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If an episode could be remade, which and why?

Midnight Blue

~Love Is Hard To Define~
Jul 17, 2009
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I've always wondered what it would be like if an episode got remade, like the first episode as an anniversary special.
I'd like that unaired New Year's Eve special to be remade and aired as a special, with most original Pokemon roles going to certain Generation V Pokemon. The episode would be titled:

おおみそうかだよ!ベストウィッシュ (It's New Year's Eve! Best Wishes)

I have a feeling that episode should be remade in response to the original EP040's not being aired.
Interesting topic.

I think if any episode were to be remade, it would be one of the most important episodes such as the previously mentioned first episode or the big win vs a rival like Shinji.

However from my biased side, I'd want the capture episode of Pachirisu to be remade, solely because I love the episode xD
LDEJRuff said:
I'd like that unaired New Year's Eve special to be remade and aired as a special, with most original Pokemon roles going to certain Generation V Pokemon.

Considering that all evidence points to the New Year Special just being a clip show covering the first year of the show, I wouldn't really see a point.
The Caterpie and Tobais episode needed to be changed seriously! Give that jerk regular Pokemon like everyone else please. Atleast it would have made me feel better.
I would probably like to see some of the worst or weaker Gym battles "redone" with better battles.

Like for example, a lot of Kanto's Gyms should have had proper battles. Some of the worst Johto ones like Whitney, the Tate/Liza match, all of Unova's, etc.
The Team Plasma two parter. I'm hoping we'll be able to see it, even if its only released on DVD.
DP092, the one in which Team Rocket say their old motto. Just because of the animation and because of the motto itself, they could have done a motto SO MUCH MORE epic than it was, due to both the animation and the pace of it (which also makes my complain music related). The animation was terrible for a moment which was supposed to be a gift the older audiences of Pokémon. And the way the music was presented could be much better, they would usually cut a part of the beginning of the usual TR motto music to make it cause more "impact", which they didn't for the episode. The motto was a forgettable one, which is a shame.
Movie animation of Ash vs. Paul would make me pretty happy. Especially with an even shinier ending sunset scene (where they'll add in the soothebells like they were supposed to? :D).

*cries deeply*
Movie animation of Ash vs. Paul would make me pretty happy. Especially with an even shinier ending sunset scene (where they'll add in the soothebells like they were supposed to? :D).

*cries deeply*

I definitely agree with that!

Also I would LOVE to see the King of Pokelantis episode remade (favorite episode ever). They should have made it a two part episode.
I definitely agree with that!

Also I would LOVE to see the King of Pokelantis episode remade (favorite episode ever). They should have made it a two part episode.
They should have made the Pokélantis plot a whole movie!
I would remake the well-named "Haunter vs Kadabra" episode, you know, the episode in which Haunter does not battle Kadabra in any way.

I'd make the episode so Haunter still chickens out the first time, resulting in Brock and Misty being made into dollar-store collectables. Ash sulks, feeling as he failed at controlling Haunter and so Misty and Brock paid for it. The mysterious man (who couldn't be in the slightest related to Sabrina at all) speaks with Ash for a while and gives some advice, and Ash tracks down Haunter, who he himself feels ashamed to be intimidated by Sabrina and her creepy loli self. The two go through a quick training homage, then they go in and Haunter triumphs over Kadabra. Sabrina breaks down from the defeat, and is about ready to steal Ash's soul, until Haunter decides to summon some courage and make her laugh. Misty and Brock are returned to normal, Ash gets his badge (as opposed to a pity badge which Misty defends him on in the original episode but then lashes out at him about it later on in the season), Haunter stays with Ash who he's known for a few days as opposed to staying with Sabrina who he only knew for a few minutes, Team Rocket get buried alive in cement, and everyone waves at sunset.
Also I would LOVE to see the King of Pokelantis episode remade (favorite episode ever). They should have made it a two part episode.

Oh, FFFFF. I could I forget about this?? I wouldn't mind a reprisal of that either, especially considering how much the voices have improved in the dub since then XD

Heck, Pokelantis: BW Version would be awesome. King of Pokelantis vs. Mask!Dento, anyone? :D
Ash vs Nando.....

The Team Rocket stuff was just completely unnecessary! Because the writers had to give Team Rocket like probably around 6 minutes of screen time, it REALLY hurt the battles. Plus Quilava should've gotten more screen time, AND a win. I mean the long awaited evolution was in vain when he ties with Armaldo AND gets probably 2 minutes of screen time taken away from him.
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The Sinnoh league needed to be at least 2 episodes longer. I am still pissed that Muk and Glalie returned for no reason. Why even bring them back if they didn't get a battle?
The Sinnoh league needed to be at least 2 episodes longer. I am still pissed that Muk and Glalie returned for no reason. Why even bring them back if they didn't get a battle?

Seeing Muk and Glalie battle would've been just awesome! Plus it would've been better if the 2nd round was ACTUALLY shown and we got to see Snorlax kick ass!
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
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