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I would, but...

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Sep 3, 2010
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Are there any videogames out there that you would love to play or at least interest you, but for whatever reason, something is holding you back from playing them?

For me, the Assassin's Creed series, Batman: Arkham Asylum, the Fable series, and the earlier games from the Resident Evil series readily come to mind. The respective stories for each intrigue me. I've spent an hour or two watching videos from all four. I even have some music from Assassin's Creed on my iPod.

However, bar attempting to play and logging in roughly half an hour to an hour on each series, I have never truly played any of these games. (The earliest RE game I've played and beaten is RE4.) There are a few things holding me back:
  • Controls
    This is mostly for the early Resident Evil games, but I'm not exactly great with the controls for the other games I mentioned either. They would probably be easier to master than the ones in RE though, lol.

  • Time
    Life is a cruel mistress. Back in our younger years we have more time to play games, but not as many means to procure them. (Or at least I didn't. It was either save up money from Easter, my birthday and Christmas, or specifically request a game as a gift.) As we grow older we head off into the work force. Now that we have a way to buy more games, we don't have as much time to play them. (Along with that income being spent on things other than videogames.)

    With school, work, and other activities, I don't have as much time to play videogames. Because of this, I tend to stick with games from series that I know or ones in genres I favor. A much better chance of me having an enjoyable experience and not wasting my time on a game I deem dull or pointless.

  • Expansive Worlds
    I see this as being both a blessing and a curse. It shows how far the industry has gone from the early days in terms of planning things out and technology. It provides one with various paths to take, whether they all lead to the same outcome or not.

    However, for some such as myself, that large scope is a bit overwhelming. With so many things to do, it's hard to know which to do first.

  • Game System Ownership
    With Assassin's Creed and Fable being on the XBox 360, and with said system and games belonging to a younger sibling, I technically don't have the final say over what happens to them. It's a bit annoying when you're in the mood to play a game and you find out the system isn't there because said sibling took it along on a visit to a friend's house. It's also a bit of a letdown when you were planning on giving a new game a try only to be told it was beaten weeks ago and sold back to buy something else.

    Again, I have no right to complain over this because these don't actually belong to me, and it's not really a big deal as I still have other games of my own to play. However, such irregularity does affect the decision of whether I should start a new game.

By themselves, these issues aren't too bad. Combine them all together and I wind up with a daunting challenge ahead of me.

This could just be me though. I'm curious if anyone else has similar problems.
For me, there is an obstacle in Rayman 3 in the beginning of the game that is hard for me to overcome, so I ended up giving up because I lost hope.

There are several Nintendo games I hope to play, but I do not have a system to play it, so I can only enjoy it through other people (as in watching their videos). For example, I wished to play Paper Mario's sequels to see how they are like, and probably see how well Pikmin plays. Obviously, there are the Super Smash Bros. games as well... This is mainly because my parents don't buy me the necessary systems to play, so I learnt at this point to pay for those systems with my own money (which I don't have yet) in order to enjoy them. Right now I don't have them, but now I am in a position where I have the choice to do so.

Thanks for reading.
I'd play the Future sub-series of Ratchet and Clank, but I don't want to blow 300+ dollars on a system.
Well, my dad owns a PS3, but I don't. So I never got to play Mortal Kombat 9 or Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. Those games both look sooo awesome.
Batman Arkham Asylum, Ratchet & Clank, Transformers: War for Cybertron, and pretty much any M-Rated franchise such as MGS due to stores not selling them, too young to buy them until it was too late, or not owning the console to play them (for Arkham Asylum's case, the PS3 version due to the Joker gameplay). My internet addiction plays a bigger problem to this issue.
I want to play Earthbound, but it's so difficult to find, and I don't trust using emulators.

I also want to play Fable, because all of my friends like it, and i want to see for myself
Monster Hunter, God of War, and any games featuring small protagonist(s) fighting gigantic monsters. I've always loved the concept of large scale man vs monster fighting. But sadly, I didn't have the consoles necessary to play them, and I don't plan to buy them in the future. I guess when you grow old, you begin to have new point of views on things.
There are a lot of games I'd love to play, but they aren't available in a language I understand. Also, as I'm not exactly rich, therefore, I have to prioritise games over others, so some I may have been interested in never get purchased.

Also, there are a few PSP titles that interest me; but not enough for me to justify actually buying the console.
the only thing keeping me from playing Shin Megami Tensi: Persona 3 is money xD
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