Hey. I was wondering if I could make an icon gallery on bulbapedia. Arcy said it seemed good since we don't have the site up. But, how should I set it up? I have icons of 391 pokemon that myself and many others made. I know I have my tripod site but that sucks.
The icons would fall under the Bulbagarden category. How should it all look? Any ideas? The pages would display the icons like this:
:lx192: :lx062: :lx200: :lx142: :lx206: :lx077:
So, I dunno how we should display them. Any thoughts on how to do this?
The icons would fall under the Bulbagarden category. How should it all look? Any ideas? The pages would display the icons like this:
:lx192: :lx062: :lx200: :lx142: :lx206: :lx077:
So, I dunno how we should display them. Any thoughts on how to do this?