Here are some of my ideas.If you have any,feel free to comment, just don't critisize!
The newly formed trio walked along the stone pathway,looking at all the framed pictures and
trophies in the Battle Frointier's outdoor Hall of Fame.Since the Batle Frontier hadn't been up for a while,
most of the pictures were current,and ther were LOTS of them! Ash and May turned their heads every
which way,gazing at the champions of the Battle Frontier.Right now,they were looking at the pictures dated
back from when Scott first built the Battle Frontier,so they probably wouldn't know very many of the people.
"Wow,May.Look at all the trainers who defeated all seven Frontier Brains!I mean, there are so many of them!",
Ash exclaimed,tracing a gold plate with the name "Ace Kingsford"." Huh, I wonder who that is?"May said,questionley,staring in to the pictures navy blue eyes.
"Dunno.Could be anybody, seein' how popular this place is, an' all."Ash replied.
They were coming near the newer part of the Hall of Fame.Here, there was an arch over the
garden path, with vines and multicolored lilies weaved in and out of the openings in the arch.
Packs of Swablu chirped overhead as other people gazed around the Hall of Fame,
searching for someone they new. May was looking at the gold plate names when she abruptly stopped,making Ash stumble into her.
"Sry",she muttered,not looking at Ash.
"Pika pi chu?",Pikachu asked her, poking her leg."Ash, come look at this."May waved Ash over,still looking at the familiar faces picture. "Hey May,
what is i--""Look!",May pointed to the name on the gold plate
"Here's the laydown of the Battle Frontier's Second section.",Scott said,taking out his PokeNav.
Scott pressed a button in the middle. A holographic figure of a large island projected onto the table,and Scott pressed another button.
The figure became clearer,as Scott pulled out a flatter map and put it under the holographic figure.Pikachu peeked out from Ash's shoulder, and studied the map.
"Pika-chu pi?""Now I know it looks complex,but it's really quite simple."Scott explained,pointing to various points on the map.
"The Main Island holds the Registration Center,the main Pokemon Center and Poke Mart,the Grand Contest Hall
and the Hall of Fame."
"They have a Contest Hall there?",May squealed,taking Ash's hand.She blushed,and then put his hand back down.Ash looked at her and smiled."Yup.
For cordinators who have at least four contest ribbons.They have contests reguarly every other week."Scott said.
"Now I showed you the Main Island.Four different areas branch of the Main Island:
The Battle Dungeon,the Battle Labyrinth,the Battle Observatory,and the Battle Trench."
"Wow.These new areas seem totally different from the other ones.",Ash said,scratching Pikachu on the head.
"Yeah! They seem really cool! Could you tell us what their each like?"May asked,getting overly excited."Sure! I'd be glad to!"Scott replied,
happy to see that they wre excited.
"Now,the Battle Dungeoon is a little like the Pyramid.Try to make it to the top and find the Brain.But in this one,you're going down,
and you have to have a Pokemon that can guise tou through the dark chambers.Like a Fire-Type or a Pokemon that knows the HM Flash.But,
each level has tough high-level Pokemon to defeat and atleast 3 or more trainers each level.You can't catch any of the Pokemon in the dungeon,
but we do have a special Safair Zone just in case you do." "I thought their were only two Safari Zones;one in Fuchsia City in Kanto,
and one by Lilicove City in Hoenn"Ash said,confused."Well, some of the challengers wanted to catch Pokemon during their trip to thr Battle Frontier,
but thet couldn't necause their weren't any.So we asked the Safari Zone owners if we could put a Safari Zone facility in our new section of
the Battle Frontier." "Oh.That seems simple enough."May said, looking closely at the map.
So, what do you think?
The newly formed trio walked along the stone pathway,looking at all the framed pictures and
trophies in the Battle Frointier's outdoor Hall of Fame.Since the Batle Frontier hadn't been up for a while,
most of the pictures were current,and ther were LOTS of them! Ash and May turned their heads every
which way,gazing at the champions of the Battle Frontier.Right now,they were looking at the pictures dated
back from when Scott first built the Battle Frontier,so they probably wouldn't know very many of the people.
"Wow,May.Look at all the trainers who defeated all seven Frontier Brains!I mean, there are so many of them!",
Ash exclaimed,tracing a gold plate with the name "Ace Kingsford"." Huh, I wonder who that is?"May said,questionley,staring in to the pictures navy blue eyes.
"Dunno.Could be anybody, seein' how popular this place is, an' all."Ash replied.
They were coming near the newer part of the Hall of Fame.Here, there was an arch over the
garden path, with vines and multicolored lilies weaved in and out of the openings in the arch.
Packs of Swablu chirped overhead as other people gazed around the Hall of Fame,
searching for someone they new. May was looking at the gold plate names when she abruptly stopped,making Ash stumble into her.
"Sry",she muttered,not looking at Ash.
"Pika pi chu?",Pikachu asked her, poking her leg."Ash, come look at this."May waved Ash over,still looking at the familiar faces picture. "Hey May,
what is i--""Look!",May pointed to the name on the gold plate
"Here's the laydown of the Battle Frontier's Second section.",Scott said,taking out his PokeNav.
Scott pressed a button in the middle. A holographic figure of a large island projected onto the table,and Scott pressed another button.
The figure became clearer,as Scott pulled out a flatter map and put it under the holographic figure.Pikachu peeked out from Ash's shoulder, and studied the map.
"Pika-chu pi?""Now I know it looks complex,but it's really quite simple."Scott explained,pointing to various points on the map.
"The Main Island holds the Registration Center,the main Pokemon Center and Poke Mart,the Grand Contest Hall
and the Hall of Fame."
"They have a Contest Hall there?",May squealed,taking Ash's hand.She blushed,and then put his hand back down.Ash looked at her and smiled."Yup.
For cordinators who have at least four contest ribbons.They have contests reguarly every other week."Scott said.
"Now I showed you the Main Island.Four different areas branch of the Main Island:
The Battle Dungeon,the Battle Labyrinth,the Battle Observatory,and the Battle Trench."
"Wow.These new areas seem totally different from the other ones.",Ash said,scratching Pikachu on the head.
"Yeah! They seem really cool! Could you tell us what their each like?"May asked,getting overly excited."Sure! I'd be glad to!"Scott replied,
happy to see that they wre excited.
"Now,the Battle Dungeoon is a little like the Pyramid.Try to make it to the top and find the Brain.But in this one,you're going down,
and you have to have a Pokemon that can guise tou through the dark chambers.Like a Fire-Type or a Pokemon that knows the HM Flash.But,
each level has tough high-level Pokemon to defeat and atleast 3 or more trainers each level.You can't catch any of the Pokemon in the dungeon,
but we do have a special Safair Zone just in case you do." "I thought their were only two Safari Zones;one in Fuchsia City in Kanto,
and one by Lilicove City in Hoenn"Ash said,confused."Well, some of the challengers wanted to catch Pokemon during their trip to thr Battle Frontier,
but thet couldn't necause their weren't any.So we asked the Safari Zone owners if we could put a Safari Zone facility in our new section of
the Battle Frontier." "Oh.That seems simple enough."May said, looking closely at the map.
So, what do you think?