nowadays, I’m leaning towards this Persian being the very antithesis of TR’s Meowth; Kind, intelligent, polite and strong. He was also supposed to act as both Ash’s occasional advisor and Pikachu’s staunch protector when Ash isn’t around.

3. In addition to the Pokemon version of the Foot Clan, I was going to have Ash being revealed to have a sister named Elsa. Originally, she was supposed to be older than him and be menacing and evil. Later, I was leaning towards her being his fraternal twin sister. Now, I’m going in the direction of her being his little sister and actually being as sweet and kind as Delia and love Pokemon as much as her brother. Also, Elsa was going to have one mechanical arm.

4. As many of us have been over, Pokemon BW has gone in a different direction than the others. Many say it is a reboot of the original series, but I just can’t roll with that. Sure, like Misty, Iris will make callouts on Ash’s methods and like Gary; Trip will act as though he’s the better trainer. But when Misty did it, Ash really was a beginner and when it came down to it, Ash proved to be more stick-to-it-ive than Gary at certain things and it was because of his rivalry with Gary that Ash eventually proved he was good trainer. But now, here in Unova, with Iris calling him a kid and Trip calling him a “Boonie”, all I can do is think back to how far Ash has come in his training. He trained a Charmander into a Charizard and only lost control of it for a short while. Then battled and defeated a Dragonite. He trained a Chikorita into a Bayleaf, saved a Lugia and beat Gary in a battle. He raised a Treeko into a Sceptile, a Snorunt into a Glalie and won the Battle frontier after battling and defeating an Articuno, a Registeel, Regirock and Regice (He also won the heart of one of the Frontier Brains). He cared a Turtwig into a Torterra, a Starly into a Starraptor and a Chimcharr into an Infernape (something Paul couldn’t do). He even bonded with a legendary lake Pokemon and battled and defeated a Darkrai. I know Ash has his quirks; he frequently acts before thinking and doesn’t always get the facts first. But the fact remains, he has much potential and skill for battling, he can train Pokemon to be the best they can be. So what I’m getting at is that, after hearing Ash be called a “kid” and a “boonie”, I just can’t help but think he really should’ve been treated with a little more respect. Somehow, I think Trip would change his tone if went up against Charizard, Bayleaf, Sceptile, or Infernape. And who knows how Iris would act if she knew that Ash has seen and battled a Dragonair and a Dragonite.
If you need to lament about the series, please take it to the blogs.
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